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Problems at LWOS



The Broncos issue is an interesting yet, I see, an sensitiveone. Whether it should be addressed or monitered is questionable...
I understand where many of you are coming from, however, I don't believe it's as complex or as earnestas many make out. Sure, the insults and inuendo are overwhelming at times (and downright annoying), but it's as easy to avoid as not taking them to heart. That's what I do. People herehave as much right here to throw insult our way as we do to have a serious discussion, and it's up to us to not respond to their comments. Take it with a grain of salt. If we respond to those who elect to sidetrack the topic at hand, we are just fueling the fire. Aviod them and the problem will go away. The best way to address these people (and there are a handfull who seem to thrive on the insults and inuendo, and eagerly anticipate Broncos topics) is to simplynot do so. It's like the whining baby who cries for no reason at all except, attention. If you let them be, eventually they will get the message and alter their ways. Give it a try...
But after saying that, I do miss the serious discussions we did hold on the WORL pages about Broncos issues. They were constructed and maintained in a manner which was relating to the essential being of that which has substance.
The jist of the matter is this: Every body here has the right to express an opinion at whatever level he or she chooses. Just like everybody here has the right to not express an opinion at whatever level he or she chooses. It's an individual choice.
As for myself, I try to post as often as I can but work schedules, along with time differences between the two placeshere sometimes makes it very difficult to do so. My reasons for not posting regularly have not a singlething to do with the problems in the Broncos section.
On a seperate subject, I have two (very minor)issues with Legend's boards. The first is what C-Steve mentioned. I always thumbnail on the ALL MESSAGES link as a way of viewing allthe topics here. I would certainly appreciate it if those who start new thread topics would consider their thread titles in relation to the section it belongs in. It just makes it considerably easier for those like myself (who use the ALL MESSAGESsection) to link the thread with a topic section in relation to replying. It's trivial but it will help me and possibly others. Thank you.
The second is somewhat related to my first request. Because I often operate under a different time schedule to the vast majority here, I surf through Legend's during the middle of the night/early morningAustralian Eastern Standard time, which often makes it difficult for me to engage in 'real time' discussions. It's usually durring the regular daytime hours here in the Eastern seaboards of the US (currently 14hrs time difference to AUS-EST). Anyway, I often search for old posts, or just read past postings. When I'm looking for a particular thread, often I have a strenous time finding it. More often than not, I find it's in a thread section which I didn't think it would be in. For example it may be in the GENERAL section instead of the NRL section. I just whish some posters would place their threads in the appropriate topic section inlight of making it easier for those like yours truely. It's far more productive and time consuming to search through individual topic sections then search through the ALL MESSAGESlink. I hope that explaination is surfice for others to understand. Thank you.
And finally, yet more importantly than anything I've stated thus far here,there are no elite posters or top of the crop here at Legend's. At least in my most sincerest opinion.Everybody injects their own individual brillianceand talented uniquecharacteristic into this community. That's what makes this place elite or top of the crop. Thankyou to you all. You make cyber-space that tad more enjoyable to visit.
Sincerely: V.


Assistant Moderator
"there are a handfull who seem to thrive on the insults and inuendo, and eagerly anticipate Broncos topics..."
I keep a pretty close eye on things and imo, no one is eagerly anticipating Broncos threads for the purpose of insult. You may be over stating things but thats OK. As Ted said earlier, we may have to start a whole thread for these Broncos issues.

As I said earlier,its easily solved if the Broncos supporters just make more posts. Sorry if that sounds condenscending, thats not my intention. But it does seem to me to be the most positive approach to take.

Its ironic that this single issue has probably generated more discussion about the Broncos than we've seen over the last three months. :D

"I would certainly appreciate it if those who start new thread topics would consider their thread titles in relation to the section it belongs in.."
I agree 100%. Its somethingthats beenraised before and thetopicis sitting in the site suggestions section. Unfortunately we even have a ceratin moderator who starts his new threads in the General section.... naming names...? yes, you Moffo. ;)

For those who are unsure what we're talking about, it's easy to do. Just click on the relevant section in the left hand side bar and start your new discussion from there.


Assistant Moderator
Just to reinforce your point Vertigo. I see the most recent Broncos related thread, HARRIGAN: BRONCOS UNLUCKYhas been kicked off in the General section. I think you'll find this to be relevant to both points raised by yourself.
Oops...sorry men, to be honest, im usually a bit on the lazy side whenit comes to putting a topic in the specific section. I had assumed that most people look through the all messages thumbnail. But i take the point, if people are looking for old threads, its probably easier if topics are addressed appropriately.

Speaking of old threads, where is the old tipping thread where we gave all our tips for the year Willow? I wish to gloat, on my prediction that the Roosters were good value at 10/1 at the start of the year!



"Its ironic that this single issue has probably generated more discussion about the Broncos than we've seen over the last three months"

:DI was just thinking the same thing myself.

The issue of people not putting their posts in the right section can be an annoying one. I don't personally go through the individual forums, just stick to all topics. I do make sure I put my posts in the right sections. Most of the posts here are league related, even if you don't know where to put it, its not hard to just shove it in the Rugby League section.


"I wish to gloat, on my prediction that the Roosters were good value at 10/1 at the start of the year!"

Haven't you noticed yet moffo that we're avoiding helping you on this issue. As far as I'm concerned the thread never exsisted. ;)
Surely, there is a kind hearted man or woman out there that would know the exact location of this thread......please?? Obviously, the search for this person would automatically exclude Kiwis :)



Assistant Moderator
Moffo: You can do what I do. Go to the all topics section and go back month by month... the links are the bottom of the page.

You say it wasat the beginning of the season? Well, it should only take you about 10 minutes... the trick is keeping your eyes open for the thread name.

I think you look for it Moffo. Consider it penance. ;)


Willow, you use the same tricks I do obviously, its bloody easy with this new go back one month link. Never used to be there on the old forum which made going back through the archives painful.
cheers mate, i know u had it in you ;)

Ill look as well. I know it was posted around March, but i think someone brought it up, perhaps 2-3 months ago.

And i think Legend started it, not 100% sure though!

Penance??? lol, fair enough :D



Of course I did Moffo, I start all good threads, just like this one..........

Just kidding, but I think this thread has served it's purpose because I have seen some good opinions brought forward here and I have to agree with Vertigo 100% with his comments about elite posters, I enjoy everyones opinion and a systematic airing of the dirty laundry may be a good thing for the forum as a whole every 18 months, because as we can see, the forum is positively thriving over the last 72 hours without any insults traded and that was the aim of this discussion.


Well I had a short look moffo but couldn't find it. For anyone whos interested in going back through the archives heres all the links for the past months:

January: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=0&CType=-2&ID_Last=23815
February: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=0&CType=-2&ID_Last=26280
March: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=0&CType=-2&ID_Last=28967
April: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=1&CType=2&ID_Last=25477
May: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=1&CType=2&ID_Last=28135
June: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=1&CType=2&ID_Last=31205
July: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=1&CType=2&ID_Last=34005
August: http://groups.msn.com/legendsworldofsport/puntersclub.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1&Dir=1&CType=2&ID_Last=37616

Legend I have to agree with you, this thread has been good as far as nobody having a go at each other is concerned. Gav was the only one with a negative comment. Going back through old posts I see all his are listed as by "ex-manager". I think he took my advice literally and left the forum.
bugger, im still looking as well, nothing to be found yet.

Some great memories though, looking at these old threads :D

Maybe this thread was to good for Legend to start, i been looking for the wrong name lol

j/k :)



Thanks to those posters who replied to my earlier post.
I'm still very upset that it happened, but somewhat relieved that I'm not the only one it has happened to. Meaning I thought that it was me who did the wrong thing when I posted and sent it, rather than the problem with N-MSN. I will take the kind advice on board an apply it from here on in.
I have a very hectic two weeks ahead of me. I'll try and post the subject again in that period but I cannot promise anything. I will get around to it eventually if I don't do so soon.
Ps- I did post it in the Boxing section :eek:)
Javaman thanking all.



Assistant Moderator
"...adegree of controlledthought"
An interesting concept, CM.
Naturally, respect for the path which you have chosen has been noted.
Thankyou for your thoughts.

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