No one.
But its the decent and right thing to do, while ignoring such shanagans would be morally reprehensible.
I apologise if I am the only one that finds relations with animals disgusting.
I think you'll find the point is that most people are saying it's not morally the right thing to do, but at the same time it's not unusual for it to be happening. But it is unfair to label the whole club as "druggies" because of the actions of a handful of players. To label Gidley and/or Uate "druggies" is, well, laughable.There is no point.
Did you read the article?
Did you see the court results?
Keep up the hate people. We have you worried. Looking forward to 2012.
Did you see the court results?
Did you read the article?
You guys have more to worry about than what Knights players might or might not have done off the field - like what they are going to do to your teams on the field in the future.
If you've seen him live you're playing yaself.
Musicians can consume all the drugs they want as far as im concerned. I don't give a sh*t.
Professional athletes can't do (or f*cking sell) drugs, for many reasons. Double standards perhaps, but I don't care. It's just the way it is.
Wicks is so dope boy fresh.
An NRL player getting sentenced to 3 years in the slammer isn't a good look for the game.
Newcastle always drag the game through the mud.
Mitchell Sargeant gets fired from the Cowboys for snorting blow. Newcastle sign him up straight away without even thinking about it. Come on down Mitch, you can snort as much as you want down here!!!
Mate, I am a Raiders supporter and even I won't deny that we've had our share of embarrassment.:lol: That'll do me. Coming from a fan of the Raiders who's players have engaged in beastiality, multiple drunk driving offences and alledged domestic violence.
Careful throwing those stones with so much glass about mate
LOL at the faux outrage from non-Newcastle fans, and the head in the sand attitude from some Newcastle fans.
As always, the rational opinion lies somewhere in the middle.
The worst thing morally about recreational drug use is that it supports organised crime but that is because its illegal. Unless you are the type of person who believes that the LAW IS THE LAW of course there really isn't a lot to make a fuss over a player taking a pill on mad monday.
MDMA is relatively harmless. It is certainly a softer drug than alcohol the drug they would have otherwise been abusing the shit out of.
As a supporter I really don't care what the Raiders do as players off the field. So long as its not hurting anyone else. I do care if they show up to games f**ked up or miss training sessions or whatever but if they want to drop some *gasp* ILLEGAL DRUGS after a game I really couldn't give a shit......
so long as we won.
Good post, some drug laws are more dangerous than the drugs themselves. Yet the legal drugs and gambling houses do more damage to society than all of the ILLEGAL drugs put together.
Chris Houston spent a year out of the game and was judged not guilty by a court.
What exactly do you want the NRL or the Newcastle Knights to do? What do you want the fans to do? There is no "head in the sand" here - the people involved were tried in court and their fates sealed.
Chris Houston judged not guilty by a court? What planet are you living on. That never happened. Charges were withdrawn against him on a legal technicality. A fool wouldn't be able to identify the difference between the 2 situations however.