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Ot- qantas

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Spide .......... You're so John Howard. Look out your window it is 2012.

And Whyalla is still there too!

(boy o'boy I bet you Reefy and the IPA are chomping at the bit - I miss his stats)


Spide here is one for your good self and all the other Tory bastards who are all so Johnny Howard-ish.

Some 12 -13 years ago I undertook a Graphic Design Course - sort or undertook to re-edumakate meself.

Sort of took a liking to a bit of flash animation... photoshopping and web stuff.

Decided I would have a little amatuer play with animation...self taught stuff whilst at the course.

Here for the very first time I let forumers see my first ever attempt at animation. (12 years ago mind you)

May I suggest you notice the seagulls and farkennnn Peter Farkennnn Reith

Ship of Fools -

by Quigs. enjoy the ride.

Lets just say my feelings are not fly by night ones
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Whats your call for the big vote tomorrow Spide.

Moi, Kevvie will get about 24. Prime Minister Gillard 78


Spide just got the word on the latest newspoll. This is the special poll that News Ltd arranged hurriedly during these exciting times.

Hmmmmmm very interesting. I was expecting some really bad news. BUT ...............

The good guys vote is up

#Newspoll 2 Party Preferred: ALP 47 (+2) L/NP 53 (-2) #auspol

spoll Primary Votes: ALP 35 (+3) L/NP 45 (-1) #auspol

The bad news is Prime Minister Gillards Preferred PM has crashed badly (not good), but the good news is she is only 2 points below the Rabbott.

Julia gets a big boost tomorrow, and Tone NoNo gets what .... hmmmmmm

Do you smell a LIB-SPILL. You remember that Tone NoNo only won his selection BY ONE VOTE from Big Mal. Hmmmmmm

And we should know by tomorrow how munch the party is behind Prime Minister Gillard.


Spide I hear from Camp Tory that there are a few firing up the blowtorches.

Can yuh feel the heat baby.

I hope he stays really I do. Tone NoNo is Labs best weapon.

Slip in the mouthguard, tape back the ears, another 18months and I'm fired up already. As the late great Big Kev would of said, "I'mmmmmm excited."

Pass the popcorn dammmmm it.


Show you that I am just not making all this up Spide, here is the Newspoll bloke announcing the special you beaut made to order News Limited announcement.

Here is a video of Newspoll CEO Martin O’Shannessy discussing the results:


Farkkk Tones dropped heaps. For us now its clean air and spinnakers.
Tomorrows vote is for second place.

The ammunition the Libs have from this sorry affair is priceless.

Oh the quotes, the quotes the quotes!!!


Oh and there are a few other points the Libs might want to press on as well.

Top 50 Labor Reforms or A Socialist Contribution to Growing Lemons (All within the last 4 years)


The Top 50 Labor Lemon Souffle– so far!!

1.. Carbon Tax – “There will be no carbon tax under the Government I lead.”

2.. National(ised) Broadband Network – $50 billion but no cost-benefit analysis

3.. Building the Education Revolution – The school halls fiasco - are any children better educated?

4.. Home Insulation Plan (Pink Batts) – Dumped after deaths and injuries

5. Citizens Assembly – Dumped

6.. Cash for Clunkers – Dumped

7.. Hospital Reform – Nothing

8.. Digital set-top boxes – Cheaper at Harvey Norman and now going obsolete

9.. Emissions Trading Scheme – Abandoned

10. Mining Tax – Continuing uncertainty for our miners

11. Livestock export ban to Indonesia – A massive over-reaction that decimated the cattle industry and transport industry in Northern Australia

12. Detention Centres – Riots & massive cost blow-outs

13. East Timor ‘solution’ – Announced before agreed

14. Malaysia ‘solution’ – Scrapped because Malaysia not a signatory to UN Human Rights Charter

15. Manus Island ‘solution’ – On the backburner

16.. Computers in Schools – $1.4 billion blow out; less than half delivered

17. Cutting Red Tape – 12,835 new regulations, only 58 repealed

18. Asia Pacific Community – Another expensive Rudd frolic. Going nowhere

19. Green Loans Program – Abandoned. Only 3.5% of promised loans delivered

20. Solar Homes & Communities plan – Shut down after $534 million blow out

21. Green Car Innovation Fund – Abandoned

22. Solar Credits Scheme – Scaled back

23. Green Start Program – Scrapped

24. Retooling for Climate Change Program – Abolished

25. Childcare Centres – Abandoned. 260 promised, only 38 delivered

26. Take a “meat axe”’ to the Public Service – 24,000 more public servantsadded

27. Murray Darling Basin Plan – back to the drawing board

28. 2020 Summit – Meaningless talkfest

29. Tax Summit – Deferred and downgraded

30. Population Policy – Sets no targets

31. Fuel Watch – Abandoned

32. Grocery Watch – Abandoned

33. $900 Stimulus cheques – Sent to dead people and overseas residents. The majority spent on flat screen TV's and fast food. The resulting huge deficit is alleged to have saved us from the GFC. Now claim their response to GFC Mark 2 will be to get the budget back into surplus!

34. Foreign Policy – In turmoil with Kevin (747) Rudd running riot flying around the world spending more than the US Secretary of State

35. National Schools Solar Program – Closing two years early

36. Solar Hot Water Rebate – Abandoned

37. Oceanic Viking – Caved in

38. GP Super Clinics – 64 promised, only 11 operational

39. Defence Family Healthcare Clinics – 12 promised, none delivered

40. Trade Training Centres – 2650 promised, 70 operational

41. Bid for UN Security Council seat – An expensive Rudd frolic

42.. My School Website – Revamped but problems continue

43. National Curriculum – States in uproar

44. Small Business Superannuation Clearing House – 99% of small businesses reject it

45. Indigenous Housing Program – way behind schedule

46. Rudd Bank – Went nowhere

47. Using cheap Chinese fabrics for Defence uniforms – Ditched

48. Innovation Ambassadors Program – junked

49. Six Submarines – none operational

50. Debt limit to be increased to $250 billion and rising – to pay for all of this and much more


Wow DS have you been raiding Ray Hadley or Alan Jones notes. Or did you find Menzies House.

You ought to get a group of tired old people together and form a truck convoy or something.... stir the troups to action. Get into all the Bingo Halls and CWA's. We've got to stop these communists.

You sound a little worried there my friend, don't be to hot under the collar, remember it is only 18 months to the next erection.

Can you hear the drums fernando... the beat is getting a little it louder. Be quiet and just listen for them. Yes the unhinging is beginning for Tone NoNo and the Fibs. The masses might just start wanting to hear some ummmmm arhhhh ummmmm yeah okay ummmm answers.

Me I just point to the streets of London, Spain and New York. And then point to the streets of Melbourne, Sydney and Brissie. Thats the choice we have.

If we get Tone NoNo and the Noalition we get London streets.

You think I am joking, see what Farry OBarrell has done to the NSW Firies, Nurses, teachers, Ambos and Coppers. (see the future)

Have a look at what Big Teds doing to the nurses in Vic. (see the future)

Now I will confess things arn't great in the Sunshine state, but Can't Do will get them out in the streets too.

(Gee I can just see Reefy Elford right now)

And how does Sloppy Joe say he is going to fix things up... 1st call is to sack 12,000 workers in the ACT. That'll fix the black hole thingy they have. Tones first answer is - well ummmm it's arrrrrhh well we have ummmmm yeah we have arrrhhh Andrew and Joe ummmmmm will release that ummmmmmmmm in due time.

Now I know you want to say it? Just take a deep breath and say

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Quigs, why are your views hypocritical in the sense that you now sprout the very sources that you have lambasted all along?

So you sleep sound tonight -

* I have ample supply of popcorn
* I'm easy on whoever leads the liberal party, akin to who skippers the Aussie league team for mine ( I follow the team, not the skipper)
* I hope red rolls Rudd tomorrow - as do the Libs
* the Australian Liars Party deserve big red, she will hopefully lead you to the next election
* one day I hope our taxes are used to torpedo illegal boats instead of housing and feeding them


What's that colour on your neck Spide, are you sunburnt?

The democratically elected Prime Minister Gillard will romp it in tomorrow. As one of my new best blogging friends just posted...

(mate you got to love this - wish Reefy was here toread it too)

If Kevvie gets up tomorrow it’ll be the biggest surprise since Hitler won WWII.

I reckon slimeball twofaced Morrison will be getting some speeches ready and updating his CV. Might be a job vacancy soon.

I've heard that Boats Morrison has been walking up and down the Mall humming "In your Guts you know he's nuts"

Pass the popcorn will yuh..... no, the stuff without the butter..... thanks.

Drag Slayer wanted to know if you could hear the drums too.


Quigs, why are your views hypocritical in the sense that you now sprout the very sources that you have lambasted all along?

This Newsy Poll thingy was rushed through to be released early / prior to the spill to (allegedly) guage the opinion of the Punters. Those balanced "Australian" meeja folk engaged the services of Newspoll.

Luckily for them Humble Old Rupes is overseas plugging a few legal loopholes.

The whisper is, they are not happy with the results.
Psssst either is Tone NoNo.

Farkkkkk I am laughing.


I'm laughing more, but not at the polls - I'm laughing at the craftsmanship you move the goal posts with, and yet you still avoided the question

You're good, but I see what you do.



With about a third of the 103-strong Labor caucus expected to send her a vote of no confidence, backers of Mr Rudd insisted he could be drafted into a second tilt at the job later in the year.

But senior Right sources said there would be no winner from today's showdown and it was unlikely either Ms Gillard or Mr Rudd would lead Labor to the next election.
Go Juliar

You'd be all over this quigsy!



Morning Spide, it's a beautiful day thats for sure.

Too early for popcorn, and I'll pass on the Telecrap.

This is the one you will want to get on 12md (qld time) The House of Reps... streamed live CLICK HERE

Let me know if you cant watch it and I will keep you updated.

You can watch The Speaker of the House, The Hon Mr Slipper boat scootin' the Fibs out the door.

I predict he will bounce at least four during question time. Now thats a show you shouldnt miss today.


Spide did you watch Question Time in the House of Reps.

Farkkkkk it was good. You know how the wingnut Tone said that because Labor had snuck Mr Slipper into the Speakers chair (it had nuffin to do with Rabbott f**king up and not being able to control his qld mob) well Tone NoNo reckons that Slipper is now the Labs problem, not his.

Well good old Slipper put the boot into four fibs and 1 lab today. Also shut down Bishop and had a ball doing it. Poor old Abbott was shaking, and Pyne was near tears.

Slipper laid down the ground rules early and as the whinging Fibs crossed the line, "Powwww right in the kisser" It was out the door with you.

Gawdddd it was sooooo funny.

Really stopped the Rabbott and Co farting in Church.

Got anymore Popcorn left.

Oh and it was brought up in the Parliament about Rabbott winning by a margin of one lousey vote. And Tone NoNo better watch his back. Funny to that after this mornings caucus vote a lot of the meeja were now openly discussing the Fibs leadership.

More Popcorn.
slipper is a real stand upo guy when he isnt stumbling around all over the place.....

anywa. chief fanta pants wins the vote by 2-1

why did rudd bother?
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