Ads ... ads ... ads, dont you go worrying about Craig, you should start worrying about Sophia and her dearly departed demented sugar daddy. His kids arn't happy about the will.
Oh and did you read about the leader of the ACT libs today... fraudulently claiming staff wages .... oh I guess you have not read or heard about that.
Just Craig.
Oh and don't forget the serving Liberal Senator that was charged
AND FOUND GUILTY BY A COURT OF LAW with theft and assault. You know that the Fibs paid her very expensive legal fees... oh and Craig,
I am sorry that the Labor mob didnt drag that dopey bitch through the mud, but they are too honourable.
Anyhow keep believing ... No No says No No.
Wasn't the democratically elected Prime Minister Gillard going to be deposed of how many times now.... shes gone, january, february, march, april, may, and every day of the year .
shes a real calendar girl
Yeah, yeah the Meejahs ina whirl
they love, they love my calendar girl
ev'ry day, ev'ry day of the year
Rupes and the NBN, Big Tobaccie and plain packaging, Gina and Clive.... and the Mining gang, and dont forget the Pokie reforms ( in May)
They all love, they all love my Calendar Girl, ev'ryday ev'ryday of the year.
Just imagine... the nationwide NBN, falling newspaper circulation, falling newspaper advertising, NEWS ONLINE FOR ALL.... free choice of finding your own source of NEWS.
Evryday Ev'ryday of the Year....
Quick Ads look in the Rear Vision Mirror, is that Little Johnny Howard and 2007.
Oh and another big piece of Legislation Just passed .. something about Private Health Insurance Rebates. Hmmmmmmmmm I think Tone said No on that one.
In your Guts you know his Nuts.