I agree King, we all ahave to wonder and I weighed up the bloke who told me, in the manner he did and in the context, and considering the person peach head the news that he was linked to the coast from was named, I believe the story and believe the person telling me 100% , he has never lied before to me about this kind of thing and has always given me the 100% correct story long before the papers and things tell otherwise.
Yes, liike i said you always must question sources, and I don t back away from that, you can only pay what heed you wish to info and stories like this, Im just saying that I reckon it's spot on, not going to ram it down anyones throat at all and I didn't get stuck into reefy for getting it wrong either, just asksed some questions and pointed out some weird things if what he says is true, ie, the player didnt know about it !
Yes, liike i said you always must question sources, and I don t back away from that, you can only pay what heed you wish to info and stories like this, Im just saying that I reckon it's spot on, not going to ram it down anyones throat at all and I didn't get stuck into reefy for getting it wrong either, just asksed some questions and pointed out some weird things if what he says is true, ie, the player didnt know about it !