Oooooooh is the so called name calling hurting you precious? It's not name calling sweetheart, I am simply referring to you as what you are.
You challenged me??? Bwahahahahahahahahaha fmd that is piss funny!! :lol: :lol:
I did "put up" as you put it by letting you know that my source of info is in a position to know what goes on in the NRL. As Jack Nicholson says in A Few Good Men, "you can't handle the truth"!!
Do you honestly believe that $ouff$ don't cheat the salary cap at all in any way??
Do you honestly believe that the burge$$ boy$ are naturally that big, with that much stamina without the assistance of performance enhancements??
If you answer yes to both of those questions you seriously are deluded with your head firmly stuck in the sand or up your arse!
You champ are the one who embarrasses himself/herself by admitting that you are a lol@$ouff$ supporter!! ;-)