Even discussing the idea of people only being allowed to be employed by businesses in their local area is silly.
In this day and age a relevant discussion about employment conditions and player movement in the NRL
would involve the draft, mid season transfers, and trades. Not an outdated idea that was ditched 50 years
I take it that everyone understands my view on preventing boys playing to a 13 year old timetable
restriction is as ludicrous as not allowing players who dared to come to Sydney not being allowed to play
for Qld . . . 1980 saw the end of that fiasco. Something that will never change is that comparing NSW to
Qld is like comparing every day life attitudes east of the mountains in NSW to west of the mountains.
My view has always been that no junior belongs to any team until he first declares his allegiancies at the
top level. Until then if he is an Australian citizen he can play for anyone he chooses. If every good player
only wanted to play for Qld there must be a reason. If NSW made itself as attractive as Qld there would
be no problem. A lot of things can change after 13 but presumably the powers that be think a boy won't
show enough promise before then to influence his parents to move to a different State.
So, any time I mention restricting junior movement can be regarded as piss taking.