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Plane Crashes Into World Trade Centre

Babeto .,
Like many, many postings on this thread .... excellent post mate! It's a very level-headed approach and probably realistic. The innocent victims are always the victims under circumstances like these.

I wouldn't have believed this story if it wasn't for the quote below ...
""The journalist has long-standing ties with bin Laden and has won rare interviews with him several times over the last few years.""
As far as I'm concerned, that's as a reliable source as you can get, otherwise I wouldn't have pasted any crap under these presumptious times.

However, even if thiswanker isn't responsible for this catastrophy (and that's a big 'if') those comments are both heartless and insensitive in these terrible times. Not to mention that this scum is condoning this type of attack, thereby sending out the wrong message to the many who follow him and his sickening and inhumanebeliefs.




It was reported on the news this morning that Ian Thorpe was on his way up to the WTC to take some photo from the top floor. He then realised he left his camera behind, so he went back to his hotel to get it.When he got back to his hotel he saw what was happening on t.v.How lucky can he be ?
Cheers Retread


words cannot express the sheer magnitude and devestation of this tragedy,so many lives have beenlost to a small fundamentalgroup of fanatical madmen.

having children of my own it kicks in that little bit harder when you see images of stuffed toys in the rubble which arenow scattered over the streets of manhatten.

it's all very well to say hit back hard, but not if more innocent victims will lose there life,why is it we can put a robot on mars and not be able to track down these terrorists?

cheers pepe



Has anyone heard from Studebaker? I know he left this forum and the last I knew he was living and working in New York. I think he has contact with vertigo. Does anyone jnow if he is ok?


Just a bit more Bomber on your quote from Nostradamus.
In the city of GOD (NYC) there will be a great thunder (plane crash), two brothers torn apart by chaos (twin towers) while the other fortress endures (white house) the great leader will succumb (give in) the 3rd world war will begin when the great city is burning, in the end, a man riding a white horse will be the acopolypse, this man is named Mabus Inddalin (rearranged to spell Usama Bin Laddin), Nostradamus wrote that in 1654, just thought you all would like to know. Who else thinks this guy was right? And you know the worst part it's not the first time he predicted something!
Cheers Retread


I think he has been wrong more than right though and his prophecies were not in English as someone stated earlier. Can you show me where the name of the white knight appeared? That sounds a bit fishy to me.


My son brought that home from school yesterday.
They did some work on Nostradamus in class.
Theirteacher brought it to their attention.
Cheers Retread


Just a bit more Bomber on your quote from Nostradamus.
In the city of GOD (NYC) there will be a great thunder (plane crash), two brothers torn apart by chaos (twin towers) while the other fortress endures (white house) the great leader will succumb (give in) the 3rd world war will begin when the great city is burning, in the end, a man riding a white horse will be the acopolypse, this man is named Mabus Inddalin (rearranged to spell Usama Bin Laddin), Nostradamus wrote that in 1654, just thought you all would like to know. Who else thinks this guy was right? And you know the worst part it's not the first time he predicted something!
Cheers Retread

Could it be instead (all possiblities)

City of God:America, NYC
Great Thunder: Terriorist Attacks, Plane Attack
Two Brothers: Twin Towers
Other Fortress: Pentagon, White House, America
Great Leader: George W.Bush, Bin Laden
Great City: NYC, or maybe not necessarily NYC - Kabul, Islamabad, Baghdad???

Someone asked me this last night, after seeing Col Powell on the tele
Q: What's the difference between peace and war?
A:Twenty-six hours



Assistant Moderator
Apparently Nostradmus wrote in volumes about all sorts of things. So much so that sometimes he got a few things right. He was also out of whack on many other things.

Legend. I made an error in one of previous posts and as you pointed out. I said Iraq was one of the nations which condemned the attack and you said found that hard to believe.
You were right, Iraq hasonly denied any involvement in this. Sorry, with so info flying around, I got my facts a little wrong.

While more and more people come to the conclusion that Bin Laden is behind this, I'm beginning to think it's not that simple. This appears to be work of a combined effort.
Those with the greatest gripe against the USA would be Iraq where thousands have died because of US Sanctions. I would have thought it wouldn't be difficult to gather support from Saddam Hassein.
Still, we just don't know, do we?



Even is Bin Laden is not responsible for this, they should still go after him because of his groups other activities.

The only reason America did't finish off Saddam was out of concern that Iran would then become more powerfull.

I read a very interesting comment earlier. Someone quoted one of the reporters who said the scenes looked like down town Beurite. The person making the comment saw the Irony and questioned why over the incident that no one seemed to be asking the question as to why these people did this.


Assistant Moderator
Raging Bulldog:
"Thanks to the Moderators who have unselfishly decided to keep this topic active, without putting their Forums needs first. It may not be a sports related subject, but it will effect all of us in more ways than any sports topic ever could."

Mate, I'm not sure if we have any say in this. These discussions can take on a life of their own whether they're beingsports related or not.
The discussion must run it's course and it will be the members who will decide this.
But thanks for your thanks.

InSaturday's upcoming match between St George and Brisbane, there will be a minutes silence before kick off.

The events which have taken place in the USA transcend our normal discussions about footy, the judiciary and club politics etc and I think that's being reflected throughout the entire sporting community.



What about on Sunday? Lets just hope certain ellements don't bring further dishonor upon their club as they have on certain occassions in the past.
Saddam Hussain is the sole reason why people are starving in Iraq. It is easy to look directly at the sanctions and blame them for the suffering, but the sanctions are only there because of Saddam's actions and if he chooses to continue to build weapons of mass destruction to the expense of feeding his own people then the sanctions will remain, but the blood is on his hands.

Now maybe it's just applyingmy set of Western values to a culture which is foreign to mine and which I don't understand, but I would much rather a world where America is the most powerful nation, than a world where the likes of Saddam and bin Laddin run the show.


Assistant Moderator
I heard this morning that the last of the 7 buildings that make up the World Trade Centre precinct has collapsed. These were the largest buildings in New York.
I recall being on top of on of the Twin Towers in 1980 and looking down at the Empire State Buliding which was dwarfed by the Towers.

The news on the radio just said that the 70 year old Empire State Building is now the tallest building left standing in NYC.

An unbelievable situation.

Sunday's game could potentially carry some extra tension given the precedence of fans from Arabic backgrounds that follow the dogs. However given the alleged increase in anti-Arab sentiment because of the US tragedy, I think any problems could easily come from non Arabs. I hope everyone just considers themselves and each other as fellow Aussies and just enjoys the footy.


Colin Powell declares war on terrorism. He basically states that it is scourge on the world and that it should be fought wherever it is until it is brought to an end. Give the guy another medal!

How do you put an end to terrorism if only force is used in the attempt? You might be able to contain it for some time in certain places. You all know that terrorism will be with us as long as there is any kind of hatred.

Maybe they have a thought weapon!


You don't throw your hands up and do nothing. Conversely, you don't throw everything against this evil without thinking of the probable consequences. Unfortunately for mankind, we have leaders who are all too willing touse gung ho policies - and it's all designed to placate the public. Don't bother about the root causes of terrorism, just keep attacking the symptoms.

If they want to help the public, really help! Maybe they'd pay more attention to protecting them. The US government have known for several yearsabout poor internal security, but chose not to act on many recomendations. The FAA are equally to blame, as are the various internal and external security agencies.