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R. Packer


Post Whore
Interesting development here. This victim claims it was in fact a "King Hit" something Packers lawyer claimed was not the case.


The young man assaulted by NRL player Russell Packer says he didn't provoke the attack.
Enoka Time, also known as Lester, has spoken out exclusively to the Herald for the first time since Packer, 24, was handed a two-year jail sentence by a Sydney magistrate this week.
Mr Time grew up in Auckland and has been living in Sydney for the past few years, after scoring a contract to play at a league club as a teenager.
He and Packer did not know each other.
"I only knew of him but we weren't friends or anything like that."
Mr Time said he and two female friends had been smoking outside a nightclub in November. Not far from them was a group of young men, including Packer, who had earlier been asked to leave the Chambers Hotel nightclub.

"This random guy - apparently Packer's mate - walked over and asked one of the girls for a smoke. She said, 'Nah'.
"Then Packer walked over and snatched the ciggies off her ... I go: 'What are you up to? Give the ciggies back.'
"I stood up and then bang, (Packer) hit me straight away. I didn't stand up to have a fight or throw any punches. I was pretty drunk that night and so was he."

Court documents show that the incident was captured on CCTV footage.
The documents say the footage shows the pair arguing before the NRL star punches the left side of Mr Time's head. "The accused moved in and punched the victim again a number of times to the head. This caused the victim to fall backwards to the ground, hitting his head on the ground.
"The victim was lying motionless ... the accused has bent down and punched the victim again with his left hand in an uppercut motion. He then stood up straight and stomped on the victim's face."
Mr Time suffered two fractures on the side of his face, including a broken eye socket, lacerations and severe bruising. He was left in a neck brace for two weeks.
Mr Time, who never pressed for charges to be laid, said he felt Packer's sentence was tough on his family. He regrets posting a Facebook status with unfavourable jail references about the player, saying it was fuelled by anger.
"Even though he did that to me, I honestly feel for his Mrs and kids."
Mr Time said he had refrained from retaliating during the incident because he did not want to put his contract at risk or upset his family back in New Zealand.
An appeal by Packer will be heard on February 11.
Read more by Vaimoana Tapaleao

Red herring. This doesn't seem to me to of been a king hit per se. I realise there was more to it as well.

With last year's supposed zero tolerance to throwing a punch on the field do we now expect the NRL to hop on the bandwagon and get really fair dinkum tough on punches. What if some player gets a smashed face from a punch which may be similar to Rusty's?

Can of worms time.


He pleaded guilty, so unless his legal representive is a f**k stick, the facts were agreed upon before they where presented to the magistrate. Packer got the maximum sentience a local court can give. f**k it must have been damning not to get a reduction on an early guilty plea.


Why are people even making excuses for him. Oh no the big bad local court gave him the max that its jurisdiction can...oh but he plead guilty he should get this discount and he should get, his poor wife this his poor family that. f**k HIM! About time a magistrate grew a set, flexed their muscle and gave what they are well within their right of giving. :clap:

Its a shame as a society we expect our local courts to hand down nothing penalties. Sad state of our so called 'justice' system.

Anyway upon appeal he will probably be released and have his sentence suspended or reduced significantly ](*,)

The end!


First Grade

Daniel Christie dies following king-hit punch

Kirsty Needham and Alexandra Smith
Published: January 12, 2014 - 1:19AM

The director of public prosecutions has been asked to examine whether the man charged with assaulting Daniel Christie on New Years Eve should be charged with murder, after the teenager died in hospital on Saturday.

The Christie family turned off his life support on Saturday afternoon at St Vincent's Hospital, where Daniel had been in a coma since he was attacked on New Year's Eve in Kings Cross.

"This is the saddest announcement we can possibly make – that Daniel is no longer with us. Today our beloved Daniel passed away in hospital surrounded by his family and friends," his family said in a statement.

"While no words can describe how crushed we are, Daniel fought courageously over the past eleven days which allowed everyone to say their farewells. It has also given us all strength and tightened even further the bond our family share."

His family said they would honour his giving spirit by donating his organs.

The attack, which left the 18-year-old with a fractured skull, had occurred just metres from the site where Thomas Kelly, also 18, was struck in 2012. Kelly later also died from head injuries, sparking a public outcry over alcohol-fuelled violence in Sydney.

The public furore has grown in the wake of the attack on Daniel a fortnight ago. Martial arts fighter Shaun McNeil is facing five assault charges from New Year's Eve.

NSW Attorney General Greg Smith expressed his sympathies to the families and said he had contacted the director of public prosecutions over the matter.

"I have spoken to the Acting Director of Public Prosecutions and asked him to closely examine this case with a view to determining if murder charges are appropriate in light of the evidence, and in light of the alleged offender’s reported martial arts experience," said Mr Smith in a statement.

"These incidents have focused community attention on alcohol-related violence, and the government will be working with police to make our streets safer. Last month I met with the Kelly family and I am giving careful consideration to their proposals."

McNeil, 25, was charged with assaulting Daniel, his brother Peter and three under-age boys all in 90 seconds in Kings Cross.

Police allege McNeil punched the boys on Victoria Street about 9pm who then ran and hid behind the Christie brothers who were walking down the street on their way to a nightclub to celebrate the new year.

McNeil allegedly punched Daniel, 18, once in the face using a closed fist. Daniel fell backwards and hit his head on the road, causing him to lose consciousness.

Peter tried to throw himself between McNeil and Daniel but was also allegedly punched and suffered a cut lip.

Daniel was taken to St Vincents Hospital, where another man lay in the hospital's intensive care unit after being punched 25 times in the head earlier that night in an unrelated incident. It is understood that man has recovered from his injuries.

A week after Daniel's attack, 23-year-old Michael McEwen left St Vincents for a rehabilitation centre after spending a week in a coma fighting for his life after he was punched and stomped on at Bondi Beach.

The Christie family has described the blow that killed their rugby-mad son as the "coward's punch" and his death will add to the pressure on the O'Farrell government to take action to stem the violence on Sydney's streets during the peak summer drinking season.

King hit punches have claimed 91 lives since 2000, according to the Monash University's forensic medicine department. The study found NSW had the highest toll - with 28 victims.

In a public statement released on Saturday afternoon, Daniel's family paid tribute to him.

"Daniel was exceptional. He was a beacon of morality with a heart of gold. We are so proud of Daniel and will strive to live with the core values he possessed; respect, dignity, pride and integrity."

"He was someone who had faith in anyone, which in turn, inspired people to have faith in themselves. Daniel was so caring and encouraged people to be the best they could be."


This benevolence on behalf of the nz taxpayer is truely heartwarming.

Care to share (I assume you have access to the figures being a 'public servant' and all) just how many ex pat recipients of this generosity you are talking about?

Meanwhile the Australian taxpayers are burdened with the high cost of dealing with and housing nz prisoners followed up by the expense of deporting them. I assure you the disparity is high.

Sorry for such a late reply... I completely forgot about this thread... My memory was just jogged by something in the news today...


gunnamatta bay

Sorry for such a late reply... I completely forgot about this thread... My memory was just jogged by something in the news today...

You mean the protests in most major Australian cities by disgruntled new zealanders that received zilch coverage in the Australian press?

No one but kiwis seem to care.

Its also interesting that they claim they get nothing in return for their taxes.


You mean the protests in most major Australian cities by disgruntled new zealanders that received zilch coverage in the Australian press?

No one but kiwis seem to care.

Its also interesting that they claim they get nothing in return for their taxes.
Yeah, I noticed those protests in the news which jogged my memory.

Hey I'm not saying they are right or wrong... I'm a kiwi living in NZ and am somewhat financially comfortable enough to live a good lifestyle here in NZ so going over to Australia is not in my plans.

But as someone who has worked in policy for a govt agency here in NZ I can assure you that Aussies who come over to NZ get treated by our govt far better than kiwis in Aussie.

But I'm not saying it's right or wrong... Each country has the right to treat its residents as it sees fit...

With the type of work I do, I've had family who live in Australia complain to me about the situation... But I've always said the same thing... If you don't like it... You can always come home.

To be honest we probably need to match the Aussie govt...
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gunnamatta bay

With the type of work I do, I've had family who live in Australia complain to me about the situation... But I've always said the same thing... If you don't like it... You can always come home.

I'm amazed at this flippant attitude. There would be lots who have signed up to mortgages and other financial balls and chains. Moving home may cost them heaps especially if that home was over valued at the point of sale. A real possiblility in the mining sector especially. The pain of that would far outweigh some government handout.

To be honest we probably need to match the Aussie govt

Go for it. But I note you didnt produce any figures regarding how many Australians have taken up the generosity of the NZ taxpayer. What % of that 68K Aussies in NZ you quote are on the dole and other benefits?

gunnamatta bay

Harking back to the protests, no one in Australia heard of, how much sympathy do you think they are going to get from the 5000 sacked Qantas workers not to mention the numerous others in the car industry etc etc etc?

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