Shit 'journalists'
That hag hosting ACA
Melissa Doyle
Dumb f**k telstra staff who post goods to me without a postal address.
The dumb merkins who figure out timetables for public transport. They have a bus waiting at my train station for 15 mins for passengers. No trains arrive in this time. The bus is scheduled to leave before 2 trains, 5 mins apart, arrive at the station. They all have to wait 30 mins for the next bus.
Stupid merkins who get to the end of an escalator at a train station & then stop to look at the screens to see when the trains are coming.
Dumb pricks who take the single file steps up to the concourse instead of using either of the only 2 escalators on the platform, both of which are going in the same direction - up to the concourse.
Stupid morons
Karl Stefanovic - my cats litter tray has a better personality & is more amusing.
Danny Weidler
Daily Telegraph
Charlotte Dawson
Quade Cooper
Tim Sheens
Tim Sheens
Tim Sheens
Stephen Humphries
Tim Sheens
Adam Blair
Tim Moltzen
Adam Blair
Tim Sheens
X factor
The voice
Any other reality tv show
Altiyan Childs
Guy Sebastian
That talentless irish hack on x factor
Mark Baretta
The dumb f**k sports newsreader on Today
Michael Slater
Sam Newman
Paul Vautin
I'll add more later