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Peter Wallace


Wallace shouldnt be a half back.

he had a better game on friday, but not hard when your standards are terrible.

still did a lot of stupid things though, still appears very lost in attack.

Mr Fourex

As for how other people see Wallace, you haven't been paying attention. I've seen regular mentions of Wallace as being a solid HB in the NRL threads, and some come here and praise him, just last week, we had a Titans fan rating him the best in the game for example...

Don't believe those Titans fans.....they're clueless. :lol:


Wallace sucks balls right now. Besides some late form found at the end of the 2009 season he really hasn't done much. Wallace look real good when we still had Wayne then went down hill.

If Wayne comes home he'll sort him out. As for 2011 lets just hope he doesn't stuff up too badly.


First Grade
This Wallace bashing is monotonous.

Let's just cover a few facts that many conveniently overlook:

1. Wallace was good enough halfback to be chosen for NSW at one stage (OK I'm a Queensland supporter and know that's not a great wrap, but he was considered in the upper echelon of halfbacks in the game at one stage).
2. He was chosen for NSW when he was surrounded by more experienced players, including having a backline which included Hodges (regularly) and Hunt.
3. For the past two years, the Broncos have fielded the most inexperienced team in the league (this is official, not just my own observation), including the youngest backline excluding Lockyer of course
4. The former-CEO of the Broncos broke down and cried when talking about Wallace's courage last year, when he really shouldn't have played at all due to a shoulder injury,and has played just four games after shoulder surgery.
5. The Broncos backline this year is still inexperienced, with the average age around 19-20 years old.
6. Broncos fans can be the most spoiled in the league, and still think every halfback should be equal to or better than Alfie.
7. As a halfback, the change in coaches (just before the season started) would have affected Wallace more than any other member of the team as he adjusts to the coaches new preferences in attack.

So all you geniuses who continue to bag the halfback of a winning team ... I really find your arguments as fingers on the the chalk board. Imagine your griping if we were losing!

Mr Fourex

This Wallace bashing is monotonous.

Let's just cover a few facts that many conveniently overlook:

1. Wallace was good enough halfback to be chosen for NSW at one stage (OK I'm a Queensland supporter and know that's not a great wrap, but he was considered in the upper echelon of halfbacks in the game at one stage).

For a very brief moment ........"at one stage" ...... he was rated good enough to steer NSW around

for three losses and one win

2. He was chosen for NSW when he was surrounded by more experienced players, including having a backline which included Hodges (regularly) and Hunt.

Wallace peaked ...... for the 1st part of 08 and then got injured & in 09 got selected for NSW on his previous years form . IMHO he never recovered from his "busted nut" injury in 08 and even though he was still surrounded by better and more experienced players at Brisbane, he was average at best.

Hodges & co performed despite him ........not because of him
. They certainly weren't scoring points on the back of Wallace's ability. He settled into what he has now become

.........a catch and pass link man.

Which is OK for another team. I want my team, the Brisbane Broncos, to strive for better than that when filling what is close to the most important position on the field.

3. For the past two years, the Broncos have fielded the most inexperienced team in the league (this is official, not just my own observation), including the youngest backline excluding Lockyer of course

And exactly the reason Wallace cops a lot of his criticism. His inability to take charge of a young backline in the absence of Darren Lockyer

4. The former-CEO of the Broncos broke down and cried when talking about Wallace's courage last year, when he really shouldn't have played at all due to a shoulder injury,and has played just four games after shoulder surgery.

Bruno Cullen was/is a goose

5. The Broncos backline this year is still inexperienced, with the average age around 19-20 years old.

and STILL their halfback, who made his 1st grade debut 6 yrs ago, can't organise any plays without Lockyer holding his hand or reverting to his catch and pass/kick when in doubt style of game play

6. Broncos fans can be the most spoiled in the league, and still think every halfback should be equal to or better than Alfie.

To a point this is true. However when you look at the likes of QLD halfbacks Jonanthon Thurston, Scott Prince and Cooper Cronk .......why have we "settled" for mediocre Pete?

7. As a halfback, the change in coaches (just before the season started) would have affected Wallace more than any other member of the team as he adjusts to the coaches new preferences in attack.

He was sh*t last year and has been sh*t post origin/injury 08 .

Using Henjacks sacking as an excuse is ridiculous.

So all you geniuses who continue to bag the halfback of a winning team ... I really find your arguments as fingers on the the chalk board. Imagine your griping if we were losing!

Again we are winning at the moment despite Peter Wallace and not because of him.

The writing is on the wall already.

If Locky gets injured ....our attack is screwed.
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First Grade
Again we are winning at the moment despite Peter Wallace and not because of him.

The writing is on the wall already.

If Locky gets injured ....our attack is screwed.

Congratulations ... you obviously have all the answers and didn't give any credence to one of my points. Except point 6 ... life after Alfie.

Just ask Parra about the pressure that comes on every halfback since Sterlo ... and that's coming up to 30 years of whinging by Parra fans. Some fans can list every halfback by heart and their weaknesses. How long are you going to take to give a Broncos halfback half a break? Another 10 years? Another 20?

It's all so easy to pine for the club to buy a Thurston or a Cronk ... but the plain truth is, not every club has the best halfback in the league all the time.

I'm looking forward to when Lockyer retires because I believe Wallace can then step up ... I guess you can't muster the same belief.


First Grade
Again we are winning at the moment despite Peter Wallace and not because of him.

The writing is on the wall already.

If Locky gets injured ....our attack is screwed.

A halfback needs good players around him and your brush off of my points regarding a young backline just show your one-eyed view on Wallace.

Johns had the Gidley brothers and McDougall.
Thurston has Bowen.
Sterling had Kenny, Ella, Grothe, Cronin etc.
Last year without Hodges, our backline was virtually in nappies.


This Wallace bashing is monotonous.

Let's just cover a few facts that many conveniently overlook:

1. Wallace was good enough halfback to be chosen for NSW at one stage (OK I'm a Queensland supporter and know that's not a great wrap, but he was considered in the upper echelon of halfbacks in the game at one

Look at NSW selections over the past few years. Terrible.

4. The former-CEO of the Broncos broke down and cried when talking about Wallace's courage last year, when he really shouldn't have played at all due to a shoulder injury,and has played just four games after shoulder surgery.

not going to help the predicament that the bronx will be in next year, Wallace being the senior player out of the halves, with little to no creativity, I think he puts in the effort, but doesnt think things through. Without Locky he gets lost, and even with locky there, he still does.

I cringe every time he is given the ball on the last.

5. The Broncos backline this year is still inexperienced, with the average age around 19-20 years old.

Wallace is fairly seniour, I got nothing against his playing ability, but thats no good when your decision making and leadership ability is nill.

6. Broncos fans can be the most spoiled in the league, and still think every halfback should be equal to or better than Alfie.

nope, i just expect that the halfback should know when to kick, and when not to kick. that kick that lost the bronx any chance of winning against the cowboys is 1 example this season.

So all you geniuses who continue to bag the halfback of a winning team ... I really find your arguments as fingers on the the chalk board. Imagine your griping if we were losing!

ATM they are going well, Wallaces weaknesses are being fairly well covered by Locky, My issue is, that come next year, when locky isnt there wallace is up the creek without a paddle.

my main gripes with Wallace are:
- kicking game is average at best.
- close to no leadership ability.
- ball playing ability is average, numerous times i have seen him, get the ball from DH and just run into the forwards for an easy tackle, commonly near the oposition tryline.

he has some good points
- strong defender
- has the occasional good game, like against the panthers, nothing great, but no times did i want to throw my remote at the TV.
- is a NSW player so he wont bother QLD, not like he would make it ahead of Thursten/cronk/prince


Sandow may have talent, but lacks the brain to put it to good use

It must be hard to be an organiser when no one can understand what the f*ck you're saying!

I actually think you'll see a lot of improvement in your halfback when Locky retires. They'll step up because they have to. It can't be easy stamping your authority on a match when you're playing alongside someone as dominant as Darren Lockyer.

Whether that halfback is Wallace, Hunt or someone else is a totally different question though.


First Grade
To all you Wallace detractors ... try playing all year with an injury that would sideline most people ... then get shoulder surgery and come back. See how many weeks it takes you to come back.

Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a Broncos supporter ... we're on top of the ladder and you're still whinging like girls.

I've seen Wallace put in plenty of quality kicks and put guys through gaps ... take off your Alfie glasses or you'll end up like half the twisted and demented Parramatta fans who have been canning their halfbacks for years. Look what they did to Tim Smith.

Big Pete

All I ever did was answer AuDragon's question.

And I would rate those players infront of Wallace currently, I just wouldn't go out and actively pursue most of them (besides maybe Thurston).

Mr Fourex

I'm looking forward to when Lockyer retires because I believe Wallace can then step up ... I guess you can't muster the same belief.

No offence ......(well, maybe a little) but you need to pull your head out of your arse.

Peter Wallace has had ample opportunity to "step up"

He can't.......he doesn't have it. What talent we all thought was there in 08.....has gone.

To all you Wallace detractors ... try playing all year with an injury that would sideline most people ... then get shoulder surgery and come back. See how many weeks it takes you to come back.

Off season shoulder surgery.......

His shoulder has got nothing to do with his inability to read the play ...... to organise his backs (and forwards)....... to make the right call/play.

His defence has more to do with his shoulder than anything else. His defence IMHO is his only redeeming quality .......
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He can't.......he doesn't have it. What talent we all thought was there in 08.....has gone.
Really? Talent disappears, does it? :sarcasm:

This year not even Locky has been able to put a decent game on the paddock offesively speaking, so let's just wait and see before making judgement calls.

I'm with Dazzat, after having had the greatest halfback ever in Alfie (yes I'm biased) and the 2 greatests 5/8's in Lewis and Locky, with Walters not that far behind, the expectation is just too high.
Sure I'd like a Thurston/Marshall combination in 2012, but somehow I doubt that'll happen...


Really? Talent disappears, does it? :sarcasm:

This year not even Locky has been able to put a decent game on the paddock offesively speaking, so let's just wait and see before making judgement calls.

Lockyers kicking has been 100x better than wallace's, not to mention, he kicks at the right time and the team knows he is going to kick.

Lockyer whilst his individual talent isnt as great as it used to be, the influence he has over the team is great.

Wallace is proven to be ill suited to the half back role, injury or not, bronx will struggle badly in the halves with Wallace guiding them around the park, wallace has had numerous times to step up without Locky in the team, and he has failed badly.

I'm with Dazzat, after having had the greatest halfback ever in Alfie (yes I'm biased) and the 2 greatests 5/8's in Lewis and Locky, with Walters not that far behind, the expectation is just too high.
Sure I'd like a Thurston/Marshall combination in 2012, but somehow I doubt that'll happen...

I dont expect greatness, i expect a player in the halves at first grade level to understand the basics in being the teams go to player. his goal line attack is attrocious, kicks early in tackle count that go dead would still be bad in lower grades.

His kicking has been terrible, and has not shown any sign of improvement. Im after performance here, if he is injured, rest him and play a fit player in his place.

Only half in the game atm worse than him is Awefull Orford.

Wallace is playing at what i would class as lower grade level. Even Corey Norman or Hunt shows more promise as a half than Wallace.


First Grade
How can we explain those 10 games when Wallace looked like an Origin standard halfback?? Now he resembles a backrower playing in the 7. What happened?? What changed??

Mr Fourex

Really? Talent disappears, does it? :sarcasm:

I thought in Wallace's case it was quite apparent......short answer


How can we explain those 10 games when Wallace looked like an Origin standard halfback?? Now he resembles a backrower playing in the 7. What happened?? What changed??

IMHO....he was never the same after his ruptured testicle in 08

I'm not sure what that means.......

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