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Redneck Redfaces 2


There you have it, Jabba considers himself as good at what he does in everything he does as do most people he previously convinced still do, so it's sit back and relax while the new 3 year plan supercedes the 5 year one. Believe it or not, along with Squizzy at Wests Hook will vie for my next wannabe supercoach, I hope the pair go gangbusters

Obviously Jabba wanted the Broncos to win the gf, you could tell by his commentary, he believes the Brisbane mob have been coached to almost perfection by Benny but not before Hook laid the groundwork. I too, along with Corey Parker, believe Hook would've overcome his misdemeanors with Barba and the like and learnt by his mistakes

So, how long ago did the mighty Penrith CEO consider Hook the next best thing to a cheap supercoach that can still remain a scapegoat if things go pear shaped. Will Hook want to use local talent instead of importing it and will Jabba let him. Will Hook insist on top of the line injury management personnel so he too doesn't 'look like having a breakdown' that will turn 3 into 2

The irony for me is that if I consider Jabba to be a 'once great supercoach in years gone by and nothing more' I will have to put up with his majesty's grandstanding if Hook succeeds which I hope he does. It will be akin to having Farah stay at Wests and not interfere with a Taylor rise to fame . . . sometimes shit happens is a necessary evil


Now that's what I'm talking about, it's like buying a HiLux, as soon as you do every second vehicle you see is another one. The Ipswich Jets winning the State Championship, which I espouse is a comp superior to Origin as a betterment of the game, seems to have attracted the attention of everybody. Neither here nor there State Cup players appear to be studied more when they've always been under consideration

Sharks signing Cleeland, another 5/8, shows that Flanagan is taking the nurturing route seriously and endeavouring to cover all bases as economically as possible. The Sharks should have an healthy scramble for spots in the spine which is a good thing when injuries come around

A near Brisbane team winning the SCC in conjunction with Fox rumoured to want another such entity in the NRL and Smith who said it wouldn't happen in his tenure which is no longer his tenure . . . hasn't that rustled jimmies in Red Hill. Can see Benny whipping his CEO into action even more now that Ippy players are the flavour of the month

"Bad enough that f**king Bellamy has taken a Qld team to bivouac in Victoria now another of my stashes is under threat" . . . any wonder White is jumping up and down about 'direction' from the NRL


When discussing teams like Ipswich, Perth and the proposed Wellington bid which says it would play half its games in Fiji it has to be remembered that players to fill their rosters don't have to be sourced locally. All too easy for detractors of expansion to dismiss claims for inclusion in the NRL using 'canon fodder' as an argument

There's no reason a Wellington team, or any new inclusion, couldn't be coached by a current supercoach with a spine made up of poached players from anywhere in the comp. All depends how much money these mobs have got to throw around and every day the Cowboys spend trooping around their 'kingdom' adds fuel to the interest fire

If you've got a couple of minutes to spare make up your own scenario. I read somewhere that Fiji once had 4 million bucks to spend on League, couple that with Wellington hiring Bellamy and the players he would attract and bingo . . . a team straight out of the blocks that would have Pied Piper followers and probably beat a third of the teams in the comp

The argument that new teams would spread talent too thin is utter bullshit, the biggest threat to finding talent is the insidious salary cap, restricting players to how much they think they can earn is just the NRL pissing into the wind.

As long as the NRL is determined to persevere with a congested NSW the better chance new teams have of succeeding, what player in his right mind would choose a ratrace over the wide open spaces and fresh air that the Cowboys enjoy . . . just a matter of 'show me the money'.


No reason I can't talk about the team I favour above the rest. Remembering of course that every team that is properly coached and introduces/nurtures/reincarnates as many players as possible is high on my list. Better to talk about the things you'd like to see clubs do rather than participating in traditional blinkered Aussie demonising as a full time occupation

Steve Menzies, second behind Cronin on my best ever player list, says that Munster must be a starter in every game he plays until his use-by date. I hope the bloke is being groomed for 5/8 in the same way Lockyer was with some sort of kicking game next on Bellamy's agenda.

A live wire #6 would give the old guard a new lease of life, Slater would definitely stay screwed together longer if he concentrated on calling defence and had Munster take his place running around like Henery the Chicken Hawk. Green has been a handy replacement for Widdop but is nowhere near as macho as Munster, Smith could certainly do with someone to draw the attention away from him and Cronk would have a new toy to play with

If anyone wants to talk about what they'd like to see their team come up with next season this is the thread to do it in, I'll look forward to riding shotgun against wankers for you


The Board needs to support Taylor and lose Farah. The sooner Gould leaves Panfers the better [always leaves a club in worse shape than he found it] pffff "5 years and I GUS will give Panfers a premiership"? Clearly Using Cleary Sacking as an excuse and the X Bronco's dumbarse as a reason to give it all up!.. Toovey would be the best fit for Warriors! Mark my words you mudda f**kas...


It has been suggested Souths should let Inglis go to make room for Burgess and I agree, the bloke's chicken legs were never suited to carrying a large torso through a wall of forwards on 9 out of 10 runs, complete waste of human resources. He's too far gone to expect other than the occasional burst of brilliance and Sam is needed far more

Having said that I reckon Bellamy would take Greg back for old time's sake, put him in the centres where he belongs and hope for the best, be a shame if another team used him out of position and the once great player faded into anonymity. Shame that the salary cap forces players away from where they're most appreciated and understood


Not that I'm tipping a miracle but it would be great to see Taylor take the Tigers to a substantial result for '16. May as well go the whole hog and imagine that Ballin will regain his usual fitness persona and lead by example, if so he could be a great signing.

The coach needs someone who won't undermine him and has just as big a point to prove. Thing with having a point to prove is everyone needs to be on board, if the bloke in charge of the Titanic had of hit the accelerator instead of the brake he might have driven his way out of trouble instead of skidding into it

The problem I have with the Tigers is believing the hype surrounding the halves, they are going to have to lose the bum fluff and grow some short'n'curlies if Taylor isn't to go down with the ship


Well that's a relief, I thought the under strength Kiwis would still knock off the Poms, the last thing RL needed atm.


I don't get much pleasure in repeating what I said years ago to bellyache, Idris isn't built to play Rugby League, I reckoned then he would suffer from a war of matter over mind. Many people are ostracised because they can't get their body into shape when it's far easier said than done, 50% of League followers would have nfi what it takes to train and play NRL

It's ok when these giant jelly babies, through no fault of their own, are thrust against kids a quarter their size and lauded as the next great footballer, different matter when they have to repeat it against adult players that don't struggle with body fat. Every time I saw most parts of Idris's body wobble through a game I cringed . . . he needs credit for getting this far

And, maybe he's off to see Hayne, there could be a place for him in NFL
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Nothing to do with League but if I'd known how much the lass that won the Melbourne Cup looks like my grand daughter I would have thrown 10 bucks on the horse she rode. On subject, the NZ/ENG replay is on right now and the other 2 tests are televised live for those who don't know


Believe it or not I'd like to see the Titans do this year what the Sharks did last year, with the Sharks going better again of course and with the Warriors in the mix. . . still 3 more fairytales to be told

My problem with the Titans is Henry, no doubt he knows how to coach but not sure he knows how to dominate players that need dominating. Keeping Bird around for instance is not going to send the message to possible recruits like Dylan Walker that f**kwits won't be tolerated

With a strong coach the GC could do as well as any 'novelty' club that plays out of a disinterested area, Cartwright is doing well with Green because the Cowboys know it's their way or the highway, Green won't allow 'good guy' only coaching to interfere. Nothing less than Bennett/Bellamy or a clone of either will have the Titans inspire kiddies at bed time


NZ with no brains on the paddock looked like the Warriors, England matching them for dumbness made an exciting match of it so it wasn't all doom and gloom for RL. The Poms thought Luke was MOM but his best days are behind him imo, the forwards won the game for NZ

Interesting that Fox chose to fill in half time with Retro Robbie, either they have nfi or an axe to grind, any way you look at it Fox is behind the times


Can't wait to find out if Barrett will be the quiet achiever some of us imagine he might be, the bloke seems to be covering as many eventualities as possible in the hope to hit the ground running. No surprise that he thinks Cartwright was a major part of the Cowboys' resurgence, both men have the same demeanor, one that works well if everyone follows instructions

Doesn't appear to be any gremlins in the Manly lineup, key players are home grown and imported main components all have contingencies covering their non performances should they eventuate. Trent is covering his arse with players and assistants in the same way he covered his back by leaving Penrith, nothing worse for a new coach than looking over a shoulder while trying to move forward


This time of year again when I once more climb on the 'salary cap' soapbox, better here rather than clutter up other threads like 'rumoured signings' that are supposed to be one purposeful. Funny that some people think I want one club players to be Disciples of Rugby League when I deplore religion of any kind

Being a f**king sensitive man, who has the whole of Rugby League in mind rather than scurrying around looking for advantages for 'my' team like most on LU, my opinion on one players (OCP) is not demonic as some would like to portray it.

Over the years I've never once said these players should be paid exorbitant sums of money to be retained, all I want is clubs to have some sort of advantage in negotiations to keep them. Only a f**kwit would not understand that Grevsmuhl, who Wiki lists as so far playing for one NRL club, may be forced out of Souths

Any club is entitled to fight tooth and nail for Burgess but Rugby League needs to give Souths a 20% free of the cap head start in negotiations to keep Grevsmuhl. OCP's are a valuable commodity outstretching their talent and as such should be treated with far more esteem. In turn clubs that promote them should be rewarded

I have the advantage of not caring who wins gf's or even The Shield, my main concern is that clubs be allowed to keep what they produce. Even Thurston who is not technically a OCP should be ordained, for lack of a better word, as such because the common sense populace of League deem him so. I see a 20% concession not as an advantage but as an incentive to strengthen the game

Just to add, my opinion is that a OCP is a player that a club makes the effort to promote to the top grade, I don't give a shit which womb he came from
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I f**king loves it, Flanno is becoming a kind of go to man, albeit it is the off season and we're all trying to keep our heads above water, media and masses alike. Great to see the little battler stand his ground, could be his naivety is what has saved him from expulsion, not the Cleary kind of naivety

So, after all the turmoil in the Shire what do we end up with at the end of '15. A coach that can't be denied, players that want to be there, signs of the only type of culture growing that will survive in the NRL and a lot of people including yours truly that want the Sharks to go all the way. Flanno has gone from what the f**k to how good is that

The true test will be if the Sharks can keep Bird who again Wiki lists as a one club player. Here he goes again you say but I say which club deserves to have the bloke play for them. If the Dogs for instance offered him 500k why shouldn't the Sharks be allowed to offer him 600k with a one club player concession and equal salary cap penalty . . . after all, the Sharks are the reason the cap exists


I'm prety shore it's the Broncos man

You're in the wrong thread buts that's to be expected from you . . . yes, the Broncos would probably be the club with the most players that wouldn't want to go anywhere else. Unless you're saying Benny wants Bird


With Souths and NQ out of the way I reckon it's a toss up between most liberal minded RL supporters for who they want to be the next cup winner. I'm sticking with the Sharks but the Warriors winning it would be almost as good imo.

If Maloney was going back across the ditch the Warriors would be favourites for the next fairytale but the bloke's mercenary attitude and exceptional ability at proving a point means he's as close to a messiah as the Sharks will get. A return to Melbourne is the only thing that would trump that move

No one wants Robson to be the brains that the Warriors need more than I and not being overly rapt in Townsend they can't be any worse off than this year. Talk of Pritchard being a Warrior if it turns into reality may help, he's certainly got a better footy brain than anyone in this year's mob but he is only a 40 minute wonder

Maloney will make Flanagan coach of the year in '16 but there's no one I can see so far that will save McFadden from needing Ashley & Martin


Proctor talking about how he'd like to 'give Union a go again' should strike a chord with the NRL hierarchy, if it doesn't they're more out of tune than most of us imagine. Doesn't matter much to me, with one foot in the grave and content to follow most teams Rugby League has my dance card full 'til the end.

Used to be Union players would imagine how they'd go playing League, always got a giggle when Campese said he may find the time when in reality his inability to tackle would have him laughed out of the game. I digress, now it seems with Sonny and Israel pioneering the notion that Union is a world game on the up and League merely a stepping stone . . . well, maybe I'm lucky my time's ticking louder

Even if League changed it's format to a truly national game would it ever be able to keep up with Union, pathetic game that it is imo, when the stars of it can have an easier life, now more money and trotting the globe in the doing. Not going to affect me but if Hayne did make it in NFL the yanks still will refer to him as an ex Rugby player

Maybe Smith saw the writing on the wall, maybe he prefers mainstream to backwater


Well there you go, the tossers who blame coaches and players for wrestling will be truly f**king amazed . . . imagine the Pommie ref not allowing it.

England won on their own wet track as they should, an understrength NZ did better than expected and once again Pommie refs are proven the best, which they shouldn't be