Look, I don’t think that call lost us the game and there is no reason to believe that the raiders, even with 6 more would have scored.
but you guys can’t honestly believe hand on heart a referee changing their ruling in a dead ball spot of knock on vs strip is the same as a referee changing their ruling in live play which resulted in a player believing he had 6 more tackles v last
Of course it changes the mindset and it sucks, but I’m not sure what can be done about it though, whatever rule was in place, would either side be happy with it?
I think the only fair thing is to replay the last play. Even then we would be speculating what could and couldn’t have happened depending on the result after that.
Unfortunately as a fan you have to suck it up, I think raiders have every right to complain about the decision for a while, as the roosters would have, had the raiders scored from a six again set, and if they lost the game.
but living in Canberra, speaking to fans today, was totally different to speaking to them yesterday, the call sucked, but at least it was the right call, they said it would of been worse if it actually was 6 to go and they weren’t allowed to play on.
No words make it better, but a bit of the initial anger is wearing off, and the excitement of the new pommie half taking them one better next year is now more of the talking point.
By this time next week they will be talking about back to back themselves, and bugging me like they were the week of the grand final