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Problems at LWOS

grrr @ legend :mad:stole my thunder

anthony stevens is gay seems to possess a similar level on intellect as some people who have passed through here in the past ;)



Damn! A couple of days off and all hell breaks loose here... I'm still trying to figure out the $64.00 question: Why?
I'll miss the two departed a hell of a lot. Many truly great posts have also vanished with ones exit. Tis sad...
to those who remain.
I beg those who anticipate leaving in the future: Please do not delete your posts. People like me who surf thru the middle of the night (for reasons not by my choice),like to go back over some great threads for an enjoyable read and entertainment value. Please think about those others who you have not had problems with. Please...



Assistant Moderator
"I beg those who anticipate leaving in the future: Please do not delete your posts."
I agree.
I mean this as no disrespect to a person's right to delete their own posts, but I have to ask why...?
I confess to being at a loss as to why someone would do that.I have no idea what's going through the mind of someone who feels the need to leave a messy trail behind them.

Is it childish petulance? A desire to remove all contributions so as to in someway hurt the forum? An act of defiance? A perception of ownership? Or is it simple vandalism?

I should let sleeping dogs lie but I'm perplexed as to why someone would behave in this odd manner. I mean, its only a forum afterall.

If someone can set me straight on this, I'd appreciate it.


"Is it childish petulance? A desire to remove all contributions so as to in someway hurt the forum? An act of defiance? A perception of ownership? Or is it simple vandalism?"

It can be any of the above, it depends on the individual. I have no room tobe critical ofanyone for deleting their own posts.


Assistant Moderator
Gav, I'm not referring to the odd post or even when two posters agree to delete an argument because they regretted what said.
I'm referring to the wholesaleerasure of a person's contributions. Its more calculated than deleting a few posts.


Was the two that departed the same Raidpatch and Cryptic Messenger who posted at one time at Matt's former W-O-R-L?
I have no room tobe critical ofanyone for deleting their own posts.

No arguements from my side.


Assistant Moderator
Yes Ryback. They are the same.

Look, I shouldn't have even mentioned it. I was just trying to find someplausible reason why someone would leave a forum in a huff and then delete ALL their posts. I mean it as no disrespect (asI said) but to my way of thinking it defies logic.

Over the last year,a handful of people have sent me emails to explain that they havent got time for the forum anymore. They didnt have to do this but they were being polite. They mentioned work or family committments. One saidhe was tired of the internet. None deleted their posts.

Anyway, too much has been said already. As always, each to their own.


It only dawned on me a few days ago whilst reading some old posts herethat it may have been the same Cryptic Messenger.Then when I saw that post...
Anyway, thanks.
Life goes on.
Good post by Vertigo a liitle earlier here also. You write well mate.


I'm having trouble keeping up with the twists and turns of this and the Hovering Messages threads, being in a different time zone and all. Last time I checked, about 12 hours ago, or was it 24, GavB had departed. Now I see he's back. What happened?


Seeings this community like to advertise the 'free speech' theme of things and no censoring or secrets(that's the impression I get) whould one of the moderators orevenwebmaster like to clear the air around something that came up recently...
Why did Gav lose his managers role?
Let the rest of us see how 'unregulated' this forum really is by answering the question...



Assistant Moderator
I don't know... all these people demoting themsleves... where's it all going to end???

Gav is no longer a forum manager. That was his choice and no one's business really. Bronco has closed down the Wellington Office of LWOS after it was revealed he wasn't paying the rent. The place was in a terrible state with beer stains on the wall (I think they were beer stains), cigarette burns in the carpet and evidence of late night parties. ;)


Yep, Gavs actions were all his own. We never said a word or thought at any time to demote Gavand Gav was free to make his own decisions and we respect that. Not much more to say really.


Good morning all.
A question for the moderators here a little later:
I have found a very well written article on another NINE-MSN Community Forum (non RL related). The article is titled What really makes us FAT?
It was recently published in the US edition of TIME magazine. It's the latest research about health and fitness and how latest diet research in the US and globallyis re-writing the food-pyramid guidelines. It also speaks about the war between high-protein & low-carbohydrates versus high-carbohydrates and low-protein diets.
Anyway, I really enjoyed reading the article. I'm also a certified dietician and hold a masters degree innutrition, so I guess that contributes to my interest in the article. It is lengthy but very informative.
I think some here will also find it a good read seeings it covers a topic which in this day and age is important to us all. That being a healthy lifestyle through diet[among other things].Or it should be. I'd like to post [paste]it on these boards for all to read for educational purposes.
My question is this: Would it be appropriate to post an article of such nature on a [predominately]Rugby League forum? Would I be out of line by doig so? Is it okay by the moderators if I do so? If the moderators say it's fine, what section of the boards can I post it in? The General perhaps? Would a new thread be more appropriate or should I link it into a thread already in existence?
I'm only asking because I want to abide by the forums guidelines. I'm not sure who all the moderators here are, so I'll click onto their names when they reply to watch for the 'manager' tag to see what they reply.
It's fine if the moderators say no. No hard feelings will be displayed from my end.
Thanking you either way.


Go for it mate. Current affairs and things like that are fine to post here and I think you'll find you willget a decent response. If it's of a social nature, place it in the Firkin Fun Bar or if it's controversial, place it in controversey corner
The footy season is about to end, and if this year follows the pattern of last year, sites like WORL will virtually die for the offseason, while this site will go on with very little slacking off of activity. The difference will be that non-football topics will become the norm. Last off season we went through a lot of boxing threads, a lot of war on terrorism threads and quite a few light hearted 'getting to know you' type threads.

It should be noted that managers like Gav, Willow, Moff, Legend and even myself put in a lot of effort last off season to keep interesting topics on the boil, and that paid off by keeping a great group of posters together. We have picked up several new posters during the footy season, and I hope that most will find plenty to entertain them here in the off season as well.

To get back to your question re non footy threads, any interesting topics will be more than welcome in a few weeks time. In fact, the more the merrier. In fact, if everyone could put a bit of thought into bringing up a few interesting non footy topics in a few weeks time it will make the jobs of the managers and assistant managers a lot easier.


Assistant Moderator
Firstly, a big thanks for any topic that you take the time to put up. :)

Roopy's right. During the last off season, LWOS was still relatively new and we put in some effort to keep the community ticking over. It workeda treat.

The WORL site seems to die off when the Footy Show goes off the air. LWOS doesnt have any link with that so we tend to fly by the seat of our pants.

Anyway, I recall that this time last year, the cricket took up a lot of space but there were other discussions going on that had nothing to do with sport. Thats the nature of the forum.... post up anything you like, whenever you like.
