Gotta hand it to the Roosters. They were the better team on the night.
No they weren't they were the better team at offside and slowing down the play the ball. But we were good enough to overcome their illegal tactics which the ref ignored to follow the edict by the NRL this week to be much more strict and sin bin teams for repeat offences.
If he had done that as the FOX commentary at one stage speculated, but never happened, we would have annihilated them. Instead, he allowed them to continue on and the Chooks kept coming. We didn't play at our best, but the Rorters were looked after by not sin binning them after the 4th or 5th six again. It really hampered our momentum. I wish BA would have a go at these tactics at the post match press conference and point out that the opposition team were given to much latitude with very little consequence.
Robinson can wax lyrical about the misfortunes that his team got for the two illegal shots we put on them, but BA doesn't say a word about how ordinary the game was officiated in the first place that allowed the Chooks to stay in the game. I would argue that if the Ref had sin binned 1 or 2 of their players, we would never of been in a position to have 2 players on report.
I hope in todays games the refs start policing this sneaky tactic and sin bin the offending teams. We are one of the cleanest teams around the ruck and in the offside. If the NRL police it properly, we will grow an extra leg as an attacking team. It will allow our big boppers to tear teams apart. This is why when we play teams like the Rorters and the Storm, they intensify their dirty ruck and offside tactics to stop us from winding up with speed and power.
We just need to make more public noise about this to put the refs on notice and so they know we will make trouble for them if they don't do the right thing by us. We need to scare the NRL into giving us a fairer go so to speak, but do it smart using the right language of course. Otherwise this will keep happening if they think that they can get away with duding us as opposed to the other team that has a loud mouth coach.
BA...Say something. Do something. Start yelling ffs please!