This post isn’t necessarily directed at you but…….
That’s true to a point. Some of the physical acts like murder and removal of kids from families can’t be undone, although it’s not really that long ago in the big picture of History and the emotional scars and humiliation suffered still exists. If anybody can’t see that they’re kidding themselves. Some of the Aborigine’s pain and anguish can be lessened and eased significantly. One way is through recognising the truth of history, which you and most people have done on here to a degree, but it needs to be genuine understanding and acceptance of the depth of pain they suffered and the realisation that it’s not just “Oh well that’s finished with, let’s move on”. That won’t cut it. The only way to enable “their employment climb, their criminality diminish, & their overall race to become more of a positive force in society” is by encouraging men like Walker, Addo-Carr and Chambers to voice their opinions on the anthem and how it affects them. Not jump and down with self-righteous crap like some of the posts on here. We do it by attending celebrations of their culture like Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week and learning from Black Fellas. A lot of this is an invite for other cultures to come and share, others need to stop getting all defensive about it, they’re actually extending the olive branch. Celebrate it FFS! We do it by not labeling them all as “playing the victim” if they want to speak about their culture. (There’s no shortage of White Fellas playing victim and holding their hand out for money too, but nobody comes into places like this and portrays it a White Fella problem). We do it by calling out racism when it presents itself, as many posters are doing in this thread. Not all racism is overt racism. Much of it is misguided attempts to “do the right thing, ‘because we know better”. That’s what led to the Stolen Generation.
Just let these blokes make do what’s in their heart and mind. They’re not ramming it down anybody’s throat. Good on 'em. Learn from them. It’s not really that hard.