We’ll see what happens ….neither you nor I have any reason to be saying anything with certainty considering negotiations have not yet begun…. I’m very optimistic though ….. not having to negotiate with News Ltd is a major plus for the NRL this time given Rupert Murdoch’s negative influence previously….
Yeah I am waiting to see the setup before commenting on figures.
I have said many times our last deal was good because it gave the money to expand
AFL's looks good on paper but given TV was given Magic rounds last deal and Stadium upgrades were included. When broken down isn't that outstanding.
For NRL. Season starts too early and if they can do something with Origin and add more tests that is better than potentially maximising tv $ and stay as we are now.
As for Fox moving forward, again that is a wait and see. As to how it looks, Foxtel set top boxes subsidies Kayo.
DAZN until now has shown no interest in that side of it. Also binge, Foxtel go, Kayo and DAZN all streamers seems too much wastage.
So when that is clearer mid season will help to discuss