No, it's an unspecified time after the earlier of those two.
There is no definite date when they have to leave, that's the problem. We now have a proposal with definite dates on the table. News exit the boardroom immediately with the guarantee of Storm funding lasting another five or six years, and first and last expiring on a set date after that. Yes, it's a compromise but it's a delusion to think there won't have to be some sort of deal to bring this situation to a close.
The News leopard won't change its spots just because it's 2018. If we learnt nothing more from Super League, we learnt how much weight News put in contracts and legal agreements. They won't suddenly turn Mr Nice Guy just because a peice of paper suggests they should and they certainly won't leave without getting some final advantage for News out of the exit agreement. They'll happily stretch it out for years in the court room until they get the settlement they want.
All waiting will do is keep News in the game's corridors of power for another six or more years, with much the same horse trade occurring there after. In the meantime, News keep pulling the strings directly for their own benefit, screwing us out of much needed funding for yet another TV cycle and probably the one after that too.
Way to change the subject. Can I assume we've now put the "all we have to do is wait for News just walk with no strings in 2018" argument to rest?
News will turn benevolent and start interpreting the exit agreements in our favour. Keep living the dream.
Yes, there are two sides to every agreement but the hardline no compromise stance taken by you and some others here shows that you just don't get that. If you want to play hardball, don't be surprised when News play hardball and stretch this out long past 2018. But if you're willing to swallow your pride and move on past the war then there's a deal on the table that sees them out of the boardroom immediately. They get some benefit for getting out now and we get some benefit by not prolonging the status quo for an unspecified time beyond 2018.There are two sides to an agreement Leigh. It should not all be about what News Ltd wants. But they have been handed it again on a platter.
They have much less influence immediately and definite dates for the complete end of their influence. As opposed to a legally ambiguous open ended period of not just influence, but control of the highest levels of the game.They now have influence for much longer than anticipated.
Anything they want to do, including dealing with the new body or setting up their own rival comp.If what you say is true Leigh, then the clubs should all walk away from the NRL and form their own competition. Then what could News Ltd do?
Why was a four-year term for Gallop a non-negotiable demand from News LTD?
He is obviously 'their man'.
I'm confused, why is the fact that Melbourne will get more money from the NRL then any other club a problem?
If it was up to me, it would of happened from the time they came in and still going as of today.
No other club faces the challenges the Melbourne Storm do in regard to marketability and getting more of a regular support from the local community. I think Melbourne have done a great job in this area but it could be a whole lot better and if giving them more money to do so will help this then lets do it.
If the Melbourne Storm become strong in Melbourne, that means Rugby League becomes strong in Melbourne.
Or are some people to entrenched with hate against the club to see this obvious point?
when the WA Reds come in, i think they too should get more funding then any other club. They are in a different situation then the Storm and perhaps their funding would only last a few years due to it being easier to gain a foothold in WA then in Melbourne but so be it. Rugby League needs these clubs to be strong.
Exactly. News Ltd obviously owed him a favour for getting Super League off the ground.
Proves to me that they're doing whatever they can to sabotage this whole thing. Too many bodies have vested interests in maintaining the status quo. To hell with the good of the game as long as these fat cats keep their cushy jobs
I'm confused, why is the fact that Melbourne will get more money from the NRL then any other club a problem?
If it was up to me, it would of happened from the time they came in and still going as of today.
No other club faces the challenges the Melbourne Storm do in regard to marketability and getting more of a regular support from the local community. I think Melbourne have done a great job in this area but it could be a whole lot better and if giving them more money to do so will help this then lets do it.
If the Melbourne Storm become strong in Melbourne, that means Rugby League becomes strong in Melbourne.
Or are some people to entrenched with hate against the club to see this obvious point?
when the WA Reds come in, i think they too should get more funding then any other club. They are in a different situation then the Storm and perhaps their funding would only last a few years due to it being easier to gain a foothold in WA then in Melbourne but so be it. Rugby League needs these clubs to be strong.
I'd love to see an in-depth doco on Super League to see just how instrumental Gallop was in getting breakaway competition off the ground.