U2 just came on the radio. I cringed and changed the station before I realised what I was doing.
Bono was interviewed talking about what a great guitarist The Edge is, and how he revolutionised guitar.
What a load of bollocks. As far as I'm concerned U2 is just another overhyped pop band. But for some reason people fawn over them. I just don't get it, and I don't imagine I ever will.
Any other suggestions for overrated bands?
Nevermind..As a Radiohead, Coldplay and Nirvana fan I am deeply offended by this thread.
I Liked this post.Many years ago there was a site where fans good try and predict the songs played by Bob Dylan, called Dylanpool.
The site admin banned the use of Phil Collins in any posting, if you did all you saw was P++++ C+++++.
I nominate Phil Collins as one of the most overrated singers and that is putting in mildly.
True then they became caricatures of themselves with The Joshua TreeBoy and War were decent albums.
The rest is tripe...
I caught linkin park a few years ago at soundwave. I thought I only knew one of their songs. Turns out I actually knew about 6, but I had thought they were the same song.agreed with foo fighters, seen them twice live (only went for the opening bands) and both time I got bored, sounded like the same handful of songs played on repeat for three hours.
SacrilegeAll you Aussies are probably going to hate me buuuuuut AC/DC. Jesus christ I don't know how the duped the world into thinking they're good