hmmm sounds like a lack of gym ettiquette
What I find irritating more than intimidating in my gym, I guess its at every gym is the alpha males or blokes hogging the equipment cause they think they are king sh*t and can just take their time whilst socializing with like minded baffoons
I dont talk to these wankers, Avoid them like the plague. I do my own routine and most occassions just laugh inside myself at what I see. For example I see blokes taking well over 30min to do 3 sets of one exercise. Or blokes lifting weight very incorrectly all in the name of lifting a lot of weight to obviously show off (no, they aint powerlifters). This is the one that takes the cake, The bloke who HAS to slam or throw his weights down after EVERY set, then after every set paces around, pervs at himself in the mirror, then looks around the gym to make sure people are looking at him. Total git
There is one such poser, he is quite well built up top. However I have never, I mean never seen him wear a pair of shorts. Always in tracksuit bottoms, even in hot weather. He is one of the most aggressive and inconsiderate members in the gym. Im really tempted to call him "shorts" when I want to use equipment he has been hogging for the last 40 min.
Though, speaking now from a more educated and experienced perspective; this barrier of Gym Intimidation is easily defeated, and greatly misunderstood by the beginner(s) of the Gym/Exercise world. It is a psychological battle with yourself that you must overcome to be a happy participant in the Gym, and to be-able to focus on yourself and your own goals........
Probably the most confusing misperception of the Gym setting in my mind, is a person claiming that they are not in shape enough or not big enough or too overweight for the Gym. Think about this for just one moment. Your local Gyms have been created, designed and purpose built to assist regular members of the community in developing a healthy body, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, if you are out of shape, too thin, very weak, or overweight then you are the people the gym was designed for........
While there are often many very well built, well toned, and athletic people in the Gym; these conditioned persons are maintaining what they have achieved, or possibly altering their body composition for a competitive purpose (sport, body building, modeling). However, the people who fit in the most are the unfit people!.........
Gym Intimidation is predominantly a mental battle with yourself; and is one that you can defeat with some ease. Be sure to recruit some of the confidence-building methods Ive suggested here; however the most important message for you to acknowledge, is that _-you are-_ able to work-out in a Gym setting; _-you are-_ accepted, respected and encouraged to be in the Gym setting; and _-you can-_ do it!
Yes. Such as a middle-aged (50 yo) man lifting weights and squatting in lycra shorts - (no gym shorts over them)..... what a filthy man! ... put it away for goodness sake!!!!!!!
And isn't that what a gym really should be for after all?for me the 'great outdoors' doesn't exactly help me build muscle and bulk up
I just saw the saddest thing this evening.
While running along Wanda beach-the sun beating down(still with a little bite to it but not too much),kids laughing in the waves,The cool water lapping at my feet.
Looked up to see,in the old surf club digs... some poor bastards on the treadmill!Seemed just a bit odd to me .
Wouldn't it be around the other way Parraboy;-)( and I think some 'non- bandwagoner' types already do :lollol
I dont find it sad or odd at all
During the warmer months, Ill' often go down to my local beach early in the morning for either a dip or jog. The bonus here is no nuisance, err I mean no laughing kids about getting in your road, after all it is school holidays. 4-5 times a week Ill head to the gym in the arvo and either do some cardio or a weights session, even though there is not a cloud in the sky.
Some people just prefer to exercise in the gym for a variety of reasons. Sure for those people not doing serious weights they can do things for free at home or in the outdoors. But are we also going to call people sad when attending footy games live when its all on free to air tv? :?
What I find sad is the type of people who regularly frequent McDonalds and KFC. Sadder still is those that develop serious illnesses due to years of inactivity and junk food.
Wouldn't it be around the other way Parraboy;-)( and I think some 'non- bandwagoner' types already do :lolI was referring to the open air where fitness is more fun than obsession.
Good for you that the gym is so important to your fitness regime.
It is not important in mine.
Oh no nuisances ehhh?
So long as all the 50 yr olds steer clear.
I go to the university gym in Newcastle.
A fair few built guys, but all friendly and don't hog the equipment. When I go (6am) it isn't too busy either.
also, wall-to-wall eye candy.
all in all, A++
yep the gym def makes it easier to bulk up but for guys doing strongman workouts they flip heavy tyres,lift heavy sandbags and throw em down,lift odd shaped rocks,sledge hammer tyres,.all outdoor stufffor me the 'great outdoors' doesn't exactly help me build muscle and bulk up
Exactly, the great outdoors > gym$ and gym member$hip$, any day of the week.