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Raw Super Thread 2010 Spoilers


First Grade
Source : http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/live-wwe-raw-results-coverage-in-progress--99699

WWE RAW Opener:

Jack swagger is announced to the ring as the NEW World HeavyWeight Champion

He is walking out slowly, dressed in a full suit and carrying a case/binder of some kind. He grabs a mic. A lot of heat from the crowd. He says roll it. They are showing what happened on Friday that led to his Championship. They are talking about MITB winner ALWAYS obtaining a title when cashing in.

He says last Friday he made history. He cashed in and became the new champion. He says before he begins with the state of the championship he has few opening results. A "You Suck" chant cuts him off. He said last week he was considering cashing in on John Cena. But then he thought, if he was going to be truly recognized for what he is, a champion, he needed to take on a competitor better than John Cena, someone that says he is the best in the world at what he does. He says had he faced Cena he would have beat him faster than he did Jericho. No one on RAW compares to his abilities. His next sentence is cut off by Cena's music!

Cena come out to a great ovation tonight, also carrying his belt! He says first order of business, congratulations! Jack Swagger is officially the luckiest man in the world. Cashed in a briefcase, to become the HeavyWeight champion. He says you're about to learn these people don't care about what you've done. These people care about what you are about to do. So what is he going to do? You're going to SmackDown? We'll be so sorry to see you leave. He quotes Jack Swagger's "No one on RAW can compete with Jack Swagger". He says the problem is there is one superstar, who's calling you a liar! And that same RAW superstar....(A CENA chant breaks out), says you're not championship material. He says he's earned his title, and Swagger has not. He calls him a weasle! He says I'd bet you like to show me up wouldn't ya. He challenges Swagger to a match tonight!

He says he is so sure that he will make Swagger tap, just like Batista, that he will put the WWE Title on the line! Swagger says it doesn't work for him and is cut off by ORTON!

Orton says that he is sure Swagger would want to face the man that beat him last week, him. MIZSHO's music hits!

Really? Cena, Orton. Really? Miz says let's face the facts, let' face the issue at hand. The show is about the Unified Tag Team Champions! Not them. He gets cut off saying he's awesome by Utunga's music!

He says my name is David Utunga, the A-list, Mr. NXT. He says tonight he's your guest host for Monday Night RAW. He said this show will be top notch, A-List all around. He says Swagger, tonight, you will face the man that pinned you last week. Randy Orton. He says what else can I do? MIZSHO, tonight you will defend your titles against Batista.....and John Cena!!!!

Randy went for the RKO on Cena out of nowhere! Cena pushes him off and Randy runs into Swagger and hits him with an RKO!


kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus

Kofi comes out first to a huge pop from the crowd. Shemus is second to the ring walking out quickly. The announcers are remembering the attack Sheamus had on HHH last week. Lock up to start things off. Sheamus wins and hits two firsts to Kofi's back. Kofi gets up and kicks Sheamus a couple of times, only to be caught by Sheamus who lands a devistating back breaker! He is now stomping him into the corner. Sheamus goes for pin and gets one and a half. Armbar applied now to Kofi. Crowd begins to clap and Kofi work his way out. Shaemus whips Kofi into the corner, a clothesline is reversed folloowed by a kick from Kofi and a springboard off the ropes. Kofi lands two back hands and springs off the ropes to land a dropkick. Kofi is punching Sheamus in the corner when Sheamus throws a jumping kick out of nowhere! Followed by another one! He gets Kofi into his JackKnife toss and it's all over!

Winner: Sheamus

After the match, Sheamus grabs a steel pipe from under the ring and picks up Kofi. He proceeds to hit Kingston over the top of the head with it! Get's a lot of heat from the crowd.

The Game is shown walking out to the ring as we hit commercial.

We are brought back to a recap of HHH being attacked. Sheamus is now shown still standing in the ring. He says last week HBK's career came to an end. He says it took Shawn 8 years to get his first title. Sheamus only took 6 months. The biggest moment of his career was taken away from him by Triple H. So last week, he took something away from him. He attacked him with a steel pipe, and left him lying. He says Triple H, I know you're here tonight. What he did was called revenge. He said all of you cried. Pathetic. You cried for a man that decided leave, so he wouldn't have to face Sheamus. He said at WM, HHH and HBK had one great match left him. The Game is a bit more stubborn, he says he doesn't have one great match left in him. He asks, will you leave with your head held high, or make me send you away in a stretcher.

HHH Music hits!

Triple H walks all the way out to the ring and climbs the apron...Then drops down from it. Then grabs a sledgehammer from the bottom! He rushes in and uses it to plant Sheamus in the mid section! Sheamus litteraly runs out of the arena!

He says Sheamus is just like a silly little Irish Man. Bringing a pipe to a sledgehammer fight!

9 Diva Battle Royal
Red Carpet Dress to Impress

Maryse is at ringside to announce for the match.

Kelly Kelly first. Then Alicia Fox. Gail Kim is next out. Rosa Mendes comes out to a pretty nice ovation. Jillian comes out next. Katie Lea Burchill makes her debut tonight. Bella Twins come out in matching red dresses. Maryse is making fun of each one of them as they enter. Eve Torres receives a good pop from the crowd.

All are barefoot to start things off. Rosa is eliminated immediately. Followed by both Bella Twins! Buchill and Gail Kim have a good back and forth going on outside until Kelly Kelly dropkicks them both out of the ring! Spinning Hurricarana from Kelly Kelly to Alicia Fox. Jillian sneaks up behind Kelly and throws her out the ring. Eve Alicia and Jillian are the final 3. Double suplex to Eve as the other two continue a doubleteam assault. They toss her into the turnbuckle. Eve moves out of the way as Alicia charges her and knocks her out of the ring. Alicia tries to interfere and knock Eve out! Jillian turns around thinking that Eve was eliminated, but Eve caught herself before falling and throws out Jillian without a fight!

Winner: Eve Torres

Video is shown promoting Utunga

Utunga is shown backstage talking himself up with his posse. He says he is RAW. He says he's so RAW you might catch food poisoning sitting next to him. He points out his 427 all green bowl of M&Ms. Santino shows up and introduces himself. He says where is he? Where is the A-Team? He is dissapointed Mr. T isn't here tonight! HornSwaggle is shown stealing the M&Ms! As he gets caught, he spits a bunch of them out of his mouth!

MizSho is shown walking out to the ring


MizSho vs. John Cena and Batista
Unified Tag Team Championship

ShoMiz (MizSho what have you) is frist to the ring with their usual c*cky strut. Both having huge smiles on their faces as they hold their belts up high. Cena's music hits next with another large pop from the crowd. Cena runs into the ring and stares down the other two. They are both seen smirking back at Cena. Batista receives a pretty good reception from the crowd. His name is shown with a SmackDown logo next to it (incase there was a doubt as to his brand). Batista is staring Cena down the entire way. He stops before the ring and begins to pace back and forth, not getting onto the apron. Now he slowly climbs up the stairs as the bell sounds.

Lock up turns into a combination takedown by Cena who throws Miz into a sleeper lock. Miz quickly works his way out and a series of reversals result. Miz tags in Show who immediately starts attacking Cena with a series of headbutts. Show then whips Cena into the turn buckle. He now slaps Cena on the chest. Miz tags in Show and Show looks confused as to why he was tagged out.

Miz tries to run at Cena in the turnbuckle but Cena moves out of the way! Cena goes to tag Batista and Batista drops down and walks away from the ring! Cena runs after him and attacks him from behind. Cena ultimately gets counted out and looks very upset.

Utunga comes out and says later tonight, MizShow will defend their titles again! And because Cena and Batista can't get along, Cena's new partner is... Utunga!!!!

Winner: MizShow (Count Out)

Ted DiBiase vs. Christian

DiBiase is coming out with his dad's money belt. Million Dollar Championship Belt. Ted grabs a mic. He says last week at WM, his dad was inducted into the WWE HOF. He says last Monday on RAW, his father did something that he has NEVER done before. Act like a father. He says one act of random kindness doesn't make up for the fact that he wasn't there growing up. He says thanks dad for the trust fund. And thanks for the million dollar title. He says you know, it truly is good, being the fortunate son.

They say that DiBiase requested the rematch as Christian walks out to the ring. Ted swings first and its ducked out of followed by a series of punches by Christian. Christian stands on Ted and is choking him on the ropes. He then throws DiBiase out of the ring, hits the ropes, and lands a dropkick on him! Christian follows this up by jumping off the top rope to the outside of the ring, landing a flying first! DiBiase sneaks in a swinging neckbreaker as Christian was bringing him back into the ring.

Irish whip followed by an elbow by Ted. 2 count, followed by immediate sleeper hold. Christian is battling his way back up now with a few short elbows. Ted follows Christian into the ropes and hits him with a clothesline. 2 count! Christian and Ted exchange a series of blows. DiBiase now with a whip into the turnbuckle and attempts a clothesline, but it's blocked by Christian. Christian sets himself on top and lands a cross body press for a two count! Killswitch is reversed by a dreamstreak attempt, which is reversed again! Christian went for the tornado DDT but it is reversed and Christian is thrown shoulder first into the turnbuckle! Christian falls back into DiBiase, who lands DreamStreak for the 3 count!

Winner: Ted DiBiase


They are now recapping last week's RAW in regards to Michaels. Now recapping earlier tonight the confrontation between HHH and Sheamus

Orton is shown walking out to the ring!


Randy Orton vs Jack Swagger

Swagger is first out to the ring, wearing a silky cloak over his normal attire. Walking very slowly out to the ring, not his usual entrance at all. Randy is now coming out to the ring, Swagger is shown in the ring with his belt still on. Swagger is shown saying something to Orton but the audio is unclear.

Swagger starts things off with a kick to the stomach. This is followed by a series of strikes. Irish Whip into the turnbuckle. "Randy, Randy" chant is started. Swagger whips him to the other turnbuckle and Orton reverses the follow up clothesline. Randy with a series of foot stomps followed by a knee drop and a 2 count!

Swagger with a hard slam! This is followed up by a running clothesline that sends Orton outside of the ring!


As we are brought back Orton is shown throwing a series of vicious uppercuts!! This is followed up by Orton clotheslining Swagger outside the ring. Orton now throwing Swagger back into the ring. As he is climbing up, Swagger catches him with a neckbreaker over the top rope! Swagger follows this with a running shoulder. Swagger now throwing Orton into the steel stairs outside of the ring!

Swagger throwing Orton into the ring. Picking him up for a rear suplex and a 2 count! Swagger picks him up and lands a 2nd suplex for another 2 count! Swagger picks him up a third time and tries an abdominal stretch. Orton is trying to battle his way out and eventually does with an elbow. Swagger is tryhing to catch the abdominal stretch again. This is reversed by Orton who sends Swagger flying back outside of the ring!

As Swagger tries to re enter the ring, he is kicked in the stomach by Orton, which leads to the DDT from the middle rope! 1...2...Swagger's foot attaches to the bottom rope! Orton now landing a series of clotheslines followed by a scoop slam! Leads to his version of the backbreaker. Orton coils up to deliver the RKO. Reversed by Swagger who hits Orton with a huge boot! Swagger runs to the corner and lands his splash for yet another 2 count!

Swagger lands a second turnbuckle splash! Orton is slowly trying to reach his feet, using the ropes for leverage. Swagger attempts his gut wrench powerbomb, but Orton perfroms a backflip out of it! He immediately follows up the reversal wit the RKO. Gets the 3 count.

Winner: Randy Orton

They are recapping the events from earlier tonight during the Tag Team Championship Match.


ShoMiz vs John Cena and Utunga

ShoMiz is the first out to the ring. They look a little more serious this time around and walk straight down the ramp into the ring. Utunga come out to the NXT Theme music. Receives a decent pop from the crowd. The A-List comes out with a big smile on his face. It's interesting to note that Utunga has RAW shaved into the side of his head for the show tonight. Cena is last to enter the ring. He gets in and starts talking to Utunga about the match presumably.

Cena and Miz to start. Lock up leads to Cena stomping on Miz's hand. Utunga tagged in by Cena quickly. Headlock on the Miz. Miz throws him off and Utunga hits the ropes and lands a shoulder block. This is followed by 2 more shoulder blocks. Another quick tag puts Cena back in. Cena goes off on Miz. Including a whip into the turnbuckle followed by a bulldog and a 2 count! Miz distracts the referee and Show lands a solid punch to the back of Cena's head. 2 count by Miz

Miz tagged Show in. Show landing a few solid blows to Cena's stomach, actually lifting him off the ground! Cena battling back now, hits the ropes and tries a shoulder block, but it's blocked by Show and Cena is sent to the ground. Show is now standing on top of Cena . Referee is distracted again as Miz hits a few cheap shots. Miz tagged back in. Miz hits a jumping clothesline from the turnbuckle and receives a 2 count on Cena!

Cena now in a rear naked choke hold, battling his way out and trying to reach to Utunga. Miz ultimately drops Cena back to the ground. The crowd is clapping like crazy for Cena to rise! Cena is powering his way out of the hold. Miz knees Cena in the back which breaks Cena free of the hold. The two men hit the ropes and take eachother out with clotheslines!

Cena stretches towards Utunga to make the tag! He lunges at Utunga to tag him in, but Utunga hops off the apron! He now sits outside the ring and laughs as the Big Show lands his solid right hook! Gets the 3 count!

Winner: ShoMiz

After being knocked out by Show's lethal hook, Batista come out and hits the Batista Bomb! He grabs a mic and asks for a spotlight. Utunga says Batista has an announcement to make. Batista is now kneeling over Cena now. He says he is using his rematch clause for Extreme Rules! But he won't have to worry about tapping out there. Because the match will be a Last Man Standing Match!!!

The show fades out to Batista's Music.


Randy Orton's character now is the best, he will attack anyone that steps in his way, reminds me of Stone Cold Steve Austin
Seems like an alright Raw, I'll probably catch it tomorrow as I have missed the last 7 or so Raws because of uni. Pete, I doubt they'll make Orton a pussy again, they'll learn from the mistake they made last time, they've gotta keep him in a HHH like role (face, but badass).
My thoughts:
-I like DiBiase's new rich kid gimmick he's getting, his dad was a kayfabe millionaire, so it all makes sense, will be able to get him some cheap heat.
-Otunga annoys the hell out of me, haven't been able to see NXT yet (I've watched a few matches on youtube, but I'm at Uni all arvo on Thursday so I always miss it), hopefully he doesn't become a regular
-Vince needs to get over his love affair with last man standing matches, I think the Cena/Batista feud warrants one, but they seem to come up every 3 months. It cheapens the meaning of such a match.
-Swagger looked like a main eventer despite getting beaten by Orton
-The Divas still can't wrestle (at least in a battle royal they can't botch a pin though)
WWE RAW Results
Results By: Derek Kandler for WrestleZone.com
David Hasselhoff:

The crowd is chanting HOFF HOFF HOFF as we kick things off here tonight! He comes out to the Knight Rider theme music and drives in with kit!
He says it is an honor to be here. Another HOFF chant breaks up. He says we are going to have a HOFFTASTIC night tonight! He says will all due respect to another great SuperStar, Finally.... The HOFF has come back to Monday Night RAW! He says you know I can throw a party you can never forget, or a night you can never remember!
He announces his own special match. Baywatch Babe Triple Threat Tag Team Match!!! He says now, for a more serious note he was watching SmackDown the other night, and realized that there was no #1 contender for the title. He gives the Title Shot to Randy Orton! The #1 contender for each title will face eachother tonight! Randy Orton vs. Batista!
Eve Torres vs Maryse
Diva's Championship
Eve is first out to the ring receiving a nice response. Maryse comes out to a good amount of heat, doing her normal head toss entrance. Maryse starts things off with a huge slap to the face! This leads to a lockup briefly, then Maryse rolls outside the ring. As Eve comes out to get her, Maryse lands another huge slap! Both back in the ring now and Eve throws Maryse into the turnbuckle. Maryse counters Eve's charge with an elbow!
Eve reverses a grapple and throws a knee stike, followed by a swinging neckbreaker! Eve on the top rope now and attempts a moonsault! Maryse rolls out of the way and begins laughing hysterically. Maryse now slapping Eve. Maryse going for her trademarked DDT, but Eve throws her leg out and rolls Maryse into a variation of the small package, and gets the 3 count!
Winner and New Champion: Eve Torres
Big Show and Miz are shown walking out to the ring as we hit our first commercial
ShoMiz is coming out to the ring. They are supposed to be coming out with an important announcement. Big Show says before you make your announcement, I wanted to say I was a little skeptical of becoming your partner. But after WM and everything, he has changed his mind. The Miz says ShoMiz is the greatest tag team in WWE history! He says you boo that? Really? Really? He says name a tag team that's better than ShoMiz! He says you can name all the tag teams you want, but the fact of the matter is, you don't have any credibility. Get's cut off by Brett Hart!!!!
Bret is walking out to the ring now with a huge pop from the crowd! He says you call yourself the greatest tag team of all time? Give me a break! He says he can name 2 right now that are way better. The Hart Foundation! Voted greatest tag team of all time! Second team, the British Bulldogs! He says he's not talking about tag teams that are great for a couple of months, but for a couple of years. Miz says Hoff isn't the only 90's icon that is going crazy. He says he has no problems, slapping the British Bulldogs, in their little faces (with an english accent).
Show says this is the last time he will ask Hart to leave. Brett says he's not ready to leave, because he knows of a team that can beat them. Hart Dynasty comes out!
Hart says once upon a time, he fought the Bulldog at this very stadium! Dave says "Everybody knows that my father is here watching tonight. I issue you a challenge. Me vs you Miz, one on one, tonight. If I win, then we get a Unified Tag Team Title Match at Extreme Rules!"
Miz says that Big Show thinks this is a huge mistake, but Miz sees it as an opportunity. But if Miz wins tonight, then next week on RAW, Bret must admit that ShoMiz is the greatest tag team of all time! The Hart's huddle up for a moment, then Bret declares "You're on!"
Miz vs David Hart Smith
We come back from commercial in mid match! Miz off the ropes, knocked down by Smith's shoulder. Miz flipped over by Smith now as he is coming off the ropes. Smith throws Miz onto the second rope and begins to choke him out. Now he stands The Miz straight up for a good 5 seconds before dropping the vertical suplex! 2 count. Miz throws in a cheap shot to gain leverage and runs Smith into the turn buckle! Miz up top now and lands a double axe handle for a two count! Miz holding Smith in a rear naked choke hold as the crowd is cheering for an escape.
Smith stands up Miz and drops him back into the turnbuckle. Smith blocks a few blows and counters with a few of his own. Smith hitting a series of hard clotheslines, a scoop slam, and another 2 count! Miz gets up and puts him in a small package! 2 count! This is followed by a belly to belly by Smith! Miz again takes Smith into the turnbuckle, now climbs up top. As he jumps down, Smith hits him with a solid kick to the jaw!
Smith setting up the sharpshooter now! Show hops up on the apron and distracts Smith, causing him to let go of the hold. Smith now sets up for a PowerSlam, but Show blasts him in his kidney! Smith drops Miz, who then sets up the SkullCrushingFinale, and receives a 3 count!
Winner: Miz
We come back from break with a recap of Otunga's hosting of RAW
Conversation is shown backstage between Batista and Otunga. Batista ultimately takes off his shades and tells Otunga to get him a cup of coffee. Otunga looks surprised, but says he was going to get a cup for himself anyways. He walks into Hoff backstage, and Hoff explains that he was invited tonight by a gentleman by the name of John Cena. He goes to explain that he has set up a match tonight between the two! He then asks kit how long it will take John Cena to put him out of his misery. Kit says he estimates 22 seconds! Hoff says, see you later "D-List"
Evan Bourne vs Carlito
Bourne icomes down to the ring, and we see Carlito is already inside. Carlito gets the first advantage and throws Evan into the turnbuckle. He then pushes him to the turnbuckle and misses with a clothesline. Evan following up with a series of kicks before getting pikced up and slammed by Carlito. Carlito stomping him over and over before getting a 2 count. Carlito now with a loose chokehold with Bourne quickly escapes. Carltio with a vicious kick, which leads to a 2 count. Suplex by Carlito, and another 2 count!
Carlito now stomping Bourne to the ground by the turnbuckle and the referee breaks it up. Bourne now with a series of strikes, before being countered by Carlito. Reverse Irish Whip sends Bourne into the ropes where he lands a Hurricarana! Both men battling their way up top now! Carlito attempted the BackStabber from the top, but Bourne throws him off! Lands AirBourne!!! Gets the 3 count!
Winner: Evan Bourne
John Cena vs Otunga
Cena is first on the scene, and is immensly popular overseas! Huge pop from the crowd. Otunga coming out to NXT music, wearing a hoddie and shades. Batista comes out shortly behind him! He is clapping Otunga on. Cena starts out with a takedown and a chinlock, working Otunga over well. This turns into an armbar. Both men are standing now as the hold turns into another quick takedown. Batista is shown at the top of the ramp (He never walked down to the ring). Cena is putting Otunga in a series of holds and begins smiling. Clearly is out wrestling Otunga at this point. Otunga with one quick strike, which ingites Cena as he is clearly irritated at the attempt of offense. A series of slams follows this. Cena is staring down Batista and throws Otunga aside. He's motioning for Batista to come down to the ring now.
Cena turns around and lays out Otunga, then he puts him in the STF and stares at Batista the entire time! Otunga taps out and Batista looks away.
Batista takes off his shirt now and starts walking down the ramp! He stops about halfway and starts yelling out to Cena. "You Tapped Out" chant begins from the crowd! Batista turns and walks out to a collective claim of boos
Winner: John Cena
Recap of HHH Sheamus last week
Sheamus' music hits!!!
Sheamus grabs a mic. He says last week HHH said he made a mistake, but he disagrees. Because he made HHH show his hand. He says The game only brings out his sledgehammer when he's scared. He says HHH is afraid of Sheamus. He says that he just received official word, that they will be fighting at Extreme Rules in a Street Fight! He then goes on to insult London, calling it a falling empire. He says of Triple H shows up at Extreme Rules, it will be him that is making the mistake. And it will be a mistake that he will regret for the rest of his career! Kofi's music cuts him off!
Kofi Kingston says you know Sheamus, it's funny how you stand out here and talk about mistakes. Because you are sadly mistaken if you didn't think Kofi would retaliate after what happened last week. He said the two would be having a match, right here, tonight!
Kofi Kingston vs Sheamus
Sheamus starts by throwing Kofi into the turnbuckle. Kofi follows this up with a leg kick, but Sheamus quickly throws him into a choke hold. Kofi battles out and throws Sheamus into the ropes, only to be dropped by Sheamus. Kofi gets up and lands two kick strikes followed by a dropkick. Kof and Sheamus battling on either side of the rope momentarily, before Kofi goes uptop and lands a missle dropkick for a two count!
Both men getting up, Sheamus lands a devistating clothesline! Sheamus now taking Kofi outside the ring now, slamming him on the apron. Sheamus brings him back in now and gets a 2 count. Sheamus with an armbar on Kofi now, Kofi battling his way back up. Off the ropes now but gets caught into a vicious slam, and another 2 count! Sheamus dragging Kofi to the apron and throws a couple of stirkes. Sheamus now attempting a suplex over the ropes, but Kofi counters out and is throwing a ton of leg kicks! A few blows to the face now, dropkick! off the ropes now with a flying fist which sets up the BoomDrop! Sheamus gets up, and Kofi throws him into the corner and starts a Ten Punch. Stops after 5, and lands the TroubleInParadise. 1...2...Sheamus gets his foot up on the rope! Sheamus rolls outside the ring now and grabs a monitor! He strikes Kofi with the monitor and gets disqualified!
Winner: Kofi Kingston (DQ)
After the match, Sheamus picks up Kofi and throws his back into the ringpost! A HHH Chant breaks from the crowd as Sheamus slams Kofi again.
Carlito is shown backstage looking for HOFF and demanding a rematch. He is talking to Kozlov now, saying that he will quit if he is not traded to SmackDown! He says that the guests hosts don't care about him, and it's not worth being there anymore.
Orton Interview
Is asked what his strategy is for Extreme Rules. Orton says it means there are no rules, and he's fine with that. Over his career, he has put many people in the hospital, and it wasn't from playing by the rules. He says Swagger winning MITB was the best and worst thing that has ever happened to him. He says as far as tonight goes, Batista is very different. It is something that he has been looking forward to.... for a very long time.
Bellas vs Gail Kim and Kelly Kelly vs Jillian and Rosa Mendes
BabeWatch Triple Threat Match Santino Special Guest Ref
Jillian and Kelly Kelly to start. All wearing BayWatch swimsuits. Kelly Kelly taggin in one of the Bella's. Jillian picking her up and landing a fireman drop for a 2 count! Jillian now taggin in Rosa. Rosa setting up a suplex and receiving a two count now! Rosa picking up the Bella twin by her hair. Jillian comes in to break up a count and Kelly Kelly runs in to counter. Everyone comes running in now and it's mass chaos! Bella #2 runs over and performs a small package for the 3 count!
Winner: Bella's
After the match, Santino pretends to choke on his whistle, so he can receive CPR from one of the Diva's. Instead, Hornswaggle comes running out and hits the tadpole splash to get the whistle out!
Batista vs Randy Orton
Before the match begins there is a video showing their Europe Invasion
Orton is first out and receives an excellent reception! A fan is shown with a sign that says they also hear the voices. Batista is next out, following his usual entrance, although now it is to a lot of heat. The match starts with them staring eachother down. Lock up goes to Batista as he forces Orton into the corner. The ref breaks it up. Again they lock up and again Batista forces him into the corner. A thhird lockup turns into Orton applying a headlock. Headlock goes into a drop toe takedown. Lock up. Headlock. Orton now with a series of strikes! Batista drops to the ground and rolls out of the ring. He then runs back in and gets caught up in randy's backbreaker! This leads to a series of measured foot stomps. Orton off the rope now but Batista moves out of the way just as Randy's knee drops! Batista grabs Orton and throws him shoulder first into the turnbuckle.
We are brought back to see Orton on the ground, slowly getting him, and Batista knocking him back down! Batista now drags him towards the apron and lands a couple of elbows to Orton's throat! Batista now kicking Orton in the head, turning Orton over onto his stomach. Now dragging him to the center and pinning for a two count! Batista contuing the assault by applying a tight sleeper hold. Orton however working his way out. SOlid uppercut! Orton goes off the ropes, hits Batista back. Batista however stays upright and comes back to knock Orton down.
Batista outside the ring now, taking apart the announce table! He pulls Orton outside and goes to slam Orton's head into it, but Orton throws in a quick jab and escapes. They get back in the ring and Batista hits two huge boots to the head before getting only a two count again! Batista measuring Orton up for a spear now. Orton gets up and throws a foot to the stomach just in time! Orton spins Batista into the corner, should fisrt! Orton and Batista exchanging blows! Orton starts to win out, until Batista lands a kick to the mid section. Batista setting up a power slam but it's countered. Orton throws Batista off the rope and hits a scoop slam!
Orton explodes! Orton measures up a boot! Batista gets away just in time and rolls outside of the ring. Orton follows andBatista rakes his eyes. Orton climbs in the ring, Batista follows half way. Orton hits a kick to the stomach and drops his DDT from the second rope! Orton sizing up the RKO now. Countered off the ropes into a SpineBuster! Batista stomping the ring now. Batista goes to pick up Orton, and is struck by the RKO! Viper strikes! He rolls over Batista and in enters Swagger! He breaks up the match, causes a DQ, and pounds on Orton.
Winner: Orton (DQ)
Cena runs out and wraps Batista in a STF!!! Referees come out to the and try to pull Cena off, but they are unable to! Batista is tapping out! Cena throws the referees back and explodes in the center of the ring. We are drawn to a close with Cena counting up to 10, implying that Batista would have lost a Last Man Standing Match.

zombie jesus

Staff member
WWE Monday Night RAW Results 4/19/10
By Marc Middleton
Apr 19, 2010 - 8:16:30 PM

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up from the Izod Center in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Triple H's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW. I could be wrong but it sounds very much like Lilian Garcia doing the ring introduction for Triple H.

Triple H jokes and tells the crowd not to suck up to him because he's the only RAW guy here. Triple H talks about the volcano erupting in Iceland and the travel issues around the world. Triple H with some comedy here. Triple H says the entire RAW roster is stuck in Europe. Triple H cuts a promo on Sheamus and their Extreme Rules match this coming Sunday. Triple H goes on when CM Punk's music hits and out comes the Straight Edge Society.

CM Punk, Serena and Luke Gallows enter the ring. CM Punk says New Jersey sucks. He says with the Draft next week, he may no longer be a part of the SmackDown crew. Punk says if he comes to RAW, he's bringing the Straight Edge Society with him. Triple H mocks them only having two members besides Punk. Triple H asks why doesn't Punk have to shave his head like Serena and Gallows. Punk says he is the leader and asks why Triple H is questioning him. Punk says his hair is special, no foreign chemicals has ever touched his hair. Triple H says he must mean shampoo and soap. Triple H brings up Punk's hair match against Rey Mysterio at Extreme Rules.

Punk says he is going to crush Rey at Extreme Rules and then, everyone else will fall in line. Punk says Triple H needs to let some straight edge into his heart. The crowd starts a "you suck" chant. Triple H says he doesn't believe in what Punk believes in, he believes in freedom. Triple H goes around ringside with the fans and talks about one guy being able to buy as much beer as he wants because he's free. Triple H finds two older guys sitting together and jokes about them being gay together. Triple H points out Lilian Garcia at ringside and says if she wants to come back to WWE for just one night to "horse around", she can do it. Triple H says that's the beauty of a free country - people can do as they choose. Triple H says if he wants to beat the crap out of Punk, he can. Punk says he doesn't want to be here tonight. He thought he could come out here and Triple H would want to be a part of something big. Punk thought Triple H would shave his hair and join the Straight Edge Society. Punk says he's not asking, he's telling. Gallows attacks Triple H but he fights them off and goes for a Pedigree. Punk stops the Pedigree with a kick to the head and they start beating down Triple H. Serena even gets some shots in. Punk hits Triple H with a series of shots while Gallows grabs a chair. Serena grabs some clippers and they go to shave Triple H's head. Rey Mysterio's music hits and out he comes. He takes out Gallows and Punk. Triple H gets up and they send Gallows to the floor. Rey grabs the clippers now. Punk turns around to a right hand from Triple H. Triple H holds Punk while Rey shaves a little bit of Punk's hair off. Punk flees from the ring and heads up the ramp with Serena and Gallows. Rey holds up Punk's hair in the ring as we go to replays.

- Cole plugs tonight's hosts, the cast of MacGruber. Lawler says we will hear from John Cena via satellite next. We go to commercial.

Drew McIntyre vs. Matt Hardy

Back from the break and Matt Hardy is already in the ring with the WWE Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre. The bell rings and Hardy goes to work on Drew. Hardy hits a neckbreaker and clotheslines Drew over to the floor. Hardy comes after him and continues the offense.

Drew kicks Hardy in the gut and then back into the steel steps. They bring it back in the ring with Drew in control. Hardy counters with a side effect and a 2 count on Drew. Hardy with another neckbreaker and a 2 count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate but Drew counters and goes for his DDT. Hardy counters it and they go back and forth some more. They collide and both go down. Drew pulls Hardy off the top rope, causing him to hit his head on the mat. Drew gets the pinfall for the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre

- We go to ringside with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler. They show us a satellite video of WWE Champion John Cena from Belfast, Ireland. Cena apologizes for he and the RAW crew not being able to be there tonight. Cole asks about Extreme Rules. Cena says he is ready for Extreme Rules regardless. Cena talks about Batista and says he will be the last one standing and be the WWE Champion on Sunday. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a replay from last week of Vladimir Kozlov talking about the cast of MacGruber. Kozlov is in the ring now. He tells Jerry Lawler to come in the ring and read a statement he has. Kozlov's statement says he is protesting the unfair treatment he has received from the RAW hosts. He says he is an elite athlete who deserves elite competition. Kozlov says they are all spoiled Americans. Lawler reads Kozlov's statement that starts ripping on the people of New Jersey. Kozlov takes the mic back and says he wants proper competition. The MacGruber theme plays on the big screen and out comes two of the characters from the movie. The MacGruber guy is holding a large American flag and the Vickie character is holding a smaller one. Vickie says that Chris Jericho will team with CM Punk and Luke Gallows to take on Edge, Triple H and Rey Mysterio tonight. MacGruber defends the state of New Jersey. MacGruber insults Kozlov. Kozlov threatens him if he insults him again. MacGruber starts ripping on Kozlov's mother and her uterus. Kozlov says he won't et angry, he will just destroy MacGruber later tonight. MacGruber informs Kozlov he will be wrestling R-Truth tonight. Out comes Truth rapping. MacGruber talks about rigging the building with explosives. He and Truth exchange "what's ups" when a huge explosion comes from the stage. R-Truth has just been blown up. All we see is Truth's shoes smoking. Kozlov tells MacGruber he will see him later tonight and will destroy him. MacGruber seems scared now. Kozlov's music hits and he heads to the back as MacGruber and Vickie look on.

- Lawler says we will hear from Randy Orton via video after this next commercial. Back to break we go.

- Back from the break and we see MacGruber struggling to get out of an exit door. Triple H walks in. He points out that MacGruber has pissed in his pants. MacGruber says it's just water. MacGruber is nervous about his match with Kozlov tonight. MacGruber says a friend of his actually pissed his pants and MacGruber volunteered to wear his friend's piss pants, being a good friend and all. Kane walks in. MacGruber says that's his friend. Blah. MacGruber walks off to end this segment finally.

- Lawler and Cole talk about Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger at the Extreme Rules pay-per-view. We go to Randy Orton on video from Belfast, Ireland. Orton says wherever he ends up in the Draft is where the World Title will be at because he's winning at Extreme Rules. We see Jack Swagger walking backstage as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger. Swagger tells Randy Orton that talk is cheap when you're 3,000 miles away. Swagger says if Orton was here tonight, he would show him. Swagger calls for a referee and tells Orton he better be paying attention. Swagger issues an open challenge as the referee comes down. Nobody comes to accept Swagger's challenge until the lights go out and here comes The Undertaker.

Jack Swagger vs. The Undertaker

Undertaker makes his way out to the ring to a nice pop. Swagger stands at ringside looking a bit worried. The bell rings and they lock up. Swagger strikes first. They go back and forth until Taker hits Old School on Swagger. Swagger turns it around and starts stomping on Taker. They go to the floor. Taker uses the steps on Swagger. Taker goes to throw Swagger into the steps but Swagger reverses it and throws Taker's knees into them. Swagger gets back in the ring.

Taker comes back in the ring but Swagger keeps control of the match. Taker sends Swagger through the ropes and back out to the floor. Taker lays Swagger on the apron and hits the big running leg drop. Taker continues with the offense and gets a 2 count as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Swagger is working a submission on Taker. They go back and forth on the mat. Swagger starts dropping elbows on Taker's leg. Another submission on the leg by Swagger. Taker counters and kicks Swagger out to the floor. Swagger pulls Taker down and uses the ring post on his knees. They come back in the ring and Swagger gets a 2 count. Taker and Swagger trade right hands now on their feet. Taker gets the upper hand until Swagger goes back to his legs. Taker hits a big DDT on Swagger for a 2 count.

Taker hits Snake Eyes and a big boot on Swagger. Taker with the leg drop for another 2 count. Taker goes for the chokeslam but Swagger fights him off. Swagger runs the ropes but gets hit by another big boot from Taker. Swagger counters Taker but hits a sloppy DDT. 2 count by Swagger. Swagger goes back to stomping on Taker's knee. Swagger goes for the big splash out of the corner but Taker grabs him for a chokeslam and hits it out of nowhere. Taker is noticeably favoring his knee here. Taker hits the Tombstone on Swagger for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: The Undertaker

- Taker poses in the ring as Lawler and Cole plug tonight's main event. We go back to commercial.

- Back from commercial and we get the trailer for MacGruber featuring several WWE stars.

- We go backstage with Chris Jericho and the Straight Edge Society. Punk is wearing a towel on his head. Jericho says if they stick to his plan tonight, everything will go just fine. Jericho walks off and sees Vickie and MacGruber from the movie. They say he was the best part of the movie. Jericho says the directors are looking to do a sequel with him in the title role. Jericho sings his own theme song for the movie. MacGruber asks Jericho for advice on his match with Kozlov tonight. Jericho tells MacGruber to go in the ring and shake Kozlov's hand but smack him in the face. MacGruber hugs Jericho and thanks him for the advice. Vickie and Jericho flirt before they walk off. We go to commercial.

Vladimir Kozlov vs. MacGruber and Khaluber

Back from the break and Vladimir Kozlov is in the ring waiting. We see a replay from earlier where R-Truth was accidentally blown up by MacGruber. Out comes Vickie and MacGruber from the movie. They come face to face. MacGruber extends his hand but smacks Kozlov. Kozlov grabs him and starts hitting him with headbutts to the chest. Kozlov lifts MacGruber up but actor Ryan Philippe comes out and stops things. He says he got this match changed to a handicap match and introduces MacGruber's partner... Khaluber. It's The Great Khali in a blonde wig. Khali comes down and goes at it with Kozlov. Khali works Kozlov over until Kozlov fights back. Vladimir comes off the ropes and gets decked by a big chop from Khali. Kozlov goes to the ramp holding his head. Khali comes after him and they're both counted out as they head to the back. MacGruber and Khaluber are announced as the winners by countout.

Winners: MacGruber and Khaluber

- After the match, MacGruber celebrates in the ring with Vickie and Ryan Phillipe. MacGruber talks about how good the United States is and plugs the movie. We go to commercial.

Triple H, Edge and Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk, Luke Gallows and Chris Jericho

Out first for tonight's main event comes Triple H. He enters the ring and Sheamus appears on the big screen from Belfast, Ireland. Sheamus says Triple H missed the attack on Kofi Kingston last week so he's going to repeat it for him. Sheamus kicks a WWE crew member in the head and starts stomping on him. We go to commercial.

Back from commercial and out comes Triple H's partners Edge followed by Rey Mysterio. Out next comes Serena, CM Punk and Luke Gallows followed by Chris Jericho. Jericho starts the match out with Mysterio. The bell rings and Jericho strikes first. Rey goes for a 619 early on but Jericho slides out to the floor. Triple H dumps Rey over the top rope onto Gallows, Punk and Jericho as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Punk goes at it with Mysterio. Gallows comes in and then comes Jericho back in. Rey fights back with kicks to Jericho. Jericho catapults Rey into the corner. Rey comes back again and hits a moonsault for a 2 count. Edge and Gallows are tagged in. Edge with a big boot and a shoulder off the ropes. Edge counters Gallows and drops him with a DDT. Edge goes to spear Gallows but Serena gets on the apron and distracts the ref. Jericho knocks Edge off the apron before Triple H comes to make the save. Edge is selling the ankle injury now. Punk is tagged in now and goes to work on Edge's leg. Jericho and Punk are tagged in and out with the focus still on Edge's ankle. Gallows comes back in but Edge fights him off and tags in HHH. Punk is also tagged in. Triple H unloads with clotheslines and the usual for a 2 count. Triple H hits the spinebuster.

Triple H goes for the Pedigree but Gallows makes the save. Everyone comes in and Jericho ends up on the floor. Rey hits 619 on Punk. Triple H grabs Punk and hits the Pedigree for the pinfall and the win.

Winners: Triple H, Edge and Rey Mysterio

- Triple H, Edge and Rey Mysterio pose for the fans as RAW goes off the air.

They really had nothing to work with, they really only had HHH, Kozlov, Carlito and the Smackdown team. They are even offering everyone who attended a full refund.

Eddie Lab

very very good Raw this week.

a few good matches and the draft is always good value, but it's a shame that Raw always comes out on top of Smakedown in the draft.

WWE RAW and Draft Report - 4/26/2010
Date Added: April 26, 2010
Story By: Marc Middleton
- Tonight's edition of WWE Monday Night RAW with the 2010 Draft kicks off with the usual RAW opening video. And we're live from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia as the pyro goes off and Michael Cole welcomes us. Lawler and Cole plug the Draft tonight and show the Superstar Ticket on the screen. Matt Striker is joining Cole and Lawler on commentary tonight. We go to the ring for our opening match.

WWE Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Hart Dynasty vs. Big Show and The Miz

Out first comes the WWE Unified Tag Team Champions, The Miz and Big Show. WWE's United States Champion The Miz takes the mic and talks about being forced to compete three times last night at Extreme Rules. Miz says The Hart Dynasty was handed a tag title shot. "You suck" chants break out. Miz says the Hart Dynasty has been handed everything because of their Uncle Bret. Miz says they're not a Dynasty because they don't actually win championships. Miz talks about them being trained by Stu Hart and disses Stu. Miz puts over himself and Big Show. Miz says Stu taught all the Harts how to be losers and calls Bret the biggest of them all. Miz says Bret lost his deal and wants Bret to come out right now and declare ShowMiz the greatest tag team of all-time.

Miz is in the middle of calling his team awesome when Bret Hart's music hits. The WWE Hall of Famer comes out to the stager and says he's a man of his word. Bret says ShowMiz is the greatest tag team of all-time. The crowd boo's at this. Bret says he also declares that The Mountie was the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all-time. Bret also declares David Arquette was the greatest World Champion of all-time. Bret says he can say anything he wants. Bret says talk is cheap, it's all about results. Bret says tonight, they will have to declare the Hart Dynasty the new tag team champions of the world. The music hits and out comes Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith, with Natalya. Bret and The Hart Dynasty make their way to the ring.

The bell rings and Miz locks up with Kidd. They go back and forth with holds. Kidd uses the ropes to counter and goes to work on Miz. Kick to the head for a 2 count by Kidd. Smith is tagged in and they hit a big suplex on Miz that Smith holds by himself. Smith holds Miz in the air for a while and finally drops him for a 2 count. Miz goes to the floor to regroup and mocks Natalya. He turns around to a clothesline from Smith and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Miz has Smith grounded to the mat as Bret and Natalya look on. Smith breaks out and drops Miz on his head. Tyson and Big Show are tagged in at the same time. Tyson comes off the ropes and staggers Show, going to work. Kidd runs at Show but gets dropped with a big boot. Show picks Kidd up by his neck and headbutts him to the ground. Show throws Tyson into the corner and hits him with huge chops. Show stands on Tyson now and stretches his leg. Big Show taunts Bret at ringside. Show tosses Kidd across the ring again and tags in Miz.

Miz poses for the fans and gets boo'd. Tyson fights Miz off with right hands. Miz goes for a clothesline but Kidd turns it into a 2 count. Miz hits a nice neckbreaker combination for a 2 count. Kidd tries to make a tag but Miz holds his leg. Kidd fights Miz off and tags in Smith. Smith hits a bunch of clotheslines on Miz followed by a big one in the corner. Smith goes for the running powerslam but Miz counters and gets a 2 count. Smith counters that with a 2 count of his own. More back and forth action until Smith hits a big powerslam for a 2 count.

Miz drops Smith and goes for a pin but puts his feet on the ropes. Bret runs over and knocks Miz's feet off the ropes, making it a 2 count. Big Show runs over but Kidd splashes on him off the apron. Smith rolls Miz up for a 2 count. More back and forth. Kidd comes in and they hit the Hart Attack on Miz. Kidd locks Miz in the Sharpshooter for the pinfall, the win and the Unified Tag Team Titles.

Winners and New WWE Unified Tag Team Champions: The Hart Dynasty

- After the match, Tyson, Smith, Natalya and Bret all celebrate in the ring. We get a graphic hyping Sheamus before heading back to commercial.

- Back from the break and after an Extreme Rules replay plug, Michael Cole has breaking news for us. We see a clip from during the commercial break. Big Show and The Miz apparently had some words in the ring and Show hit the knockout punch on Miz, laying him out.

- Cole leads us into a video package of highlights from Sheamus and Triple H at Extreme Rules. Striker says it's still unclear how much time Triple H will miss but we will hear from Sheamus tonight.

- We go backstage with Josh Matthews and the World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger. Matthews asks Swagger how he feels after defending the belt against Randy Orton. Swagger says he did exactly what he said he would - dominate Orton. Swagger puts himself over big time. Edge walks in and the crowd pops. Edge says he's next in line for the World Title. Edge says Swagger has just a few days left with the World Title, unless he gets drafted back to RAW.

Maryse and Eve Torres vs. Layla and Michelle McCool

Michelle McCool, Layla and Vickie Guerrero come to the ring for a Divas tag match and Divas Draft pick as we go to commercial. Back from the commercial and out comes the WWE Divas Champion Eve with the former champ, Maryse. Layla and Eve start the match off. Eve strikes first and applies a headlock. Eve with a shoulder and a 1 count. A "We Want Mickie" chant breaks out as they go at it. Eve goes to tag Maryse but Maryse kicks her in the gut. Eve rolls out after Maryse and they brawl on the floor. Eve throws Maryse into the fan barrier and goes back in the ring.

Layla works over Eve and tags in Michelle McCool. Layla throws Eve into McCool for a clothesline. McCool mounts Eve on the mat and slams her head. McCool distracts the ref while Layla chokes Eve. McCool works on Eve's neck now. Eve counters it and drops McCool with an inverted DDT. Eve ducks McCool and hits a clothesline followed by two dropkicks. Eve hits a neckbreaker and gets a 2 count. Eve runs the ropes but Maryse tags herself in. Maryse and Eve have words. Maryse turns around to a big boot from Michelle McCool for the pinfall and the win.

Winners: Michelle McCool and Layla

- McCool, Vickie and Layla celebrate in the ring after the match as SmackDown gets the first Draft pick. We look to the big screen as the Divas ticker goes off. Kelly Kelly will be going from RAW to SmackDown.

- We see CM Punk, Serena and Luke Gallows walking backstage as we go to commercial.

Evan Bourne vs. CM Punk

Back from the break and out comes Evan Bourne for the next match to determine another Draft pick. Out next is his opponent, CM Punk with Luke Gallows and Serena. Punk comes down showing off his hair and laughing. The bell rings and Punk goes to work on Bourne and takes it to the corner. Bourne hits a flying head scissors and starts kicking Punk. Punk catches Bourne off the ropes and hits a backbreaker. Punk kicks Bourne in the back and the sides now.

Punk drops Bourne with a forearm and smiles some more. Bourne comes back and they trade blows. Bourne counters suplexes with knees to the head. More back and forth until Bourne kicks Punk in the head and he goes out to the floor. Bourne leaps off the ropes and onto Punk and Gallows on the floor. Bourne brings Punk back in the ring and kicks him back down to the mat. Bourne hits a big running kick in the corner on Punk and goes to the top. Serena distracts the referee while Bourne goes for the Air Bourne. The man in the black hoodie runs out from the crowd and pushes Bourne down on the top. He runs back out through the crowd. Punk takes advantage and hits the GTS on Bourne for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: CM Punk

- After the match, the SES celebrates in the ring while we wait on another Draft pick. This time it's Big Show and he's going from RAW to SmackDown. Show comes out to the stage and raises his fist.

- We see Sheamus heading to the ring as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Teddy Long congratulates Big Show backstage on coming to SmackDown. Teddy says he can't wait and extends his hand for a shake. Show just stares at Teddy. Show puts his arm around Teddy, hugs him and laughs. Show says there are no problems and tells Teddy to relax. Show walks off with Teddy dancing and telling himself he has a winner.

- We go to the ring where Sheamus is making his way down smiling. Sheamus says Triple H will never wrestle again. Sheamus says Triple H made the mistake of underestimating him and his career is now over. Sheamus says he's now moving on and wants the WWE Title. Randy Orton's music hits and out he comes to the ring.

Orton tells Sheamus that nobody has despised Triple H as much as himself but he always fought Triple H like a man, face to face. Orton says he didn't jump Triple H from behind with a pipe. Orton says Sheamus doesn't deserve a WWE Title shot. Sheamus says Orton had a title shot last night and he lost. Sheamus tells Orton to get out of the ring before he puts him out like Triple H. Orton says he has a better idea, how about he RKO and punt Sheamus right here. Sheamus says he doesn't deal with losers. Sheamus says he's going to face Cena for the WWE Title and there's nothing Orton can do about it. John Cena's music hits and out comes the WWE Champion to a big pop.

Cena stops on the stage and says we have a bit of a problem. Some boo's coming from the crowd. Cena makes a joke and goes to introduce tonight's guest host... nothing happens. Cena pulls a phone out of his pocket and takes the call. He says it's WWE Global. Cena tries some comedy here as he finds out there's no host tonight. Cena acts like he's talking to someone and cracks on Sheamus. Sheamus gets mad and tells him to quit joking around. Cena said he was told earlier tonight that the only person to name a #1 contender is the WWE Champion, himself. Cena says it will be Sheamus vs. Orton tonight to determine a new #1 contender. Cena's music hits and he leaves. Sheamus turns around and goes to hit the big kick on Orton but he ducks. Orton tries for the RKO but Sheamus ducks that and heads up the ramp.

- We see Kane, Drew McIntyre, Shad, R-Truth and Rey Mysterio all headed to the ring wearing SmackDown shirts. Back to commercial.

10-Man Double Brand Battle Royal: MVP, Mark Henry, Yoshi Tatsu, Santino Marella and Ted DiBiase vs. Kane, Rey Mysterio, Shad, Drew McIntyre and R-Truth

The winner of this match gets three Draft picks for their brand. It's not every man for himself but team for team. Out first comes Team SmackDown and then Team RAW. Santino steps out first for his team and does some comedy. Rey comes out to face Santino. Kane takes his place and Kane drops Santino to start the match. Drew almost eliminates Yoshi early on. Yoshi counters and Drew goes over the top rope. Shad eliminates Yoshi. Santino and Shad go at it. Ted goes to work on Shad now.

Henry knocks Truth down with a big headbutt. Kane tries to eliminate Henry but MVP makes the save. Ted and Rey go at it. Ted tries to eliminate Rey. Rey falls off the top but hangs on. We go to commercial in the middle of things.

Back from the break and Shad is going at it with Henry. MVP is looking to eliminate Mysterio. Rey counters a move and eliminates MVP. Santino eliminates Shad. Kane grabs Santino and chokeslams him in the ring. Henry scoops Kane and tries to eliminate him. Rey makes the save, Henry is eliminated. Out goes Kane. It's down to Ted, Santino and Mysterio but Santino is down. Ted and Rey go at it. Ted hits a big clothesline. Rey goes for a moonsault but Ted catches him. Ted throws Rey over the ropes but he hangs on. They go back and forth. Rey is almost eliminated but he hangs on and pulls Ted to the apron. Both men hang on. Ted pulls Rey off the rop and pushes him over again but Rey still hangs on. They do the same thing where both hang on the apron once again. They fight on the apron now. Rey runs the apron at Ted but Ted hits him with a big boot to eliminate him and win the match.

Winner: Ted DiBiase for the RAW Brand

- After the match, Ted lays Santino out with the Dream Street. We got to the big screen for the picks. John Morrison comes to RAW. He comes out to the stage and poses for the fans. The next pick will be R-Truth coming to RAW. Truth comes out and dances for the crowd on the stage. He and Morrison hug. The third and final pick for this match is Edge coming to RAW! The crowd pops and out comes Edge to the stage.

- Lawler and Cole plug tonight's #1 contender's main event with Randy Orton and Sheamus before going back to commercial.

Chris Jericho vs. Christian

Back from the break and Chris Jericho is out to try and score a Draft pick for SmackDown. Jericho takes the mic and says he was the victim of an unfair attack from Edge last night at Extreme Rules. Jericho says Edge tried to hurt him and he didn't deserve that. Jericho wants someone to suspend Edge immediately, he demands it. Jericho says he is still the best in the world at what he does, despite the losses to Edge and Heath Slater. Edge says Slater must apologize to him for causing him to lose the match to Edge last night. Jericho demands Slater come out and apologize now. The NXT music hits and out comes Slater to the ring.

Slater says he's sorry... sorry Jericho can't beat Edge and can't beat himself. Slater tells Jericho he won't beat Christian tonight either. They have words s Christian's music hits and out he comes to the ring. Slater taunts and distracts Jericho as he exits the ring. The bell rings and here we go. Christian strikes first, hitting Jericho with right hands. Christian works on the hurt leg of Jericho's. Jericho goes to the floor and Christian kicks him to the mat. Christian comes out after Jericho as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Jericho has control of the match in the ring. Christian rolls Jericho out of nowhere for a 2 count. Jericho comes back with a clothesline and a 2 count. Jericho uses the ropes on Christian and taunts Slater at ringside. Jericho goes for the Lionsault but Christian moves out of the way. Christian hits a flying elbow and a shoulder. Christian trips Jericho onto the ropes and stands on him. Christian jumps to the floor and hits the right hand. Christian comes off the top rope but Jericho catches it and turns it into the Walls of Jericho. Christian counters with a 2 count. Jericho hits an enziguri kick for a 2 count. Jericho goes for the bulldog but Christian counters with the inverted DDT for a 2 count. Christian goes for the Killswitch but Jericho counters into a Walls attempt. Another counter by Christian. Christian catches Jericho for another pin attempt. Jericho locks on the Walls of Jericho but Christian makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Christian comes off the top rope flying high but Jericho catches him with the Codebreaker for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho

- After the match, Slater comes in to check on Christian. Jericho attacks Slater and lays him out with the Codebreaker. We look to the stage for the next Draft pick. This time it's Kofi Kingston going to SmackDown. Kofi comes out and runs down to the ring. He lays Jericho out with Trouble in Paradise and poses for the fans.

- We see John Morrison and Jack Swagger headed to the ring for another match to determine a Draft pick. Back to commercial.

Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison

Back from the break and out comes the World Heavyweight Champion Jack Swagger, representing the SmackDown brand. Out next is one of RAW's newest Superstars, John Morrison. The bell rings and they lock up. Swagger takes Morrison to the corner but Morrison comes right back out and they lock up again. Morrison with knees. Swagger beats Morrison in the back and down to the mat.

Swagger takes Morrison to the mat and rolls him around. Morrison takes control now and holds Swagger on the mat by his arm. Lots of mat wrestling, counters and pin attempts here. Morrison finally kicks Swagger out to the floor and hits a corkscrew plancha to the floor on Swagger. Morrison brings it back in the ring but only gets a 1 count. Swagger hits a big shoulder thrust to the ribs on Morrison in the corner and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Swagger has Morrison on the mat. 2 count by Morrison after a counter. Swagger applies an abdominal stretch in between the ropes until the ref makes him break it. Swagger with a boot to the head. More of Morrison in control. Morrison with a big kick to the face and a 2 count. Swagger goes for the gutwrench powerbomb but Morrison counters. Morrison goes for Starship Pain but Swagger stops it. Swagger hits the powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Jack Swagger

- Swagger celebrates in the ring with his World Title as we go to replay's. It's time for the next Draft pick on the big screen. This time it's Christian going to SmackDown. Christian comes out to the stage and looks at Swagger, motioning to the World Title. Swagger raises up his belt as we get ready for another break.

- Back from the break and Carlito is talking to Ted DiBiase. Apparently Ted just made some kind of offer to Carlito. Carlito says it's not cool and walks off. Ted sees R-Truth and walks over. Ted is looking for someone to watch his back, be his confidant and carry his bags. Truth says Ted just wants himself a Virgil like his dad had. Ted says a lot of money will be in it for Truth. Truth says let him think of that and he smacks Ted in the face before walking off.

- We cut to a video package of John Cena and his support for the troops.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Hornswoggle

Back from the break and to make a long story short, Hornswoggle defeats Dolph Ziggler by countout to earn RAW the next Draft pick. Hornswoggle is excited.

Winner by Count Out: Hornswoggle

- After the match, Dolph attacks Hornswoggle and puts the Sleeper on him. Lawler checks on Hornswoggle as we get ready for the next Draft pick. Chris Jericho is coming to RAW! Jericho comes out to the stage as we get ready for another break.

- Back from the break and it's time for the #1 contender's match. Batista's music hits and he comes out pissed off. Batista is screaming that he's the #1 contender and John Cena owes him a match. Sheamus' music hits and now he comes to the ring with a mic. Sheamus tells Batista he needs to get it through his head - he lost. Sheamus says Batista is a loser just like Randy Orton. Orton's music hits and out he comes. Orton says he's listened to Batista whine since Evolution and says he will beat Sheamus tonight then beat Batista. Sheamus says neither of them deserve a title shot and they all start arguing. John Cena comes out and makes this match now a triple threat.

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus vs. Batista

The bell rings and they start brawling. Batista goes to the floor while Sheamus and Orton go back and forth. Sheamus hits a big slam on Orton for a 2 count that Batista breaks up. Batista throws Sheamus into the ring post and to the floor. Orton and Batista go at it now. Orton beats Batista down in the corner and stomps away.

Orton hits big uppercuts on Batista now. Orton starts stomping away on Batista now and drops the big knee drop to the head. 2 count by Orton. Batista goes out to the floor now and Orton follows. Batista rakes Orton's eyes and throws him back in the ring. Batista with a clothesline in the corner. Batista whips Orton into the other corner and he goes down. Batista comes to the floor and slams Sheamus' face into the announcers table. Batista comes back in the ring but Orton takes control.

Back and forth now until Orton drops Batista for a 2 count. Sheamus comes on the apron and trades blows with Orton. Orton slams Sheamus into the ring post and he goes back down to the floor. Batista hits a big kick to the face and a 2 count on Orton. Sheamus comes back in the ring to mix it up. Orton takes him and sends him back out to the floor. Batista hits the spinebuster on Orton as we go to commercial break.

Back from the break and Orton goes for a knee drop on Sheamus but he moves. 2 count by Sheamus. During the break, Orton took Batista out by shoving him into the ring post head first. Sheamus then took control by clotheslining Orton. Batista was also thrown into the steps. Back in the ring now and Sheamus is still in control, beating Orton down. 2 count by Sheamus. Sheamus goes outside and slams Batista into the steps again. Sheamus comes back in and follows Orton to the floor. Orton kicks Sheamus and slams him into the announcer's table. Batista grabs Orton and slams him back into the apron. Batista brings Sheamus in the ring and clotheslines him. 2 count by Batista. Batista works over Sheamus in the corner now and hits him with shoulder thrusts. Sheamus counters and knocks Batista back out to the floor. Orton comes in the ring now but Sheamus hits a big backbreaker. 2 count by Sheamus. Sheamus with a hold on Orton now. Orton fights out and Sheamus fights back. Orton with a big boot and a clothesline. Batista comes back in and Orton clotheslines them both. Orton with a powerslam on Batista. Orton brings Sheamus in from the apron with the second rope DDT but Sheamus counters it and dumps Orton to the floor. Batista clotheslines Sheamus.

Batista slams Sheamus now and gets a 2 count. Orton pulls Batista to the floor and slams him into the steps. Orton goes back in and gets a 2 count on Sheamus now. Batista tries to come back in but Orton catches him with the second rope DDT and nails it. Orton hits the mat and stalks Batista. Sheamus runs over and drops a knee to the head on Orton. Sheamus goes for the Pale Justice edge finisher but Batista spears Sheamus. Batista with a close 2 count on Sheamus. Orton hits the backbreaker on Batista. Sheamus hits the big boot on Batista. Orton hits a powerslam on Sheamus and gets hype. Orton hits the RKO on Sheamus. Orton turns around to Edge entering the ring! Edge spears Orton and lays him out. Batista manages to get his arm on Orton to count as a pin and the win. Batista is your new #1 contender.

Winner and New #1 Contender: Batista

- After the match, Edge walks up the ramp, looking back down at the ring smirking. Batista recovers in the ring and starts to get up. Edge stops at the stage and looks back at Orton. They lock eyes for a second. RAW goes off the air with Edge smiling.

zombie jesus

Staff member
Is Triple H taking a holiday? Besides Orton/Edge and Batista/Cena I'm guessing DiBiase/Morrison/Truth/Miz will pair off amongst themselves for fueds, where does that leave Sheamus and Jericho?

Big Pete

WWE Monday Night RAW Report for 5/3/10
By Marc Middleton
May 3, 2010 - 7:55:37 PM

- Tonight's WWE RAW kicks off with a video of highlights from last week's Triple Threat match between Sheamus, Randy Orton and Batista. We go to the new RAW opening video. The pyro explodes inside the arena as Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW from Jacksonville, Florida. Jerry Lawler plugs tonight's Cutting Edge segment with Edge and Randy Orton. We go to the ring.

- Batista's music hits and out comes the #1 contender to John Cena's WWE Title. Batista is dressed to wrestle as his spotlight appears on him and he heads down to the ring.

The crowd boo's Batista as he takes the mic. Batista talks about becoming #1 contender last week. Batista talks about the Last Man Standing match and how he lost it, explaining the rules of the match to the fans. Batista shows a replay of how Cena beat him, strapping him to the ring post with duct tape. Batista says that was the most embarrassing moment of John Cena's life. Batista complains about the duct tape and says that's something Hornswoggle would do. Batista says there will be a Beat the Clock Challenge tonight with Cena. The winner gets to pick their stipulation at Over the Limit. Batista says his opponent is The Miz and calls him out. Instead, Sheamus' music hits and out he comes.

Sheamus hits the ring and says Batista is pathetic, crying about his loss at Extreme Rules. Sheamus says he won his match at Extreme Rules and did something Batista wanted to do but never could - take out Triple H. Sheamus says maybe the reason he doesn't have a WWE Title match is because he took out the "son-in-law." Sheamus says he wants a match with Batista tonight. If he wins, he gets Cena at Over the Limit for the WWE Title. Batista says Sheamus had his chance and he lost it. Batista says they have nothing else to talk about and he has a match to win now. Batista tells Sheamus to get out of his ring. Sheamus says this isn't over. He says he will become WWE Champion again, sooner than Batista thinks. Sheamus backs out of the ring as Batista stares him down. We get a graphic for the Beat the Clock Challenge tonight as we go to commercial.

Beat the Clock Challenge Match: Batista vs. Daniel Bryan

Back from commercial and out comes [COLOR=#FFF200 ! important][COLOR=#FFF200 ! important]WWE's[/COLOR][/COLOR] United States Champion The Miz but he's not dressed to wrestle. Miz says he would love to face Batista right now but the trauma to his face from Big Show's punch last week has him out of action. Miz has a "doctors note" in his hand. Miz says he would love to give Batista the match of his life tonight but he can't compete. Miz says Batista will have to find someone else. Miz has a replacement and it's his NXT Rookie Daniel Bryan. The NXT music hits and out comes Daniel Bryan.

The Miz tells Bryan to try and get a win here. Bryan grabs the mic from Miz and says he's tired of this. Bryan says he's going to make Batista tap out. The bell rings and here we go. Batista kicks Bryan and goes for a Batista Bomb. Bryan rolls out and gets a 2 count on Batista. Bryan goes for an ankle lock but Batista rolls out of it and goes to the floor. Batista comes back in and rams Bryan into the corner with shoulder thrusts. Batista beats Bryan down to the mat now.

Bryan gets on Batista's back with a sleeper hold. Batista fights out and hits an elbow drop for a 2 count. Batista whips Bryan hard into the opposite corner and he goes down. Another big whip from Batista. Bryan counters with a kick to the face and locks on another submission hold. Batista powers out and hits a suplex. 1 count by Batista. Batista throws Bryan through the ropes and to the floor. Batista comes out and slams Bryan's back into the ring apron. Batista brings it back in the ring and hits a huge clothesline on Bryan as Miz looks on. 2 count by Batista at the 3 minute and 10 second mark.

Bryan hits a big kick to the head but Batista knocks him down with a big boot. 2 count by Batista. They go to the mat and Bryan locks on an arm bar. Batista makes it to the ropes and breaks the hold. Bryan stomps away now on Batista. Bryan turns around to a kick to the knee from Batista. Batista hits a spear and the Batista Bomb for the pinfall and the win at 5 minutes and 6 seconds.

Winner: Batista

- After the match, Batista takes Daniel Bryan and lays him out with another powerbomb. Batista comes back in the ring and lays Bryan out with a third Batista Bomb. We go to replays as Batista makes his exit.

- Lawler announces that John Cena's Beat the Clock match will be Chris Jericho. Cena has 5 minutes and 6 seconds to beat. Cole plugs tonight's guest host Wayne Brady as we go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Michael Cole talks about last week's Draft and Edge coming to RAW. We see a replay of Edge spearing Randy Orton as they plug tonight's Cutting Edge segment.

- We see Eve Torres backstage doing a photoshoot when Wayne Brady walks up. Eve thanks him for hosting RAW tonight. Wayne thanks her and the other Superstars, saying he's a big fan. Jillian Hall walks up and wants to sing his theme song tonight. Brady tells her to sing a little and she does, and it's horrible as always. Brady dances with Jillian and makes her dance right out of the room. Wayne thanks Eve again and says he's going to get ready. Eve goes back to her photoshoot but her WWE Divas belt is missing. Maryse runs up with the title and lays Eve out with it. Maryse poses to end the segment.

- We see Edge walking backstage with a WWE production guy, actually it's WWE writer Brian Gewirtz I think. Edge wants to use some violent footage from his past but the guy keeps saying he's not sure they can use that. Josh Matthews walks up for an interview. Edge says WWE is PG these days but he's still Rated R and will do what he wants. Edge says it's time to start another era of controversy in WWE. Edge he is going to start it tonight with Randy Orton on The Cutting Edge. We go to commercial.

Ted DiBiase vs. John Morrison

Back from the break and out comes Ted DiBiase with the Million Dollar belt. Cole shows us a replay of Ted DiBiase trying to recruit R-Truth last week as his assistant and Truth slapping him. Ted takes the mic and says a guy like Truth, who is from the streets, should take the chance to make good money. Ted says he will hire a personal associate and their first assignment will be to help him slap some sense into Truth. John Morrison's music hits and out he comes.

The bell rings and Ted strikes first, beating Morrison to the mat. Morrison goes under Ted's legs and hits a big dropkick. Morrison clotheslines Ted to the floor and comes over the ropes with a big splash. Ted goes to get back in the ring but stops. The referee keeps counting and hits 10 as Ted walks off.

Morrison takes the mic as he's about to be announced the winner by count out and says no way, that's not how he's debuting on RAW. Morrison asks Ted if he wants to come back and restart the match. Ted walks off. Morrison stops him again and says if he loses, he will become Ted's Virgil. Ted likes the sound of this and starts walking to the ring as we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and the match is back on. Ted has Morrison in a body scissors. Ted drops Morrison over the ropes and gets a 2 count. Ted argues with the ref and kicks Morrison in the ribs. Another 2 count. Ted drops Morrison with a big right hand. Ted goes for another but Morrison ducks it and kicks Ted in the jaw. They both get up and go at it. Morrison with a big clothesline. Morrison goes for a springboard kick but Ted knocks him off for a 2 count. Ted goes for Dream Street but Morrison counters it. Ted catches Morrison with a big powerslam for a 2 count. Morrison fights back but gets clotheslined again. Another 2 count for Ted.

Morrison gets up and Ted goes for Dream Street again. Morrison counters this and hits a bridge pin for the win.

Winner: John Morrison

- After the match, Ted is shocked. He attacks Morrison from behind as Morrison celebrates the win. Ted stomps away on Morrison until R-Truth runs down to make the save. Truth's music hits as Ted heads up the ramp.

- We get replays from earlier of Batista beating Daniel Bryan in the Beat the Clock Challenge. Cole hypes Cena vs. Jericho for later and we go to commercial.

- We get replays from earlier of Batista beating Daniel Bryan in the Beat the Clock Challenge. Cole hypes Cena vs. Jericho for later and we go to commercial.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett

Back from commercial and out comes the WWE Champion John Cena to a big pop. Cena must beat Chris Jericho in under 5 minutes and 6 seconds to win the Beat the Clock Challenge. Out next is Cena's opponent, Chris Jericho. Jericho comes out dressed in a suit with a microphone. Jericho stops on the stage and says he's not facing Cena tonight because he's already beaten Cena many times. Jericho says he has hand-picked an opponent for Cena tonight. The NXT music hits and out comes Jericho's Rookie Wade Barrett. Jericho puts over Barrett and tells Cena he won't beat the clock tonight. Barrett says Cena isn't going to beat him, period. Barrett heads down to the ring as the NXT theme plays.

The bell rings and they lock up. Cena gets several 2 counts to start things off. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Jericho gets on the apron and hops back off. Cena tosses Barrett onto Jericho. Jericho gets involved again and Cena has to lay him out. Barrett takes advantage and kicks Cena in the head and works him over on the floor. Barrett brings Cena in the ring and beats him down as Jericho yells from ringside. Barrett with more rights and a big clothesline for a 2 count on Cena. Barrett puts a knee in Cena's back but Cena starts fighting out of the hold.

Cena fights out but Barrett lays him down with a big boot to the face. 2 count by Barrett. Barrett with a backbreaker on Cena and another 2 count. Barrett drops Cena with a right hand and hits a few knee drops to the back. Cena countners and locks the STF on Barrett in the middle of the ring. Barrett taps out for the win by Cena in under 5 minutes.

Winner: John Cena

- After the match, Cena, the winner of the Beat the Clock Challenge, says he isn't wasting anytime announcing the stipulation for Over the Limit. Sheamus runs down and attacks Cena from behind. Sheamus hits the big kick to the face on Cena and lays him out. Lots of heat here for Sheamus. Sheamus makes his exit up the ramp as we go to replays of what just happened. We see Sheamus laughing at the replay as Cena tries to get up in the ring.

- Lawler hypes tonight's Cutting Edge segment as we go back to commercial.

Maryse vs. Nikki Bella

Back from commercial and here comes Maryse to the ring for our next match. The Bella Twins are out next with Nikki in action. The bell rings and they lock up. Maryse takes it to the ropes but Nikki comes back with a takedown. Nikki slams Maryse's head into the corner and Maryse goes to the floor. Brie Bella comes over and starts to get involved. Nikki brings it back in the ring and goes to the top. Maryse pulls her from the top rope and hits the French Kiss for the win.

Winner: Maryse

- After the match, Maryse gets in the ring and says something in French. She shows us her latest photoshoot on the big screen... it's her backstage posing with Eve Torres' Divas Title. Maryse mocks Eve. Eve runs down the ramp and tries to attack Maryse but the referee gets in the way and Maryse goes to the back. Time for another commercial break.

Zack Ryder vs. Mark Henry

Back from the break and Gail Kim is sitting ringside with Alicia Fox. Zack Ryder is in the ring and says now that Rosa is gone, he's single and ready to mingle so that's why he's invited the Divas to ringside. Ryder says he Zack Attacked Primo on Superstars this week and cuts a promo on him. Zack tells Primo to get out here now for a match. Wayne Brady appears on the big screen and says he has a different opponent for Ryder. The music hits and out comes Mark Henry.

The bell rings and Henry slams Ryder twice. Henry in total control as Gail and Alicia look on. Henry goes for a splash int he corner but Ryder moves. Ryder dropkicks Henry's knee and hits a missle dropkick for a 2 count on Henry. Zack hits the Ruff Ryder, a leg lariat, and gets another 2 count. Henry gets up and rams Ryder into the corner and knocks him back to the mat. Big running splash by Henry. Henry goes for the World's Strongest Slam but Ryder slides out. Henry goes for it again and hits the move for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Mark Henry

- After the match, Henry celebrates and goes to ringside where the Divas are. Henry walks off with Alicia Fox and Gail Kim on his arm.

- We go backstage to Chris Jericho, who is talking to The Miz. They're talking about Big Show punching them both last week. Jericho says he and Miz carried Big Show for 16 months. Miz says there's nothing they can do now since he's on SmackDown. Jericho says there is something they can do about it, he has an idea. Jericho and Miz walk off discussing their strategy.

- We get another replay of Edge spearing Randy Orton last week and another plug for The Cutting Edge. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we get a promo video for John Morrison.

- Vladimir Kozlov is backstage with Wayne Brady. Kozlov says he's glad Brady isn't foolish like MacGruber and is giving him proper competition. Santino Marella walks in dressed like someone from the 70's. Santino says he's here from Brady's family, The Brady Bunch. Wrong Brady here Santino. Santino says something about tagging with Kozlov or something. William Regal walks in and tells Kozlov to ignore Santino, they have a match to prepare for. Santino says Regal turned his back on Kozlov before. Regal says they worked out their problems since then. Santino walks off, mocking the Brady Bunch. Goldust is standing there dressed in something. Brady says he must be Alice from Brady Bunch. Goldust says no, he's Goldust and blows at Brady to end the segment. Wow.

- We see WWE's Unified Tag Team Champions The Hart Dynasty headed to the ring as we go to commercial.

The Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal and Vladimir Kozlov

Back from the commercial and Chris Jericho and The Miz join us at ringside for commentary. William Regal and his partner Vladimir Kozlov are waiting in the ring as their opponents, the WWE Tag Team Champions, The Hart Dynasty come down for a non-title match. Regal and Kidd start the match out. Kidd gets knocked off the top rope by Kozlov and to the floor early on and looks like he's fallen on his wrist. Kidd comes back in the ring and Regal works him over before tagging in Kozlov. Kozlov rams Kidd in the corner with shoulders. Regal works Kidd over as the referee is distracted. Kozlov hits a big overhead suplex and tags back in Regal.

Kidd makes the tag to David Hart Smith but quickly puts Regal in the Sharpshooter to get the submission and the win.

Winners: The Hart Dynasty

- After the match, The Miz comes in the ring but Smith hits him with a spear. Chris Jericho comes in the ring next and lays Smith out with a Codebreaker. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Smith and lays him out. Jericho raises Miz's hand in the air and they pose together as the official checks on Smith.

- We go to yet another replay of Edge spearing Randy Orton last week. And yet another plug for The Cutting Edge as we take another commercial break.

- Back from commercial and out comes Edge. The ring is setup with a black cover and chairs for The Cutting Edge. Edge says like it or not, the most controversial Superstar in the history of WWE is back on RAW. Edge says people don't deserve an explanation as to why he attacked Randy Orton last week. Edge says he's kidding, he will give them one but it's fun to play with people's emotions. Edge talks about returning at the Royal Rumble and what's happened since, including getting drafted last week. Edge says he was a bit angry about having to star over fresh on a new show. Edge says spearing Orton was something he had to get off his chest. Edge says he was the most talked about star in WWE that night, even though he cost Orton the WWE Title shot. Edge brings out his guest for tonight... Wayne Brady's music hits and out he comes to the ring.

Edge tells Brady to have a seat and says Randy Orton can wait. Brady talks about being a big WWE fan. Brady wants to see what it feels like to walk in Edge's footsteps and be a WWE Superstar. Brady stands up and gets the crowd hype on the mic. Brady cuts a promo and says that any guest host who wants to come on RAW, you're not him. Brady names several celebrities who have hosted RAW before and says this is his house tonight. Randy Orton's music hits and out he comes to the ring.

Orton stares down Edge as he enters the ring. Brady goes to shake Orton's hand but Orton lays him out with a big RKO. Orton stalks Edge around the ring now. Edge says Orton must think he's about to RKO him and that's not going to happen. Edge says last week, Orton was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Edge says he had to make a statement. Edge says the last time Orton was a guest on The Cutting Edge was years ago and asks Orton if he remembers what happens. The crowd starts chanting RKO. Edge reminds Orton when they teamed up as Rated RKO. Edge says it can happen again, but this time bigger and better. Edge says they can pick the bones off Cena and Batista after they destroy each other at Over the Limit. Edge tells Orton that nobody can stop them two.

Orton doesn't say anything. Edge says Orton must be too big of a star now to share the spotlight. Edge says now he's glad he speared Orton last week. Edge says he's done everything - film commercials, give the fans a catchphrase and return from injury but they still won't accept him. Edge says Orton doesn't care about anybody but the fans still support him and chant for him. Edge says he doesn't get it. A RKO chant breaks out. Edge says it's not fair. Edge keeps crying about what's not fair to him. Edge says Orton is going to listen to him. Edge says Orton will join him and if he doesn't, he will spear him every week until Orton is an afterthought on RAW. Edge keeps yelling at Orton, telling him to say something. Orton just stares at Edge. Orton goes for an RKO but Edge counters it. Edge lays Orton out with a big boot and gets ready for a spear. Orton gets up holding his mouth. He turns around to Edge going for a spear. Orton counters it with a RKO and lays Edge out. Orton looks around as the crowd chants for him. Orton's music hits as we go to replays. Officials are checking on Brady and Edge on the mat. RAW goes off the air with Edge trying to get up and Orton staring out at the fans.


Big Pete

Who would've thought...by staying true to his character, Randy Orton has been able to become one of the most over wrestlers in PW.

6 years late, but better late than never.


First Grade
Sounds pretty good.... apparently Bryan looked good

I am frothing at the thought of The Miz and Jericho as a team.


First Grade
The veteren has seemed to come first, eg. JeriShow, and ShowMiz

So JeriMiz?


Staff member
I love me some Orton. He's essentially Austin in a lot of ways - a bad ass anti-face who gets over by beating up good guys and bad alike.

It looks like what they're doing with Samoa Joe over in TNA at the moment.
I still hate Orton, I just can't get into his gimmick. I reckon that "Stone Cold" tweener gimmick would work far better with Edge, since he stays in his Rated R style as either a heel or face, and has a very loyal following in the WWE.

And as for the Miz and Jericho tag team, how has no-one gone for the juvenile idea of The Jiz?
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