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Problems at LWOS


Unfeignedly - CM.

You're f*cking joking! If anyone was less unfeignedly than yousrelf. I have yet to meet him. You make the skin crawl, are you a relative of John Inverdale?

You are the sultan of slime, the Godafather of guuuulsssssch!

No-one, has left me with the feeling that this is old nick at work!

Just read your pathetic posts from the standpoint of normality - if you that ispossible!

Other than that, I suppose you have your good points! :)


I don't know exactly what eventuated last night (my time) but I can only speculate it wasn't pretty, looking back this morning at the evenings posts.
We seem to have lost two members. I stated that I didn't belive their was such thing as any elite or top-class posters here, and I stand by my comments. The value, however,of the recently departed posters is a matter of opinion. I hold both of them with the highest regard, integrityand intelligence. They will be missed dearly by myself.
I don't, and will never,forget Raidpatch's tremendous assistance and efforts in the speeding tickets thread which he provided to us all. I am appreciative.They were bothlengthy and detailed posts which I had the pleasure of viewing at a latter time. Another members was kind enough to copy it before it was removed and forwarded some of them to me.
The passion, integrityand effort Cryptic Messenger emphasized in his postings here and at WORL is something I'll never forget. He posted some of the best reads I've ever seen on any message board.I'm just saddened he didn't leave his posts up for us to enjoy upon his departure. Like Willow stated "to each their own" and that's fine by me. I don't agree with what he did, but who am I to judge?
As for the instigation? Well.. that is also a matter of opinion. Is it not? I don't think what evenuated was about having "thick skin" as many seem to agree with. This is a community. Thick skin is difficult to portray in real life let aloneover a screen. How it can be identifiable by people here, is beyond me... especially behind the comfort of a reclining chair and PC.But, again, who am I to judge?I believe this was about initiating a needless thread. Needless in the sense that... well it really wasn't neccessary. Was it?To start a new thread directed at one poster, is as far from right or constructiveas you can get. It's not that it should have been deleted upon starting... it's that it should never have been started. It should never everhappen for the cause or aimdefaming a poster or even praising one. That's what the end-of-year LWOS awards are for.The moderators should not be blammed for one brief second here. They have continued with their guidlines in allowing free speech since this community was born, as well as neglecting to ban individuals. They should be praised for this route... and I hope they continue. I really do. A community which is constantly moderated with Nazi style tactics is both unpleasing to view and lacks any diverse topics. That is not what Legend's World Of Sport's is. And of that I am glad.
It's us members and contributors who need to approach certain grey areas with some thought and logic. Not the moderators soley.
Very quickly. The poster who initiated the thread in question is one who I have always enjoyed reading posts from. I don't know what happened here on this ocassion, but my opinions on him as both a poster and member have not changed. :)
Finally, please remember that this community is bigger than any one or two posters. It always has been and, I sincerely hope, it will always be.Sure, there may be a hole (the size is a matter of opinion) left by those who have departed, but this community will survive. It has before and it will from hereon.People come and go, just like in "real" life. It's a part of life many are confronted with day in and day out. Some far more than others. We can either choose to carry on, or we can crumble apart and feel sorry. I choose to carry on. You also have a choice... and more importantly, you are free to make one.
Please do and let us all carry on.
Thankyou for your time in reading.
- I decided to post this reply in this thread, because the thread in question seems to have shifted topics dramaticaly.

As a new member here and a Broncos supporter, I've become somewhat immune to the idiots that bag our team constantly. I ignore them. It's the easiest way. Most of it is just dribble anyway. Bronco you make some excellent points. That's the reason I don't start threads. There seems little point and all it seems to do is provide fuel for the clowns.

I do have a couple of questions for the management of this community.

1/ How close is this site to msn WORL?

2/ Will management answer questions when asked?

I really hope this is nothing like the other site. The abuse there is way over the top and management there seem to ban the wrong people and leave the idiots. It's a St George only site anyway.

A very interesting thread Legend, and thanks to INCOGNITO for supplying the address of this site on WORL. :)
gday mate, good to see you come across

As for your questions:

1) Not affiliated at all, although some members in here still post there

2) Definitely

and thanks for the comments Vertigo, very measured and to the point as always. I hope everyone can calm down a little and come back to this board. I think we should be bigger than our individual differences.



Assistant Moderator
Vertigo: Nicely said. :)
Raidpatch: If you're reading this mate. Remember you're welcomed back anytime.

Kill the Wabbit:
"1/ How close is this site to msn WORL?"
We are not assosciated, affiliated or aligned with WORL forums in any shape or form.
The only crossover is that some members are belong to both forums.
LWOS was set up in June 2001 by Legend who had no one talk to so a few of us decided to keep him company. ;)
Since then its grown somewhat.

It was in effect a breakway forum from WORL for people who wanted something more diverse where abuse was not the prerequisite. Ted has described LWOS as the 'ABC' of the forums - not sure if thats good or bad... time will tell. :)

"2/ Will management answer questions when asked?"
Absolutely and without hesitation. We have (last count) seven moderators / managers who cover a good cross-section of specialties. More than that, we have 360+ members who are the true moderators of the forum because they make it what it is.
Any reasonable request is acted on immediately.

"I really hope this is nothing like the other site. The abuse there is way over the top and management there seem to ban the wrong people and leave the idiots. It's a St George only site anyway."
Well I'm a St George supporter and I get on well with one of the moderators at n-msn WORL. But as I explained, we are really nothing like the old place.

Sure, we get into arguments... sometimes quite heated, but the vast majority of discussion is kept in the relevant thread is conducted in passionate but reasonable manner.

I should point out I personally do not see us as being 'competition' to WORL. I'm aware thatthe guy who started WORLsees us as a threat but imo, its all about talking amongst each other, making friends and plugging the great game of Rugby League wherever possible.

Its the place where you have the opportunity to air your views... maybe change a few minds or even have your own mind changed on certain subjects. This is the great thing about internet discussions groups.

Naturally, we don't discriminate against any sport (or any reasonable subject for that matter) and you can even talk about Rugby Union if you want. Respecting opinion is only requirement.

...and btw, welcome aboard. :)
G'day all. I don't have a problem with anybody or any team..........well almost, but it would be nice to come to a forum where you know you are not going to get abused for airing your opinion. On WORL this was impossible unless you directed your comments to a particular party that you know will give you an intellegent debate.

I find a lot of the subject matter very interesting. I appretiate your welcome and plan to enjoy this site on many levels.



El Duque

KTW, curios about your nick.

Is it an anti Souths thing?

Noth that it worries me if it is.

BTW Welcome
G'day El Duque. I've been waiting for someone to ask me that question. No. It has nothing to do with the Rabbitohs.

It's a song by Metallica. It's a parody of Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd. I found it on MyNapster.com. It also features Ozzy Osbourne as Ozzy Fudd. ;)


Assistant Moderator
lol... El Duque, I reckon there's only one hand that ASIG is concentrating on atm..

KTW: Are you in WA? Were you introduced to RLby your own interest or was it to do with the Western Reds? Just curious to find out.
As far as I know we havent got any other WA forummers.... great stuff. :)

Still, it proves the theory that most Broncos supporters live outside of Brissie. ;)



Hmm, who could this Anthony Stevens character be. Someone we know perhaps? Sounds a little confused.

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