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Plans to hold a rugby league Test match between Australia and New Zealand at Gallipol


I like the idea in principle, but think there are a lot of hurdles to overcome - and to be honest, I can't see them being overcome.


I think this can work. For starters ANZAC Day 2015 is a Saturday. The time difference between Sydney/Brisbane/Melbourne and Istanbul is 8 hours. So a midday kickoff there would be prime-time 8pm here, 10pm in NZ and 6pm in Perth.

However I don't see it going ahead. There will be a huge public backlash, sport trying to cash in on one of the most sacred days in our history.

Depends how they go about it. They can't schedule it on ANZAC day - everyone will be at ANZAC Cove/Gallipoli peninsular pretty much all day. It would have to be a day or two before or after ANZAC day. It would then form part of a week of commemorations.

Also, Istanbul is about 300km from ANZAC Cove... bit of a hike.

They would have to work with the RSL, Legacy, ADF, Federal Government, Australian War Memorial, et cetera. Any profits from it would have to be put towards a charity so it doesn't look like a marketing exercise.

A lot of people going over will be there to sight see around Turkey, Australians and Kiwis travelling across from Europe, and others doing battlefield tours. Australia will probably send a number of RAN ships to Gallipoli which will be used for state functions/commemorations.

If the game is scheduled on say 23-24th or 26-27th at midday in Istanbul as a prelude or follow up to the main event, it would work increadibly well. Get the Governor General and PM of Australia and NZ to turn up, RAN Sailors, RAA soldiers, veterans, Turkish dignetries and military presence.

The crowd would be mostly Australians and Kiwis there for ANZAC day/on holiday. I read somewhere they are expecting as many as 60,000 to travel for 2015.

Also, don't forget that the Gallipoli campaign was mostly French and Brittish soldiers. There will be a noticable Pommy presence for it, and it would be reasonable to expect some of these attending the game.

Around 25,000 paying tourists would be a reasonable expectation, plus say 3,000 ADF/NZDF plus politicians, plus Turkish defence/government personel... a crowd of 30,000 would probably be easily achieved.

But it has to be done right... hell, the NRL could even ask the Federal Gov to foot the stadium hire bill, and have free tickets available to those travelling in Turkey.

This event can't be about making money or even Rugby League. If done right, it will be fantastic.
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Great idea. I visited Gallipoli in 2009 (not on Anzac day though) and it was one of the most moving experiences of my life. I'd consider going over again for it.

The Logistics will have to be done right but I'm sure they will plan accordingly.


Village Idiot
Staff member
imagine being able to attend the proper dawn service at gallipoli, and then back it up watching a game like that..

what a trip!


Ripping great idea,been to Gallipoli once,not the dawn service.This would be an opportunity to honour those who gave their lives and served in that campaign,and then in the spirit of togetherness watch a game of rugby league between the NZedders and The aussies,with no doubt a few interested Turkish citizens.

I understand a sport involving grease wrestling is very popular there.Who knows! They may appreciate the finer skills of rl.;-)
The crowd would be mostly Australians and Kiwis there for ANZAC day/on holiday. I read somewhere they are expecting as many as 60,000 to travel for 2015.

Also, don't forget that the Gallipoli campaign was mostly French and Brittish soldiers. There will be a noticable Pommy presence for it, and it would be reasonable to expect some of these attending the game.

Around 25,000 paying tourists would be a reasonable expectation, plus say 3,000 ADF/NZDF plus politicians, plus Turkish defence/government personel... a crowd of 30,000 would probably be easily achieved.

But it has to be done right... hell, the NRL could even ask the Federal Gov to foot the stadium hire bill, and have free tickets available to those travelling in Turkey.

This event can't be about making money or even Rugby League. If done right, it will be fantastic.
Combine Aus/NZ ANZACS side could play Great Britain there.


Who the hell are the wank stains that are voting it as a bad idea on the Telegraph website?

Unionites, Boggerballers and do gooders who think ANZAC day is all about the doom and gloom.

They forget that most of the Aussies and Kiwis who went to war were larrikins , beer drinkers, gamblers and sports lovers who died so we could actually enjoy these types of things.

I bet right now if Cricket, Soccer, AFL or Union had planned this, there would've been f**k all speak out against it.

Gotta keep the so-called riff raff sport down eh?


I think this is a great idea personally. And the stadia would present League in the best way possible. Perfect stadiums for League. Posted this in the other thread, but there will be no shortage of them for such an occasion. Another club has just opened a new stadium... better than the one suggested already(Fener)! Why not do it?


Awesome idea. As a current serving member of the adf I am all for it. As someone stated these guys fought for us so we could live free lives, this test match is a representation of the freedom we have. Time to start saving for the trip!
Can't believe fumblerball tossers can suggest a game between actual Australian and NZ teams could be disrespectful or some such nonsense when they have a couple of Victorian club sides playing every Anzac Day.


Another good idea.

Might have to hold it on the Sunday though in the middle of the day for a Sunday night telecast.

Hopefully they can donate a major proportion of the gate receipts to charities like Legacy etc. It would be good to see the prime ministers, governor generals and Turkish officials all there.


Staff member
Best Idea Ever, I'd start planning as soon as they announced it.

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