f**k no. Pa drove her to church and waited outside for her every Sunday, where she played the organ until she was on her death bed.Excommunicated hey?
And the kids were raised Catholic, as per the directions of my great grandfather.
f**k no. Pa drove her to church and waited outside for her every Sunday, where she played the organ until she was on her death bed.Excommunicated hey?
f**k no. Pa drove her to church and waited outside for her every Sunday, where she played the organ until she was on her death bed.
And the kids were raised Catholic, as per the directions of my great grandfather.
Btw A.N.A. stood for Australian Natives Association where Natives were whites born in Australia.
Right. Lyons, Peachey and Daley never played for NSW. In fact this whole debate relates to Cody Walker being picked for NSW.Yes, and you can get picked for our footy team if you're a Murri, unlike Koori in NSW.
Radical concept I know
Been saying this should be our anthem for years
This has always been my favourite WP song. If they changed some of the lyrics to mention the full story of this country and all the people who call it home, but keeping that chorus...would be epic.
at the end of the day........ how many Australian athletes 'sing' the anthem prior to an event or after receiving for example, an Olympic medal? It certainly is a mixed bag.
The camera moves down the line of players representing Australia in union and you see players 'into their anthem' many players are from Pacific Island backgrounds and yet they do it proudly.
The camera moves down the line of players representing Australia in league and we see players with their heads down, looking left, right etc. Some mouth some words, many don't sing at all. So come Wednesday night it will actually be no different from last year, the year before that and the year before that and the......
I have 2 questions though,
1. Why play it at all, it's state against state they are not representing Australia.
2. Do QANTAS sponsor the game? Their CEO will most likely step in and complain if it doesn't suit his agenda, just like with IF but that's another story.
It mentions one ie white australia 'young and free' over another which wasn't.
And this issue has been going on for over 50 years.
Just most people don't give a rats what blacks think. Just so long as they shut up and entertain us.
I'll field this one.
Nick is a failed amateur movie critic and virgin who brags about his imagined sexual exploits with native American girls in a futile attempt to appear cool.
He likes to think he's smarter than everyone else but is actually thick as two short planks.
He'll deny all this but at home in his lonely existence he'll be seething with rage.
Canard could not white knight any harder if he were leaking soy milk from his bitch tits. LOL.
Right. Lyons, Peachey and Daley never played for NSW. In fact this whole debate relates to Cody Walker being picked for NSW.
This has always been my favourite WP song. If they changed some of the lyrics to mention the full story of this country and all the people who call it home, but keeping that chorus...would be epic.
So I guess we as a nation forget the life expectancy gap, different educations levels and living standards because the indigenous peoples of this country are just playing the victim card. You are racist and need to be called out on your disgusting behaviour!We all know the history of Australia & the white Australia policy up to the mid 1960s, but let's build a f**king bridge & get over it.
As suggested we f**k off the pommy flag in the corner of the flag, get a spine tingling anthem & if they so desire change the public holiday but the aboriginals must accept that's it - no more bloody victim mentality; it is bloody well over.
But it seems, their supporters go silent when this is suggested.