Greatbach was saying (jokingly) that he was going to have a chat to him re something he said in his book. Smith chimed in saying he wouldn't waste his time with him and that 'it must be nice being perfect'. Quite an unguarded moment
p.83 of his book (which is a good read) - very brief, but essentially he accused Smith of cheating - claiming a catch on the bounce off Matthews "after he'd quite obviously been caught on the first bounce by the Kiwi keeper, Ian Smith" - only mention of Smith in the book
He had a fair crack at Greatbatch, suggesting he had a chip on both shoulders, essentially because he got under his skin on the field - :lol: oh the irony. Greatbatch only half joking, Waugh put him up with Rantatunga on the dislike list...
I am back in the Mills camp, I'd go Mills, Southee and Boult in the first game, two new balls, means they'll all get a fair crack - I like Mills and Vetorri for their experience