Hey DS, have you been down your local school lately. Plenty of new buildings that the kids and the staff are really proud of.
My kids kids all go to schools in Rocky some 44k from me. They all have new buildings etc. Ive been to our local new school multi purpose school auditorium (with new canteen) many times since it opened.
To see all the smiling Tories and Rednecks enjoying the building brings a smile to my dial. They seem to think the Ed-u-ma-kation body had a lot to do with it. Moi -I just laugh, because they wouldn't believe that the do nuffin' Guvment could be responsible for it.
I know also for a fact that it kept a local builder and his sons gamefully employed during a thingy that was sending the rest of the world broke.
But hey, I can only guess that our local school was lucky to get one of those new building thingies.
Oh and before the new building 'arrived' all school gatherings were held outside under shade cloth.
Those bloody roof thingies that the guv'ment killed all those workers and burnt everyones houses down. Wouldn't have munch to do with bad work practices and shonkey installers too. Noticed that a few have been heavily fined now and some might of been gaoled via coroners inquests.
Anyhow keep the Menzies House lines going.
Pssst if you are interested dig up some figures, I think it was from "Choice" they did a survey of house fires before and during the house installation time. Apparently there was no major increases in the number of house fires during both periods. But lets not let some stats get in the way of a media circus / sideshow.
Oh you crack me up Quigs!
Labor till you die eh?
You obviously don't mind half a billion dollars of tax payers money put up in smoke?
Oh and why did we have shonky installers Quigs?
Because the Government didn't have the right set up in the program to screen them out. Because the Government is incompetent and can't set anything up without cocking it up!
Oh I hope you enjoy the new assembly hall for your kids.
It probably cost 1 million dollars to build but could have cost $250,000 if the program wasn't cocked up. Oh and there was the Schools who wanted an assembly hall but got a second library instead. Oh but a building is a building eh?
All that wasted money and there's still bloody Schools without air conditioning. What a hopeless program it was. But hey why should the Government be worried it's not their money. And if they run out of money they'll just borrow some more.
What about the set top box fiasco?
The government is spending $700 to put in a set top box on old tellies when the bloody thing only costs $25 to $30 bucks. $670 for the installer eh? Nice little earn. Bet they wish they had those profit margins all the time. Then there is the poor buggers who have these clowns install their set top boxes but disconnect everything else and don't put all the cables back. When asked why they haven't done it. The poor pensioner gets told we are only paid to connect your set top box. Then the poor buggers have to ring another installer not hired by the Government to put back all the cables back so they can watch their telly.
I could go Quigs there are so many Labor Party c**k ups to mention. It really is the most disastrous Government in the history of Australia. And that is saying something when it beats Whitlam.
Oh and Australia will save the world from global warming by having a Carbon Tax.... :crazy:
What did President Obama say.... "It's a bold strategy"
He was being polite.
What he really meant was I didn't think you Aussies could be so gullible.
Hope JuLIAR retains her job on Monday.
I look forward in seeing her campaign against the Liberal Party.
If I am elected I will............. Response: :lol:
I won't change.......... Response: :lol: