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Regarding that sign at last nights game.


Serb Dragon said:
no no..your not understanding me, i apologise if i expressed it wrong. my point is, do we really as dragons fans, need to advertise our pain via placards at a dragons game, it really cant be good for moral if you get my drift. it was not an attempt to defend brown as you perceived it.

Its gone on so long without being resolved im not surprised people are reacting. In fact id go as far as saying that I think in general the supporters have been amazingly patient with Brown and Doust considering they have been in charge as the club has gone from premiership favourites to constant under acheivers.

Given the same type of results, if Brown was coaching in Newcastle he would have been sacked after two seasons, and our executive are some of the more leanient in the comp.

I dont think anyone dislikes Brown, he is a nice bloke and probably doesnt deserve that embaressment, but when you sign up to coach you sign up to one day being removed when it isnt working and to be honest it has never really worked for him there.

Its the lack of executive decision making at StGeorge that i think is the real issue. There were some massive signs that after 2 years as coach Nathan wasnt going to succeed and yet nothing was done other than let yet another bunch of high quality players walk out the door.

big pat

Cooper-Man said:
Gday Serb Dragon, I am that idiot from the canberra game. Just so you know there was 5 negative banners there and all supplied by us. They might not have showed them on the box so here is what they said.

-Oust Doust (the original)
-Time to go Doust
-We Want New Management New Attitude
-Doust and Brown must go Down
-Step down BROWN.

Regardless of peoples thoughts we will keep the pressure on. We are not going to win a Premiership the way things are going in our club, so untill brown goes and Doust pulls his fingers out we will keep it coming. So you will see them at this weeks game V the sharks. Feel free to come and say hi. We are not a bad bunch of blokes.

Also I am the guy who organised the Canberra bus with 48 people on board (two pulled out last minute). We had a guy who is the in the Raiders army come over and thank us for coming to the game, he said though we lost on the field, we out did them in the stands and they loved every bit of it. We think the Canberra trip was a full success regardless of the result on the pitch and are hoping to get TWO buses for the Newcastle away game. I hope I can convince some of you guys to join.

good to see you on here cooper man, about time, hope you enjoy yourself mate, its all good on here.

The Preacher

First Grade
Well done Cooper Man, you get my vote. it's taken a long time for me to go against Browny, but as gough once said, It's Time !!!

Serb Dragon

Gday Pete, mate im glad i got a chance to speak to you (i do commend you on your efforts on getting a full bus down there for the game by the way) but i feel the need to ask you the question, do you feel that the negative campaign your instigating against brown, doust etc is beneficial to the players and the game "on the day".

Dont get me wrong, im proud as hell being a dragon and im even prouder of the army, but is this the way to go? Is it going to make a difference for the better?

Also id like to extend an apology to you for calling you an idiot, ive never met you and im sure your a good bloke, i posted in haste and therefore retract my name calling. I know emotions are running high right now and yes im all for freedom of speech,

I was out of line.



Serb Dragon said:
Gday Pete, mate im glad i got a chance to speak to you (i do commend you on your efforts on getting a full bus down there for the game by the way) but i feel the need to ask you the question, do you feel that the negative campaign your instigating against brown, doust etc is beneficial to the players and the game "on the day".

Dont get me wrong, im proud as hell being a dragon and im even prouder of the army, but is this the way to go? Is it going to make a difference for the better?

Also id like to extend an apology to you for calling you an idiot, ive never met you and im sure your a good bloke, i posted in haste and therefore retract my name calling. I know emotions are running high right now and yes im all for freedom of speech,

I was out of line.


Mate no need for an apology.
But to answer your question. Last season i felt the same as you do now. I didnt want to show the players negativity because up until the souths game i thought we could still make the eight. We could have made a fuss in the off season but no one would have taken notice. So we dont want to waist anytime this season. Im looking towards the future not this season. If anything, the players should see the banner and react in a positive way and start playing better and then put us under pressure to leave the banners at home.

I think its time all of the saints supporters go what they are longing for. A premiership.

A friend and I have a website called ourredv.com, we will post the pics of the game on there shortly. We are trying to grow the dragonarmy again. THere are heaps of new faces and we hope to make something of it in the near future.


Serb Dragon

So tell me, what is the stance your going to take if bennet is appointed coaching director and brown remains coach?
Cooper-Man said:
Gday Serb Dragon, I am that idiot from the canberra game. Just so you know there was 5 negative banners there and all supplied by us. They might not have showed them on the box so here is what they said.

-Oust Doust (the original)
-Time to go Doust
-We Want New Management New Attitude
-Doust and Brown must go Down
-Step down BROWN.

Regardless of peoples thoughts we will keep the pressure on. We are not going to win a Premiership the way things are going in our club, so untill brown goes and Doust pulls his fingers out we will keep it coming. So you will see them at this weeks game V the sharks. Feel free to come and say hi. We are not a bad bunch of blokes.

Also I am the guy who organised the Canberra bus with 48 people on board (two pulled out last minute). We had a guy who is the in the Raiders army come over and thank us for coming to the game, he said though we lost on the field, we out did them in the stands and they loved every bit of it. We think the Canberra trip was a full success regardless of the result on the pitch and are hoping to get TWO buses for the Newcastle away game. I hope I can convince some of you guys to join.

Well in Pete.

I missed Canberra due to a concert but two busses to Drugcastle would be awesome and I'm well up for it, seeing as there's no home games to attend this year.

Southernsaint said:
As for the signs, I reckon at Saints we have the best sign / banner culture in the whole competition. "Wet For Ward", "Piss On Me" & my all time favourite "Saints Big Jokes: Traitor Tallis, Crybaby Brown, Stinking Stevens"
Yes and we can dircetly contrast that with the banner "culture" at The Bulldogs when Anasta was with them.


Take My Braith Way.


But my favourite Anasta banner of all time has to be the "Please Come Home Braith" one made by Souths fans for a home game against Canterbury - the very next week he signed for Easts.:lol:


for starters who's the idiot the fans that dont do anything or the passionate fan that makes a statement wether it be a sign or flyers etc.

The sign was next to cooperman sign so not sure if it was peter or his brother holding it up, good on ya peter if it was you i take my hat off to you bro or whoever it was.PM me if its you i lost my mobile got a new number its john from mac fields.

Steel Dragon

Serb Dragon said:
So tell me, what is the stance your going to take if bennet is appointed coaching director and brown remains coach?

Id still be against it.

My whole problem with Brownie is that he is grossley inexperienced. I dont think you should ever coach blokes you played with.
Not that its a capabity thing - but more a respect thing. I think Brownie is more of the players' mate than a coach.

I feel pretty much the same way about Mary. I loved him as a player - but theres no reason the lunatics should be running the assylum.
The Dragons have a major professionalism problem.
Heads should roll - lets start at the top and work down til something drastic changes out on the field.

PS - If a fan cant show a sign at the game - how will the club recognise the fans' dissatisfaction?


Assistant Moderator
Steel Dragon said:
My whole problem with Brownie is that he is grossley inexperienced.
lol. Well that's an exaggeration waiting to happen.
Steel Dragon said:
I dont think you should ever coach blokes you played with.
That was more the case in the past. How many players in the side are former team mates of Brown?
By my reckoning, only Ryles, Cooper, Gasnier and Hornby are left over from 2000.

Steel Dragon said:
Heads should roll - lets start at the top and work down til something drastic changes out on the field.
I agree.

Steel Dragon said:
PS - If a fan cant show a sign at the game - how will the club recognise the fans' dissatisfaction?
I double agree.


Serb Dragon said:
So tell me, what is the stance your going to take if bennet is appointed coaching director and brown remains coach?

Mate i have been praying that its just a rumour. I am very confused and dont know what to expect. I dont know if we give the guy a chance under bennett or not. At least I have the rest of the season the think about it aye. :lol:

Anyway. i will start a newcastle thread as soon as we organise it. Two buses to newy and maybe two flairs. LOL

In the red V we trust.


MightyRedVee said:
for starters who's the idiot the fans that dont do anything or the passionate fan that makes a statement wether it be a sign or flyers etc.

The sign was next to cooperman sign so not sure if it was peter or his brother holding it up, good on ya peter if it was you i take my hat off to you bro or whoever it was.PM me if its you i lost my mobile got a new number its john from mac fields.

Hey johnny how you going mate. Havent seen you for ages. Ill PM you my number.

Yes its peter. I had all the 5 banners spread accross the group.


Hey people my name is George AKA OUSTDOUST, the idiots that made the banner are myself and cooperman. and trust me more will come and the pressure will only grow stronger.

I know that people have their own opinion about this and let it be.

Im sure many dragons supporters feel the same as us and i hope only a small number disagree with us.

You all know were we will be so please feel free to approach us. I respect that being done rather than being keyboard heros.

To everyone that supports us, thanks, and we will not stop until this once great club is cleaned up and revived. AND hopefully in our life time a trophy in our cabinet which has been empty for nearly 3 decades.

Sad but true, the only way this gets done is by this club going down by losing games. Why does it have to come to that before anything gets done.???

ANSWER: Peter Doust.

I always say that you cannot be coached by a friend. As for the Roosters, (Brad Fitler), the difference is RESPECT.

Thanks for letting me add my 5cents.



First Grade
oustdoust welcome.

Sad that St George and or Illawarra has come to this.

I guess we had our time in the sun, albeit before i was born, and we had to have shadow fall on us again.

Well i say its time to come back.

it must start this weekend against the scum. I'm going to spend friday building the biggest flag i can. COME ON ST GEORGE!


Staff member
The "Ratbag element" were the ones who saved the club last decade. It'll need an effort of the same calibre to get over this latest set-back...

We've seen since 1999 that the people in charge currently dont have the best interests of the club's success at heart...

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