It would seem to me that the concept of a premeditated cluster-f**k government is a stretch.
I found this commentary which is probably more real world with respect to "wrecking crew politics". There are parallels to the Trump term and also harps back to Howard and Abbott tenures with their privatisation and "cutting red tape".
Casting back to the early days of the conservative revolution, (Thomas) Frank describes the rise of a ruling coalition dedicated to dismantling government. But rather than cutting down the big government they claim to hate, conservatives have simply sold it off, deregulating some industries, defunding others, but always turning public policy into a private-sector bidding war.
It is no coincidence, Frank argues, that the same politicians who guffaw at the idea of effective government have installed a regime in which incompetence is the rule. Nor will the country easily shake off the consequences of deliberate misgovernment through the usual election remedies. Obsessed with achieving a lasting victory, conservatives have taken pains to enshrine the free market as the permanent creed of state.