We're just going around in circles. You are refusing to admit your wrong, so there's no point in replying. Unlike you I have a life, and don't have time to post countless replies when you refuse to admit that you're wrong. What's the point? What does it solve when cowards like yourself instead of saying "I'm wrong" just keep saying "You're wrong" over and over again in the hope that they just don't bother anymore so then you claim that they left because they were wrong. You just proved that right now by even posting in another thread. You have such low confidence in yourself that you had to post in a totally unrelated thread about your "victory". A piece of advice. When you realise your wrong just admit it. Don't make the whole world think you're f**kwit by constantly rejecting facts. You will never truly win an argument doing that way. The only things that could happen is that the other person might say "I'm wrong" just to shut you up and feel sorry for you, but they'll still know that they're right. Others will just piss off and ignore you. Because it's really pathetic. Just tell me, what great joy do you get from going around in circles for ever on a topic because you just can't admit you're wrong? No one else does, which is why they just piss off, because it's a total waste of time arguing with moronic f**kheads like yourself.