Not really, it was at the earlier of 20 years or the repayment of the "investment" whichever comes first.
No, it's an unspecified time after the earlier of those two.
There is no definite date when they have to leave, that's the problem. We now have a proposal with definite dates on the table. News exit the boardroom immediately with the guarantee of Storm funding lasting another five or six years, and first and last expiring on a set date after that. Yes, it's a compromise but it's a delusion to think there won't have to be some sort of deal to bring this situation to a close.
The News leopard won't change its spots just because it's 2018. If we learnt nothing more from Super League, we learnt how much weight News put in contracts and legal agreements. They won't suddenly turn Mr Nice Guy just because a peice of paper suggests they should and they certainly won't leave without getting some final advantage for News out of the exit agreement. They'll happily stretch it out for years in the court room until they get the settlement they want.
All waiting will do is keep News in the game's corridors of power for another six or more years, with much the same horse trade occurring there after. In the meantime, News keep pulling the strings directly for their own benefit, screwing us out of much needed funding for yet another TV cycle and probably the one after that too.