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Raiders Side to face the Cowboys.


First Grade
If it is about money... $80k is still double the average salary in Australia. That's good money.

You're entitled to your opinion but what sh*ts me off the most is the 'f**k off and support someone else' line that gets trotted out time and time again if someone criticises the club and the players.

No one should be above criticism, otherwise people become complacent and lazy.

Boing Boing

thickos said:
If it is about money... $80k is still double the average salary in Australia. That's good money.

You're entitled to your opinion but what sh*ts me off the most is the 'f**k off and support someone else' line that gets trotted out time and time again if someone criticises the club and the players.

No one should be above criticism, otherwise people become complacent and lazy.

Well said and I agree "f**k off and support someone else" is a pretty low blow. But you have to admit, Thickos, that whenever someone with an opinion differing from the "sack the entire Raiders payroll" school of thought, they get sot down just as badly.


thickos said:
If it is about money... $80k is still double the average salary in Australia. That's good money.

You're entitled to your opinion but what sh*ts me off the most is the 'f**k off and support someone else' line that gets trotted out time and time again if someone criticises the club and the players.

No one should be above criticism, otherwise people become complacent and lazy.
I'm not telling you F off thats what this place is all about seeing eveyones opinions and how different they are. All i'm saying is that for $80K i bet you don't go to work and get your head smacked in or broken body parts, but yes it comes with the territory but don't you think they deserve a little bit of money to entertain us that way, and i'm sure if you have a bad day in the office you don't have to worry about being dropped next week. I understand everyones frustration and I feel the same way, but its now friday and we've been bitching and moaning since 5pm Sunday and the cowboys are tomorrow so if there is to be another loss, which i'm praying there won't be, but if there is we'll start bitching again tomorrow night, so just for a couple of days give it a break, talk about something positive and get behind them for tomorrow (i'm not saying though no one is, so don't shoot me!!)


First Grade
benmeyer said:
Well said and I agree "f**k off and support someone else" is a pretty low blow. But you have to admit, Thickos, that whenever someone with an opinion differing from the "sack the entire Raiders payroll" school of thought, they get sot down just as badly.

True, and I guess it's because a. people are stuck in their opinions and b. people's football teams are an emotive, passionate subject for most people so they fire up easily.

From my perspective I don't want the entire club dismissed, that's not my school of thought at all, but there are some things that are amiss at different levels of our organisation and we should go about rectifying things. All of us want to see the Raiders back at the top and it will be due to a joint effort from the playing staff, coaching staff and management that get us there.


Hotdogs line of reasoning is extremely flawed.

Professional athletes lead a life most of us could only dream of. They don't have to work or study and get paid extremely well for what they do. They love the limelight and most players are set for life by the time they are 30 years old.

They are the positives and the only negative is the criticism they cop for playing badly. Would I trade my current position to be a professional athlete? Damn right I would. Players get the pats on the back when they perform well so when they aren't performing they should exepct the criticism.

As a fan, we are entitled to vent our frustrations when we think the players and the club aren't performing to an acceptable level. Without us, they are nothing.


legend said:
Hotdogs line of reasoning is extremely flawed.

Professional athletes lead a life most of us could only dream of. They don't have to work or study and get paid extremely well for what they do. They love the limelight and most players are set for life by the time they are 30 years old.

They are the positives and the only negative is the criticism they cop for playing badly. Would I trade my current position to be a professional athlete? Damn right I would. Players get the pats on the back when they perform well so when they aren't performing they should exepct the criticism.

As a fan, we are entitled to vent our frustrations when we think the players and the club aren't performing to an acceptable level. Without us, they are nothing.

Your exactly right, without us they are nothing!!!!! Couldn't have put it better myself. So we make them famous, we give them the pats on the back, we take their glory, and give it back to them, we show them the limelight.
They don't ask us to, they have to take it, they have no other chose, we don't give them a chose. We control them, yet they are the ones out there busting their guts. If you want to be a professional athlete then why don't you?reason being (not being harsh), but you weren't good enough! just like even if they may have wanted to a doctor, they weren't good enough. We don't choose our talents, we get them, and we try to do as much with them as possible, yet like us always we try and bring them down.
I don't know why your saying they love the limelight, are you saying that if league wasn't played on TV they wouldn't play at all? Bit stupid don't you think. No matter what they love the game and you ask any of them, if there was no TV they'd still play. why are there doctors and lawyers out there, their not on TV yet they love what they do. Are you trying to say we all envy and want to be spotspeople?I didn't, I like my job and wouldn't trade it for anything else, not even league.Speak for yourself.
If you want to be a league player and would give your job up, why don't you?


I'm 33 and suffered a serious knee injury which pretty much put paid to my league career. I gave it a shot in some very good sides.

I would argue that a lot of players wouldn't play if there was no financial incentive and wouldn't risk serious injury running around playing park football. If there was no tv, playing numbers would halve overnight. It really is a pie in the sky argument to be honest.


I played outside centre and front row. A bit diverse I know but once I got into my late teens I dropped a lot of weight, trained real hard on endurance and speed and became an effective outside centre. In year 11, I was the same height I am now (188 cm) and weighed in at 105kg but I was unfit. When I was 18-19, I was the same height but weighed about 110 kg but much fitter and faster. I used to love running over the top of people on the field. It's quite exhilirating.

Probably more suited to the front row again now but I have taken up going to the gym four times a week so you never know. ;-)


legend said:
I'm 33 and suffered a serious knee injury which pretty much put paid to my league career. I gave it a shot in some very good sides.

I would argue that a lot of players wouldn't play if there was no financial incentive and wouldn't risk serious injury running around playing park football. If there was no tv, playing numbers would halve overnight. It really is a pie in the sky argument to be honest.

Don't give me that bullsh*t, so what are you trying to say about all those other sports that don't get the same amount of money as league players eg, netball, hockey, are you trying to say they do it for the hell of it. What about the sports at the olympics and do you forget al those who play league, rugby, afl, and all those other contact sport, what do they play for, there are no Tvs, money, sh*t like that, they play for the love, enjoyment and the game itself.Stop feeling sorry for yourself, just because you can't do what they do. Tell us why you wanted to be a league player then? Was it just the money or because you loved the game. Yes they are just fortunate that they can get payed for what they love to do but we all do a job that we love mostly, otherwise why the F%#$ are you in that profession.
I mean you think its just one day a week that they go out there and work,bullsh*t they work 5 days a week, play 1 day a week, and train in recovery the other day of the week. that doesn't sound as easier as your putting things.They get no more than two months a year and get brashed for the other 10, don't be nieve.


First Grade
nieve??? someone tell me what this bloke means. no, really, please, I'm on the edge of my seat.

Yes, participants in many other sports do it for the love of the game, however with the money that's potentially available, along with the TV exposure, the fame etc. The high profile sports (such as League, AFL etc) are the ones that get the highest numbers of participants. Are you seriously suggesting that they would have the number of players (especially juniors) if they didn't get the TV exposure and high wages that the top level players get.

NBL basketball used to get coverage every week on TV, but once Channel 10 decided to stop telecasting the games, the number of players for local clubs dropped right away.

Legend is dead right here: League numbers would drop away overnight if the salaries were in line with other professions, if TV coverage ceased. For you to think otherwise simply shows your own naivety.

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