Dicks with SB rings on them.
Carolina played terrible-There d stepped up thou. Dallas could surprise everyone-they are hot at the moment.
Looks wise Brady is quite sexy.Manning looks like he is a bit imbred. Phil Rivers aint bad looking too.
Pats haven't won nothing since cheated thou....
No why? Lol I don't hate like the pats like some, I have respect for then actually
I also don't hate the Pats.
They are good to watch and Brady seems like a pretty good guy (much more than Manning who can be a bit of a dick at times).
Belichick is a tosser though.
Please, Peyton has one despite of him ( plus against Rex f**king grossman) and Eli has one thanks to the biggest bullshit catch in the history of the sport.
Brady has 3, and apart from 3 years has never had the weapons Peyton has had.
Yep, Brady is a team player, never throws anyone under the bus, stays with the pats for less then what he can make elsewhere
Manning is a dirt bag, living of a fake nice guy persona, you can see right through him. Blames everyone but himself when he has a bad game, including the scoreboard attendant like he did a few months ago, but people put shit in Brady???? Jealous
Actually, Eli has 2.
That was a bullshit catch though. Eli should have been sacked on that play anyway. Had about 6 hands on him and still got the ball away.
I couldn't believe when he did that.
How about when he got pissed off with the fans because they were making too much noise!
Eli has two.
And yes, that catch was awesome and so was the throw.
No I said once thanks to'....
I never acknowledged the other on she got
Ah, gotcha.
And speaking of bullshit awesome catches, now Eli's got someone to make him look better: