Last week's 4 Corners showed how ICAC stuck it up a group of wannabe mobsters, most with appropriate sounding surnames, who in conjunction with corrupt NSW politicians have been ripping off the public over something as simple as the water we drink. Rugby League is not as compulsory as water but still, f**king sacrilege to manipulate a man's favourite pastime to make a quid
Not like me to harp on something but I'd like to ask Gyngell what is the real reason behind Origin scheduling. Definitely not 'for the good of the game' as he claims, why doesn't he just come out and say it's all about ratings. Doesn't matter to Fox who have multiple channels to broadcast all sorts of shit and don't need Origin to fill the mid winter void.
Too close to the Cricket season to have League finish with a big Origin bang is my guess, the TV Godfather wants to spread all those advertising expenses, warm up the dumb public to Cricket unhindered by League that should be dying a slow death when the supporters of only two minor teams are interested.
Then again maybe he's right, 'for the good of the game' is reflected in the competition table, 4 teams have won 9 games, 3 have won 8, 2 have won 7 and 3 have won 6. In effect there are only 3 teams outside the top 4 when you consider 'for and against' means sfa until there is no other way of resolution.
Take a bow Gyngell, you have done a great job evening out the competition where the top 8 lottery, an in-house joke orchestrated by the media, still encompasses every team. After all who cares since it's mostly meathead blue collar workers who follow the game, the same people that can only afford to drink tap water