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Redneck Redfaces 2


Speaking of bullshit, what better chance for the mighty RF . . . no not Ed Roth's Rat Fink, Robbie Farah the Tiger's version . . . to prove how good he is. Surely he can destroy the Dragons without Widdop. He wouldn't be pulling down Mary's knickers in the process either, we all know the Dragons coach has done the best he can this season

If anyone can get the Seagles into the lottery it's RF, such are his superpowers when he puts his mind to it, and Manly with a ticket could be like a bull in a china shop if the beat the Sharks twice. Robbie will need a wheelbarrow to catch the bullshit if his mob flog the Dragons and the Seagles do likewise to the Sharks . . . love the smell of the finals, like turning over rubbish at a tip


Haven't watched much footy from here in Noosa, can understand Mary being happy he's in front of half the coaches after being death ridden early . . . maybe he can turn clay into a precious metal next year


Not dedicated enough to concentrate on 80 minute League I always thought Hayne was wasting everyone's time when all along he was day dreaming of something else. The bloke has an attitude perfectly suited to NFL if not League and I for one hope he makes a mockery of the Yank holier than thou 'superior' sport

Never thought I would one day be cheering for the bloke, if he succeeds it will definitely go to his head and why not, the game thrives on everything connected with it being embarrassingly over the top. Reckon I could sit through a whole game if it was recorded so as to skip the carrying on between plays, now made something I'll be forced into because Hayne is playing . . . whodathought

Jarryd may be reticent now but if he makes it to the top as we all here want him to do how f**king good would it be to see the outstretched arms of the Hayne Plane in NFL, won't matter over there if his team is winning or not


There is one final series I'm keenly interested in, the Intrust Super Cup could be won by the Hunters. If anyone other than the Cowboys or Sharks win the pissant cup no-one will give a shit other than their ardent followers but in the unlikely event the mob from PNG get to play their NSW Cup counterparts on gf day it would be a year to remember

If this scenario eventuates any true Rugby League follower will understand the ramifications, PNG will become pioneers for further Pacific Island team inclusion in State Cups. Ironic that the result of the State Cup Championsip could be far more important than the footy bible bashers' cup.

Imo even a Sharks or Cowboys drinking from the cup would be overshadowed by PNG win on gf day, a pity that none of my priorities will come to fruition and more than likely we'll see the inhabitants of Wanker City celebrating the Dogs as best team of the year when they pull out the winning ticket


There is one final series I'm keenly interested in, the Intrust Super Cup could be won by the Hunters. If anyone other than the Cowboys or Sharks win the pissant cup no-one will give a shit other than their ardent followers but in the unlikely event the mob from PNG get to play their NSW Cup counterparts on gf day it would be a year to remember

If this scenario eventuates any true Rugby League follower will understand the ramifications, PNG will become pioneers for further Pacific Island team inclusion in State Cups. Ironic that the result of the State Cup Championsip could be far more important than the footy bible bashers' cup.

Imo even a Sharks or Cowboys drinking from the cup would be overshadowed by PNG win on gf day, a pity that none of my priorities will come to fruition and more than likely we'll see the inhabitants of Wanker City celebrating the Dogs as best team of the year when they pull out the winning ticket
I know you don't honestly believe this shite... If you follow coaches everyone knows the finals is where reputations are made.


Blackhawks have peaked too soon. Grand final will be Jets v PNG Hunters.
Just quietly, the top 6 is a terrible format.


I know you don't honestly believe this shite... If you follow coaches everyone knows the finals is where reputations are made.

I know you reckon Flanagan is rubbish so if Robbo drops out in straight sets and the Sharks win the cup they're the best team for '15 and Flanno is the best coach, right . . . wrong, the cup is bullshit compared to the Shield

and no matter what happens Bellamy and Bennett are still vying for the best coach in the game with daylight second


I know you reckon Flanagan is rubbish so if Robbo drops out in straight sets and the Sharks win the cup they're the best team for '15 and Flanno is the best coach, right . . . wrong, the cup is bullshit compared to the Shield

and no matter what happens Bellamy and Bennett are still vying for the best coach in the game with daylight second
MMMMMMmmm.... Not sure where you get your theories/comparisons from but it all sounds very "interestin". The Knights beg to differ!


Rugby League forums are not like woodworking forums, here you can put forward ideas without any knowledge of the subject and be readily accepted into the fold, which is probably why so many of us are confident that anonymity is enough. Most of us here however think that we can look at the game without borrowing anyone else's eyes and come up with an opinion

Opinions are hard things to change and I don't offer mine with the slightest need for change, I do like to embellish them with cynicism, sarcasm an humour but believe it not the most serious people on the planet are comedians. I for instance align myself closely with Billy Connolly, I've never heard the bloke say anything I don't agree with

Imo you can relate Rugby League to religion, I'm content to let the 26 round regular season be the guide to what is right and just, I don't need to go to an evangelist meeting like the finals series and have an imaginary friend shoved down my throat. Not saying I'm against people who need a religious fix like the gf, any more than I criticise people who let a whole season's enjoyment rely on the one-eyed fortunes of a single team

What I do abhor is f**kwits referring to the Roosters this season as 'minor' premiers, they're only minor because there is more money to be made by the media who are no better than f**king evangelists ripping believers off when the values of the game itself mean sfa to them
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What I do abhor is f**kwits referring to the Roosters this season as 'minor' premiers, they're only minor because there is more money to be made by the media who are no better than f**king evangelists ripping believers off when the values of the game itself mean sfa to them

Not questioning the Roosters as the best team, but for the table to be a true premiership there needs to be a full home and away schedule

But many celebrated premiers (e.g., Canberra 89) are remembered, while those that topped the table (Souths, from memory) not. Certainly the minor premiers should get more kudos, but only if the schedule is a full and fair one


Stories like that of Jeff Robson put everything into perspective, the bloke has little choice but stay in Australia for his daughter's sake when given his work ethic he could easily elongate his career in England. Players that are prepared to play State Cup for a living, whether due to special circumstances or not, would be appreciated more if Rugby League as a whole is appreciated more

JJ points out that the 26 round Shield is not a fair indication of who is the best team of the year because all teams don't play each other in equal proportion so why should the cup be any better an indication. Fair enough, I look on every game of the season as equal to the gf in entertainment value so it's no skin off my nose

At least I don't pretend to value the gf as better than Origin when the vast majority of League supporters lose sleep over the latter compared to the former, don't believe the crap that players cherish a gf ring over playing for their State, they'd swap the jewellery if they had the opportunity

Jeff Robson wouldn't let NSW down, come to think of it his defence and do or die attitude would be an easy fit, he certainly will do his best for Cronulla. If by some miracle the Sharks win him a gf ring will it mean he'll be able to continue at the level he needs to comfortably help his daughter or will he have to do it all again in another country sooner rather than later

People might ask if I'm satisfied with one game at a time and the Shield as a banner why all the piss taking. I go through the rigmarole because I enjoy winding people up and detest the NRL's lack of foresight, they are blinkered by dollar bills on a one track journey when there are so many side roads of the game that could be explored with so little drain on their overflowing coffers


I know you reckon Flanagan is rubbish so if Robbo drops out in straight sets and the Sharks win the cup they're the best team for '15 and Flanno is the best coach, right . . . wrong, the cup is bullshit compared to the Shield

and no matter what happens Bellamy and Bennett are still vying for the best coach in the game with daylight second
So if you were a man of your word The storm taking home the premiership trophy would be worth SFA to you??


Bigcoq small brain, how many people do you think will recognise Melbourne as the best team of the year if they win the cup, I certainly won't. Everyone with more than half a f**king brain knows the Roosters deserve to crow this year, they won 12 of the last 13 and came up against a coach who had to dig deep once again, surely he'd need more than having the best player on the planet next time they meet

SFA is a pisstaking term, I'd be disappointed if Melbourne beat the Cowboys or Sharks in the gf, be tickled pink when the Roosters knock out the Dogs next week, happy for my missus if Maguire pulls a rabbit out of the hat and over the moon for Mary if he walked on water.

Most of all I'll feel sorry for Robbo if according to f**kwit gf worshippers if he only finishes with one of the last three seasons worth more than a cursory 'minor' mention. Aside from that even you may understand when I say that if Robbo does manage to get his just desserts no more than 1/3 of a stadium of people will give a shit the day after the gf . . . probably less than would care if Melbourne won

Almost forgot about Benny, great coach he is but still the bloke who stays lean so he can bend to suck his own appendage. He says that players should find a better time to demonstrate their grievances, things like short turn arounds, when there is no better time with any chance the money grabbers will listen than the present . . . for that reason I hope he fairs worse than the Dogs

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