The caravans moved on Spide. The meeja might not of and the Noalition is still waving back to 2007.
I guess time will tell. I kind of remember that the democratically elected Prime Minister Gillard was going to get the boot from office, sheezzzz gone, she will be knifed... she will.. what was it again.
within three months of the election, by march, by easter, next month, by November, they have the numbers and will move by December, hang on Christmas, wait its january, february, march ............... and that was only last year.
Yeppers that meeja has been right on the ball.
Next election is 18months away. 18 long months for some. I love it.
Oh... and Prime Minister Gillard .... I think I read they (inside source, not named, reliable, former staffer,) are counting the numbers.
You may as well read New Idea they have better insiders, former staffers etc.
Get the popcorn ready... the Private Insurance Act will be passed soon.
You can watch the vote live Here...... starts at 9am.
Whats that you ask, how many pieces of legislation passed by this do nothing Guvment. Some mighty big reforms. Great hey?
And 18 more months of it....... got to love that. The Big end of town love it too