Sad thing is he's not wrong in anything he said. Players are just too dumb to understand the big picture.
Kent's argument boils down to 2 arguments.
1) The media aren't doing anything wrong, its all the players fault
2) If called out on point 1, fall back to declaring that the media is not going to change, so players have to. Again, all players fault
He is a cretin, and spends all time he gets on camera laying the boot into somebody. The players last night both said that its ridiculous that we are still talking about it a week later, which is true. Kent tried to claim that the media don't focus on negative stories... yet for some reason Darius Boyd telling a journo to piss off has garnered as much media space as the entire Rise For Alex campaign.
look, last night kent went on about how the NRL did a survey on how many negative articles were published about the game a few years back and the result was that 97% were positive. so in effect, we focus on the 3% that are negative because they make news etc.
yeah sure, some players are boofheads and do the wrong thing. probably about 3% of them in fact. 3% of 400 players in the NRL is 12, so yeah, about a dozen idiots. and you're focusing on them as well. and so is kent.
most players do the right thing, give the interviews, offer themselves to the media when asked, respond to people on twitter or facebook and whatever else. and then there are some idiots as well.
the point is and was, that it's been 6 days since the darius interview and that merkin is still going on about it, writing his articles to pump up his tv numbers. f**k him off.
What people don't seem to get is the media prefers when Darius the tongue-tied does what he does. It's much better copy for them to follow a drunk bogan or a semi-literate mute around than to interview someone who can speak positively for the game. They then get to run yet another 'code in crisis' story AND claim that they're - the media - is being hard done by.
The media would prefer the league was full of Carneys because it gives them column inches and it bolsters the narrative they've created that RL is a game played and appreciated by degenerates. They want freaks front and centre so they can continue to paint us as a freak show. That's why they camp outside the Bulldogs Mad Monday camp, uninvited (in fact asked to leave), because they know that eventually a drunken football player is going to do something they can feign outrage over and propagate the fake outrage to their readership or viewers.
So Darius could have given them less ammo but don't for a minute think that people like Kent are actually offended by Darius's unwillingness to give a door-stop. The likes of Kent play their violins - "oh won't the players ever understaaand" but inside they are loving it because it gives them the content they actually want.
ps the 97% thing, what shit is this. This has to include match previews and reviews. If it comes to featured columnists giving opinions about the game, the players and its culture I think the figures can safely be reversed.
I thought Robbie was embarrasing last night, he is such a sook sometimes. The reporter hardly bombarded Darius with questions, she asked one question and the idiot flipped out.
Kent is a shit merkin as well when he starts ranting i just wanna punch him but he was right last night imo.
You still don't get it.
What Darius and players like him do is irrelevant to fans like us. We are rusted on to RL, but what they do or don't do DOES reflect on the game either positively or negatively to all the rest of the people who are yet to be convinced that RL is a great sport to be associated with and follow or let your kid play.
Why is it that the negative stories influence public opinion? Could it be that they are the ones always splashed over the front and back pages of the Telegraph?But that is kent's point. The vast majority of RL stories are positive but the negative ones are the ones that influence the publics opinion the most. Don't fuel the fire with dumb ass behaviour and the media will have nothing to feed on. There would have been no boyd story, no week long discussion, no taking away from the rise for Alex story IF Boyd had been polite and not been a nob.
Kent just makes that shit up
the DT would be 97% negative
I didnt think the woman was rude, I think its the frustration of the players not liking reporters sticking their mic and asking unexpected questions. But she's a reporter, thats her job.
However, Id like to know what figures Kent is referring to, either the whole media which includes TV, newspapers, internet or just papers.
Why is it that the negative stories influence public opinion? Could it be that they are the ones always splashed over the front and back pages of the Telegraph?