We are all getting reamed. Our whole weeks wage gets swallowed up just to go around again. People.have had enough
So true, but they(the majority) still don't know what exactly is going on because they are information poor. Which of course is the way the system is designed and the powers that be like it. Just try and explain some of this stuff to a friend or family member who isn't already awake. They look at you as an all out there conspiracy nut, which is everyone's favourite phrase just as the CIA all those years ago intended.
So all it takes is for someone in a authoritative media, corporate or Government position to argue disingenuously for the status quo and belittle the proper course of action and they get confused and throw their hands up and give up in frustration or even worse believe the jackals and then ridicule the few of us that have worked out the Ponzi scheme.
Unfortunately I fear we will never correct the course for Australia and we will eventually descend into the bankrupt State that the Globalist have been wanting since the start. That way as with all bankrupt and corrupt nations they can step in and just own everything and pillage with impunity without fearing an eventual awakening by the people.
Once you get to that stage, the people are to atomised and desperate fighting amongst themselves to just survive to ever assemble as a real threat to the powers that be. History shows us at this point even revolutions end up with worse outcomes then what was in place before. It's now or never. We either collectively wake up and demand change and unelect all of Parliament no matter which party holds which seats and only elect individuals or a new party that actually knows and promotes the real issues and solutions and also promises to bring in enforceable legislation that makes each and every politician and high ranking bureaucrat criminally accountable with long time prison sentences if found to be corrupt or working against the public that they have been put in place to support and protect.
Only with accountability can we ever get them to do their fiduciary duty and not fu*k us over like this again. Without it they fear no one and will just keep getting bought by the highest bidder, who is never the people.