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Plane Crashes Into World Trade Centre


Assistant Moderator
OK Eelectric. I'm sorry. Ofcourse I had no idea.
Hope we can talk again later.


If I was an Iraqi, I'd probably support Saddam Hussien. If you look at the situation through what they might pesieve, all the propaganda fed, the fact America stops othjer nations trading with Iraq, it was the American bombs dropped on a peoples home land causing mass destruction. I think I'd be pretty anti-America and would possibly see Saddam as a way out.

In reality, Saddam is a brutal dictator, yetfrom Iraqi eyes, he would seem more like a protector figure.

America didn'tachieve much in the Gulf War.For the amount of deaths and destruction caused, I fail to see that they really achieved anything.Hussien isstill in power and it has been believed on a number of occasions that his regieme has been stock piling chemical Weapons. America'ssanctions achieve nohing but making a bad situation worse. If the idea is to make theHussien look like the one punishing the country, the result is exactly opposite.

America definatly went over the top in the Gulf war.I've heard anecdotal stories of American Tanks shooting down surrendering Iraqi soilders in trench's, and the pictures on the ground of a city that had been poundedbombed.

The americans in the WTC building didn't deserve to die, but niether did many of the civilians killed by American bombs. Two wrongs don't make a right, but human nature being the way it is, an action is generally followed by retribution. I fear a deadly cycle has been established which will see many innocent people killed in the name of revenge.


Eelectric, I guess that was a real dumbarse comment from me to ask you to calm down. I'm sorry about your loss and apologise for making what must seem likeinsensible remarks.


This is my first post on this thread (it's been a long day). And I thought I'd bring it back to a human level. It took me over half an hour to get dressed today. I left for the train station late, yet still managed to get to the station earlier than normal. When I reached my destination it was pointed out to me that I had not put my collar down over my tie......I was shocked.

Firstly- It was America...America just doesn't get attacked. Then it was the loss of life.As I looked around to people with family in America I was dumbstruck. While we argue over this incredibly important World Crisis, let's not forget, that thousands of ordinary people died today doing their everyday thing of going to work like you or I would do....talk of revenge or blame pales into insignifigance when you look at the immediate effects.

Cheers (a somewhat wishful "Cheers" at that)


I got it from a personal e-mail

The bloke (who is Muslim, mind you) also sent me this link


I'm not normally a superstitious bloke but I am shit scared.

Part of the e-mail (not a direct quote by my mate)

Osama Bin laden - fuji250 October 14, 1998 at 17:25:09 (2267)
it has recently come to my attention that Osama Bin laden has aquired
strategic nuclear weapons..fear not these things cant be lauched
without a launch site, codes to use them etc all of which he doesnt
have the cash funds to do so...so the worst he could do is explode
them and release radiation into the air..not an actual nuclear
bomb..also....do any of you think this is linked to Nostradmaus'
prediction of the 'great new city' (which people have decorated to be
New York City) and his 'terror from the skys' prediction?

Great win by your lot last weekend.

I reckon the sanctions in Iraq are about starving Saddam of as much opportunity as possible to fund the ongoing development of chemical weapons, nuclear weapons etc. I don't think it's working because given the choice of feeding his own people and making weapons of mass destruction, he chooses to build weapons.

I'm sure the Americans believe that Iraqi's will eventually see this and overthrow Saddam from within. You're right in saying that it's not working, but the people are suffering because of the choices of Saddam, not because of the Americans.

I know revenge will be one of the motives for any retaliation, but the over-riding focus needs to be to demonstrate that the terrorists cannot committ these types of actions without significant consequences, and that is ultimately about protecting freedom rather than jeopardising it. Retaliating is a risky strategy, but not retaliating is more risky in my view.


The problem with fighting suicide bombers is they are more then prepared to die for their cause.

What is needed is for a statement coming from high ranking Islamic officials condemning the actions resulting in the loss of innocent lives. The challenge is for these people to stand up and declare such actions as wrong. It's not like the focus of the attack was on a military target. Until this happens, these people will have no reason not to think that what they are doing is wrong. They consider themselves Martyrs for acause. How ever,I fail to see howany such actions further the cause of Islam.


Assistant Moderator
Thats the question Saint.
Who did it?
I would have thought that organisation responsible would have come out by now. Afterall, the hijackers are 'martyrs' as you say.
A woman got a call from her son on one of the doomed planes and when she asked who were the hijackers, he apparently didn't answer.

What about the black boxes? Surely the conversations in the cockpits will reveal who the hijackers are.
I'm surprised no one in the media has speculated on the contentsof the black boxes yet.


A Pakistan-based Islamic militant group fighting Indian rule in Kashmir today reversed its claim of responsibility for the terrorist attacks in the United States. The hardline Lashkar-i-Taiba earlier said its suicide bombers had hijacked jets which plunged into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon yesterday morning, in attacks which it is feared killed thousands. But Lashkar spokesman Abdullah Muntazir later said he did not know who had claimed responsibility under the group's name in a statement sent to news agencies. ``We deny the report and have not issued any such statement,'' he said.
The black box speculation happened early in the piece.This was following the bombing of the WTC,but prior to the 4th plane crashing.In fact watching the buildings collapse and speak of black boxes, made me think that some shock had set in for the reporters, and that finding a rapid reason for the planned mass murder was a bit understandably desparate at that time.
I hear what you're saying Hass, but this is all too surreal for me to get on the wavelength of the victims and their families. The enormity of the personal anguish is harder for me to comprehend than the possible ramifications to world peace.

I was watching last night when the news broke and I went straight in and looked at my kids and said to myself that I hope they get to see their next birthdays.


Assistant Moderator
Thanks Ted.
I hadn't heard that report.

I don't know how sturdy these these things are but I would think the planes in the towers would have little left of the voice recorder (cockpit) or data recorder (tail).

However, the plane that was downed by either the pilot or the airforce in Philadelphia should still have some evidence of what was happening in that particular plane.



Those 'Little black boxes'..........

Will bein there somewhere. They can recover these wonderfully incriminating things from almost anything. Remember when the plane went down over the Atlantic after it exploded mid-air and they found it ?


Assistant Moderator
I hope so mel.
Y'know. The perpetrators almost seem to be waiting.
That is, waiting for maximum coverage before making their announcement.

If they claimed responsibility straight away, the world would have some entity to focus on.
Instead, we can just focus on the tragedy.
Osama Bin Laden, for example, has never accepted responsibility for any terrorist act. I doubt the perpetrators will announce themselves. I don't think they need to beseeking publicity for themselves or their cause by owning up. The act speaks for itself in that regard. I also doubt they would want to openly invite the type of retribution that will no doubt come from America.


Assistant Moderator
So if thats the case, the U.S.A. will judge Osama Bin Laden as being the culprit...
...an extremist with a track record who blames the U.S. for the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.
I guess we're going down a road where America will soon invade Afghanistan who are apparently protecting Bin Laden

I think it's worth repeating that if this crime has been committed by Islamic extremists, please don't judge a whole culture. Lunatics exist in all factions of humanity.
I'm not jumping to any mindless conclusions or pointing the finger at anyone over thisjust yet, but have a read of what this low-life Bin Laden wanker has said about the attacks .....

Bin Laden congratulates attackers but denies involvement. Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden congratulated the people who carried out the deadly terrorist strikes in the United States, but denied today that he was involved, a Palestinian journalist said. "Osama bin Laden thanked Almighty Allah and bowed before him when he heard this news," Jamal Ismail, Abu Dhabi Television's bureau chief in Islamabad, said, quoting a close aide of bin Laden's. Ismail said the aide, whom he wouldn't identify by name, called him early today on a satellite telephone from a hide-out in Afghanistan. Bin Laden praised the people who carried out the attacks in Washington and New York, Ismail said, quoting the aide. "But he had no information or knowledge about the attack" ahead of time, Ismail said. The journalist has long-standing ties with bin Laden and has won rare interviews with him several times over the last few years.
Thanks to all those who are contributing and keeping alive a topic which has, and will, effect all of us in one way or another.
It's a pleasure to read.
Thanks to the Moderators who have unselfishly decided to keep this topic active, without putting their Forums needs first. It may not be a sports related subject, but it will effect all of us in more ways than any sports topic ever could.
Raging Bulldog.


Bebeto in Japan

I had no idea that Osama Bin Laden had spoken about this. It is sad that the Anti-American brigade sees this as an act of revenge for what has been going on and not seeing the human tragedy side of things. Then again, they feel have copped a hiding from the Americans in the past and therefore feel revenge is justified. As I believe two wrongs don't make a right, I choose to sit on the fence. I will not show sympathy for America's ego because it is the American government that started this as far as I am concerned. If they fought fairly in the first place, not favouring Israelis over Arabs, not supporting sanctions which have decimated Iraq, none of this would have happened. I will however show sympathy for the average American in the street who has nothing to do with the decisions made by its government who were killed last night. I will show sympathy for all the people that the Americans have inflicted terrorist campaigns of its own onto these people who have seeked revenge. If the Americans had admited to crimes against humanity, none of this shit would have happened. The Yanks only have themselves and their egos to blame.

As for Osama Bin Laden, he has to be the biggest rat bag of all. He is supposed to be a millionaire yet he looks like a drop kick. If it was up to me, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, George Bush Senior, Bill Clinton and George Bush Junior and the number one criminal Ariel Sharon should all be held accountable for these callous acts that have taken place in the last 10 years. They should all go on trial, be thrown in the Pacific and get Jacques Chirac to test another bomb. They started it, they should pay for their actions and maybe then will we live in a peaceful place. You can't punish one side and not the other. Equality will leadto world peace.

I hope nobody hates me for my extremist views but I can't help saying what I feel. I regret what happened yesterday just as much as the next person butI refuse to see the country of America as a victim. Again, I repeat, it is not the people I am against, it is the government of their country.

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