Makes me cranky that the National Trust object to the development because it would be viewed from the front steps of Old Government House. What about the towers to the east FFS !

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You are exactly right.
This is just another example of a bunch of old farts that are still dirty that Parramatta Leagues Club still stands on Parramatta Park Trust lands.
It is ridiculous that a development can possibly be rejected because it can be sighted from an historical building.
If this was proposed for the vacant site across the road from the stadium on the corner of O'Connell st and Victoria rd (adjacent to the cathedral and across the rd from Our Lady of Mercy College - another beautiful old building), the National Trust and the Parramatta Park Trust wouldn't get a say.
That site has been taken over by the NSW State Govt as a construction compound for the Parramatta Light rail and no doubt will be developed upon completion of the Light Rail.
The fact that the hotel is on Park Trust lands gives them a say.
This hotel proposal will look less obtrusive from Old Govt House than the 176 meter tall Meriton Apartments that are also visible from the old building. Not to mention the 5+ x 200 metre tall towers that are currently under construction or will be erected in Parra in the next 3 years. Word has it that 2 x 80 story towers are just about to be announced as part of the Powerhouse Museum relocation - both about 240 metres tall. All of these are far more visible from Old Govt House than the Eels hotel would be.
As for the bats (flying foxes), FFS!!! They survived the construction of the stadium, and are thriving. I drove through the Park dozens of times to view the construction of the stadium, and every time I drove past, there they were in all their happy glory, where they have been for decades. If anything the colony has grown larger throughout the years and is now at it's healthiest it has ever been.
The town planners/council/state govt really need to tell these people to f**k off. Nicely.
This the same as the Friends of Parramatta Pool, all 80 of them who objected to its removal for the stadium construction. They are going to get a better pool than they ever had in a few years, and the whole community will be better for it. Nothing of the rest of Parramatta Park is being touched. The land that the hotel will be built on is a car park at the moment under the control of the leagues club.
Anyway, I'd love these people to explain to me why the 19 story (about 70 metres tall) hotel at the leagues club, is more detrimental to the view from the front steps of Old Govt House, then these developments either complete, under construction, or proposed.
This one is right beside the Lennox Bridge....
As are these two (completed)......