Why would Brooks s lag us off no end?...when has he ever slagged anybody off to deflect from his onfield performance?...my somewhat experienced assessment of him is anything he'd have to say would be something he'd say straight to someone's face...not from the safety and distance of another club..let alone anonymity.
With respect, he wasn’t very straight or upfront with us when he sought to be released no less than three times last year.
We only find out after the fact.
Nothing personal, he’s made a squillion out of us, shake hands and off he goes. I want him to have the greatest life beyond footy and became Secretary General of the United Nations or whatever he wants.
Im just not going to wear any “concert for Brooksy” kumbyah shite.
“ Save the surrender tackle, pray to the great gods of kick out on the full or straight to the opposing winger”
Drink from the Uggboot of hope for Luke, nahhh.
If I was earning 1.1m a year, I wouldn’t need defending from the likes of Sheens.
Over 3k a day even when he’s on holiday. Nothings too good for Brooksy is it.
His only utility seems to be to keep us in the hunt for Moses. It’s a very expensive honey trap.
Per dollar value, he’s the biggest liability in the game and the faith in him is giant magpie in the sky stuff.
I gave the lazy loafer years of understanding and tolerance and I regret every second.
I’m going to let him make out my case this season.
All that said, he’s not a case of a human incontinence like Latrell. That fat headed prick isn’t good enough to lick Brooksys feet!