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Recreational Drugs


The Business said:
Although I admit I have tried most things on more than one occasion, I certainly don't condone it. I do however object that players can be suspended for traces of any of these substances. I don't know about you guys/girls but I certainly don't get tested on Monday mornings at work for traces of ecstasy or cocaine.

Other drugs such as steroids should be tested for and players suspended as it is a performance enhancing drug.

But cocaine is a stimulant and as such is a performance enhancing drug.


OVP said:
2 Nazis in a row ... i bet youve never even tried it and yet make judgement on the rest of us ... like all nazi's do :roll: Sieg Hiel mein fuhrers.

For the record i havent touched pot in over 8 years ... but i bet that means nothing to a nazi :roll: At least ive tried it and therefore can make judgement on it, unlike you.

Yet again the stupid argument for justifying an opinion is raised...

Everyone has an opinion, and can make a "judgement" as you call it.

But you stick to your argument. Have you played first grade league - if not, I assume you weill refrain from posting in this forum as your opinion might be taken as a judgement that you are nit entitled to.. (the same will apply, naturally to commenting on origin, tests, and cricket!)...

d'uh - the bottom line is it's illegal. And if it's legal to test employees and the clubs or NRL chose to, then that's fine. If they chose not to test for them I am fine with that too...

Matt M

How stupid are some people, it is ILLEGAL!

It may also not improve your performance, but it will lower your performance, and I really doubt that any club would be happy about that.

Players found taking recreational drugs should be kicked out of the game for good.


Matt M said:
How stupid are some people, it is ILLEGAL!

It may also not improve your performance, but it will lower your performance, and I really doubt that any club would be happy about that.

Players found taking recreational drugs should be kicked out of the game for good.

So players who break any law should be kicked out of the game?

Alcohol is a recreational drug, but it is legal. Look how many social problems come from alcohol. Why alcohol (a depressant) is more socially acceptable than ecstasy (a stimulant) I don't know.


m0j0 said:
Andrew Walker tested positive for cocaine towards the end of last year. He was going to cop a lengthy suspension, but retired instead. Not sure if they went through with the whole process of determining the length of his ban or not.

Thats interesting.
What if Walker wants to come out and play again next year (or this)?
He wouldn't be the first bloke to come out of retirement.

Harold Bishop

bboy_insane said:
Matt M said:
How stupid are some people, it is ILLEGAL!

It may also not improve your performance, but it will lower your performance, and I really doubt that any club would be happy about that.

Players found taking recreational drugs should be kicked out of the game for good.

So players who break any law should be kicked out of the game?

Alcohol is a recreational drug, but it is legal. Look how many social problems come from alcohol. Why alcohol (a depressant) is more socially acceptable than ecstasy (a stimulant) I don't know.
Because the side effects from ecstasy are far more detrimental than those of alcohol.
ie. Trigger of mental illness.


Matt M said:
How stupid are some people, it is ILLEGAL!

It may also not improve your performance, but it will lower your performance, and I really doubt that any club would be happy about that.

Players found taking recreational drugs should be kicked out of the game for good.

Players have been known to get a bit of spirits into them before a match in the old days. What's your opinion on that?
Harold Bishop said:
bboy_insane said:
Matt M said:
How stupid are some people, it is ILLEGAL!

It may also not improve your performance, but it will lower your performance, and I really doubt that any club would be happy about that.

Players found taking recreational drugs should be kicked out of the game for good.

So players who break any law should be kicked out of the game?

Alcohol is a recreational drug, but it is legal. Look how many social problems come from alcohol. Why alcohol (a depressant) is more socially acceptable than ecstasy (a stimulant) I don't know.
Because the side effects from ecstasy are far more detrimental than those of alcohol.
ie. Trigger of mental illness.

that is incorrect.

alcohol along with nicotine are by far and away the worst drugs around, and they're legal. :?: go figure.


eeelectroshooting? said:
Harold Bishop said:
bboy_insane said:
Matt M said:
How stupid are some people, it is ILLEGAL!

It may also not improve your performance, but it will lower your performance, and I really doubt that any club would be happy about that.

Players found taking recreational drugs should be kicked out of the game for good.

So players who break any law should be kicked out of the game?

Alcohol is a recreational drug, but it is legal. Look how many social problems come from alcohol. Why alcohol (a depressant) is more socially acceptable than ecstasy (a stimulant) I don't know.
Because the side effects from ecstasy are far more detrimental than those of alcohol.
ie. Trigger of mental illness.

that is incorrect.

alcohol along with nicotine are by far and away the worst drugs around, and they're legal. :?: go figure.

Correct. Alcohole and Tabacco cause more death and general health degeneration each year than all other recreational drugs combined.


Mr Angry said:
Do you let the police do thier jobs or do you attempt to do it for them?

What are you trying to say here?
It is a fact that Tabacco and Alcohole are THE most damaging drugs both socially and physically... We're not telling cops how to do there job, we're just telling it like it is.


First Grade
Drugs are illegal and a major problem in society.

To those who think players shouldn't be tested for doing something illegal ect, wake up, these guys a role models to kids, do we want to send a message to kids that doing drugs is ok? Do we want our kids to think doing something illegal is fine if someone famous does it?

Somebody said their work doesn't test them for recreational drugs when ever they go to work so why should the NRL. Does their work test them for steroids? Guess the NRL can't test for that now either. And if some joe public goes to work stoned, they get fired the company moves on. Some league player does it, they get suspended, the club loses sponsors ect, it costs the club a shit load of money. You bet your ass they should be able to test for it.

To OVP, your an idiot just because some of us aren't stupid enough to try drugs, doesn't mean we can't comment on it. And just because we don't agree with you that doesn't make us Nazi's ya f**king hippie ;-)


Kiwi said:
Drugs are illegal and a major problem in society.

To those who think players shouldn't be tested for doing something illegal ect, wake up, these guys a role models to kids, do we want to send a message to kids that doing drugs is ok? Do we want our kids to think doing something illegal is fine if someone famous does it?

Somebody said their work doesn't test them for recreational drugs when ever they go to work so why should the NRL. Does their work test them for steroids? Guess the NRL can't test for that now either. And if some joe public goes to work stoned, they get fired the company moves on. Some league player does it, they get suspended, the club loses sponsors ect, it costs the club a sh*t load of money. You bet your ass they should be able to test for it.

To OVP, your an idiot just because some of us aren't stupid enough to try drugs, doesn't mean we can't comment on it. And just because we don't agree with you that doesn't make us Nazi's ya f***ing hippie ;-)

Hey I agree totally with everything you've said here, but don't you find it a tad ironic that in our society we have major venders all over every suberb that are designed to fernish people with alcohole? Which is, lets face it, a mind altering drug... Moreover which drug in the last couple of years has cost NRL the most sponsors? Bingo! It's Booz!

The Business

strong_latte said:
Matt M said:
How stupid are some people, it is ILLEGAL!

It may also not improve your performance, but it will lower your performance, and I really doubt that any club would be happy about that.

Players found taking recreational drugs should be kicked out of the game for good.

Players have been known to get a bit of spirits into them before a match in the old days. What's your opinion on that?
I will never forget seeing *edit - no names* run out for Parramatta still p#ssed against Easts at the Sydney Sports Ground in 1982. My brother and I walked past him about 30 mins before kick off when Parramatta were going for their warm up and you could clearly smell the alcohol.


First Grade
strong_latte said:
Kiwi said:
Drugs are illegal and a major problem in society.

To those who think players shouldn't be tested for doing something illegal ect, wake up, these guys a role models to kids, do we want to send a message to kids that doing drugs is ok? Do we want our kids to think doing something illegal is fine if someone famous does it?

Somebody said their work doesn't test them for recreational drugs when ever they go to work so why should the NRL. Does their work test them for steroids? Guess the NRL can't test for that now either. And if some joe public goes to work stoned, they get fired the company moves on. Some league player does it, they get suspended, the club loses sponsors ect, it costs the club a sh*t load of money. You bet your ass they should be able to test for it.

To OVP, your an idiot just because some of us aren't stupid enough to try drugs, doesn't mean we can't comment on it. And just because we don't agree with you that doesn't make us Nazi's ya f***ing hippie ;-)

Hey I agree totally with everything you've said here, but don't you find it a tad ironic that in our society we have major venders all over every suberb that are designed to fernish people with alcohole? Which is, lets face it, a mind altering drug... Moreover which drug in the last couple of years has cost NRL the most sponsors? Bingo! It's Booz!

the simple facts are it's legal, and you have to consume extremely large quantities of alcohol for it to kill you. How easy is it to overdose on drugs? How often is someone killed for their next hit of alcohol or a smoke as compared to drugs?

We could argue why alcohol ect is legal and other drugs are not all year, the simple fact is thats not the debate here, it's should they be allowed to test for something illegal, and the correct answer is, hell yes.


First Grade
phenisha said:
what happens if players use the drugs from a legal country, hence not breaking any local law?

If they are in that country when they do it, then fine if it's legal there, they might want to make sure they find out how long it takes to be out of their system before taking it though. They wouldn't want it still in the system when they return.


Kiwi said:
strong_latte said:
Kiwi said:
Drugs are illegal and a major problem in society.

To those who think players shouldn't be tested for doing something illegal ect, wake up, these guys a role models to kids, do we want to send a message to kids that doing drugs is ok? Do we want our kids to think doing something illegal is fine if someone famous does it?

Somebody said their work doesn't test them for recreational drugs when ever they go to work so why should the NRL. Does their work test them for steroids? Guess the NRL can't test for that now either. And if some joe public goes to work stoned, they get fired the company moves on. Some league player does it, they get suspended, the club loses sponsors ect, it costs the club a sh*t load of money. You bet your ass they should be able to test for it.

To OVP, your an idiot just because some of us aren't stupid enough to try drugs, doesn't mean we can't comment on it. And just because we don't agree with you that doesn't make us Nazi's ya f***ing hippie ;-)

Hey I agree totally with everything you've said here, but don't you find it a tad ironic that in our society we have major venders all over every suberb that are designed to fernish people with alcohole? Which is, lets face it, a mind altering drug... Moreover which drug in the last couple of years has cost NRL the most sponsors? Bingo! It's Booz!

the simple facts are it's legal, and you have to consume extremely large quantities of alcohol for it to kill you. How easy is it to overdose on drugs? How often is someone killed for their next hit of alcohol or a smoke as compared to drugs?

We could argue why alcohol ect is legal and other drugs are not all year, the simple fact is thats not the debate here, it's should they be allowed to test for something illegal, and the correct answer is, hell yes.

Sorry, but I tend to think that's a tad soft personally... also, depending on the drug you also have to take very large amounts of it to kill you, you would have to smoke marujana for days on end for it to kill you, does that make it ok? I don't know about you, but I have seen alcohole do more damage to the game of rugby league over the past couple of years than any other substance! It doesn't have to kill you straight away for it to be a bad drug! It's all very good and well to say "it's legal" but it's STILL a mind altering drug! As you said, these players are suposed to be role models for kids FFS! Drunks cause so much public damage each year it's not funny and your telling the fact that it's "legal" makes it better than the illegal drugs? They're all the same mate, they all KILL.

Darth Bobo

Why don't clubs allow thier players to use recreational druges? Does your boss allow you to smoke, drink and pop pills before you come into work?

If your that gone on the stuff that you can't perform your job properly then you won't be employed for long. Same with footy players but with thier job being so dependant on physical prowess both the clubs and the players would be silly to turn a blind eye to recreational drug use.

The alcohol vs pot debate has been going on for ages and is not restricted to footy.

Personally, if you keep things in moderation then alocohol or other rec drugs are fair game. On the other hand if I was a CEO of a football club my stance would be very different because of the stigma and social outcry associated with drug use. I would take the stance of the Bulldogs with in-house testing and not release a players name if they were caught.

If your employer caught you under the influence and told the world it would be an invasion of your privacy, as in it's not EVEYBODY ELSE'S problem. I would keep it in house, rehabilitate the twit who got busted and then if it's an ongoing issue shame the player by going public.

It's not a football's club job to rid society of drug use.