So a 100kg female weightlifter/body builder/boxer bashing a 50kg man is ok?
Oh I said that did I? Can't see hmmm point me to it please!
A couple of things,
Body builders mostly
look strong they are for appearance.
A weightlifter deals with
lifting weights in a certain way,so unless she picks up the guy and chucks him I'd say he'd still be able to defend himself.
And a female boxer being 100kg is about as likely as Burt Newton taking up break dancing.
All in all unless the chick pancaked the guy from get go,he would still be able to struggle against her.
The muscular strength of women just isn't as large and truth be told you'd probably have to have that mismatch to just match a guy in strength.
It's anatomical.
The only time you'd have a valid argument would be if a woman physically assaulted a man before testosterone was at it's highest in which it would be considered child abuse anyway.
All in all the man could still charge her with
But the probability of a larger woman injuring a small man compared to a normal man injuring a normal woman is overwhelming different.