Actually ping is waaaay more nerdy than tag.
Ping goes back to c:\ command prompt stuff. Way back to Windows 95 or earlier. Super Geeks will be able to confirm.
View attachment 9503
Ping might be nerdier but it doesn't really relate to tagging someone in a publicly available message board such as this (or facebook or twitter , etc.)
Ping in the context of your post is a network command used to check the availability of another computer/server, not a person.
Tagging on the other hand is used to link someone (or something) to a post or tweet or whatever. Sure, tagging someone in a post sends them an alert that they have been tagged but it isn't the same as pinging them.
Nerdy enough?
The ping utility was written in December 1983 as a tool to troubleshoot problems in an
IP network. The author named it after the sound that
sonar makes, since its methodology is analogous to sonar's echo location.