As someone who tries (ussually unsuccesfully ) to find a meaning /purpose in lifes "lessons " I guess I do see a common thread here in that all of us have some close personal experience of effects of suicide and most have faced at least some points of darkness where they have considered and rejected the finality of that solution and the trauma it leaves behind.
The Captain of my highschool in 6th form , commited suicide . He was looked up to , respected , admired ,liked ,even loved by his classmates (Even those of us who didnt particularly like the footballers( or to be honest were a bit jealous,) Liked him . He had had some setbacks , lost a big football game, broke up with girlfriend , etc but still came as HUGE shock! I always think of him when I hear Billy joel song , "second wind".
His Ex girlfriend, was a sparkling personality ,likeable ,intelligent ,attractive , and at the time I had no idea of what the effect might be on her and her life, but have thought about it since. What wise words are there to say about that ? I dont have any idea!
Anyway , If there's any conclusions , any meaning , All I can sum up is , lifes short, You will die soon anyway so if the dark thoughts seem overwhelming try to remember that there really are people that love and appreciate you and need you. You CAN get through it Those left behind ? Depression is a real debilitating disease .It can shut down the normal human emotions of hope, determination, empathy ,self love and respect , to only focus on the negative . Try and keep the lines of communication open .They are special people as are you , Thats why they chose you. Treasure the time you have with them.
The meaning Of it all ? I don't know, but I've seen here a lot of reflection and good side of human caring and kindness. Some from people I would not necessarily have expected. Its certainly made me stop and think.