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Round 1 league viewing in Sydney city pubs- horror story


G'day all

just want to vent my frustration and disgust about my saturday night excursion during round 1 to watch the dogs and Panthers at 7:30pm

Wandered down one of the locals in the city about 7:45pm to find that both it's big screens were playing Union and a few clowns were, or at least appeared to be watching it. I asked the doorman if they had league on anyway and he haplessly replied in a south african accent he didn't know and I could ask at the bar to change the channel. There was no seats and I didn't feel the need to upset the 5 or less tossers that looked to be watching the Union so I figured the next pub 100 metres away would serve me fine and this particular place could lose our business for being Union viewing F@#^wits

Wander into the next pub to find they have union on the big screen, being watched by 2 guys, and 5 little tvs strewn around showing the league on Fox1. Ended up we watched most of the game on one of the smaller screens while the Union wankers watched their farcical rubbish

mid last year I asked a barmaid to change to fox1 because no-one was watching the Yawnion (suprise surprise) and she said " no it's state of origin" I said "what?!" she said yes it's a big game (NSW vs QLD Union). I tried to explain to her that only league has state of origin that matters but she was confused and adamant that the rugby no-one was watching had to stay on

So my questions/ problems to you all are:
* Is Sydney city so pissweak that the worst sport of all will take pride of place on all, or the biggest Tvs in each place?
* Is it possible it was just a round one snafu and the publicans will get their Tvs put on the correct channel next week?
* Is it a conspiracy theory that there tend to be chicks behind the bar at these places and they are incapable of selecting the correct sport
* I'm going to travel to the Uk at the end of this year for a year or two, will I be coming back to a country that puts Union as the pride of place Saturday pub sport? will they even be serving beers?!

down with Sydney city pubs and the clueless metro dickheads that staff them, and down with Union. :x

Not happy


I have great respect for Rugby Union. It is not as good as league but is still a great game. You have no right to rubbish it the way you did.


At the rocks on Saturday they had the union on the big screen and League on the little screen. More people were facing the little screen than the big screen. I actually doubt anyone was watching the union.


I'm renting and won't be putting in fox

I can only hope Union rates so badly on fox2 they'll drop it like FTA did (one can only hope), and then there'd be nothing for the snobby metros to put on but League... How come the remote always ends up in control of people that hate sport!

Worse comes to worse I can spend more time up the central coast or Newcastle way on weekends, they'd have to deliver me 100% league


Choppies said:
At the rocks on Saturday they had the union on the big screen and League on the little screen. More people were facing the little screen than the big screen. I actually doubt anyone was watching the union.

sounds spot on

mate I'm hopeing it was just first round failure of the publicans to pick up on league being back

Super saturday rates the ass out of anything else on pay tv. If you ran a bar you'd be stupid to put anything else on.

I'll continue to walk in, and straight back out of anywhere foolish enough not to give me league


ngunity said:
sounds spot on

mate I'm hopeing it was just first round failure of the publicans to pick up on league being back

Super saturday rates the ass out of anything else on pay tv. If you ran a bar you'd be stupid to put anything else on.

I'll continue to walk in, and straight back out of anywhere foolish enough not to give me league

If I ran a pub it would be League only. No Yawnion will EVER be on. Any tossers in union gear will not be let in, wear League gear get discount drinks. f**k no one watches the union anyway from my experience in pubs.


Post Whore
Doesn't worry me, I'd wach either one really. It just depends on the size of the pub. But not to worry when you have Foxtel Digital at home!

El Diablo

Post Whore
if they refuse to put league on the big screen, ask for a glass of water and watch the small screen

nobody should buy a drink at a pub that shows that crap


I had a similar experience at a pub in Crowes Nest last year. There were a few tossers sitting around watching the union which was showing on every screen. Couldn't find league on any TV. Also last year I was at The Epping Club for a wedding and we were hanging out downstairs having a few cold ones, and they were showing union on the big screen with the league pushed over to one of the smaller screens - audio was only playing for the union.
It's not just confined to the city pubs. Given that I have Foxtel, I usually watch it at home, but if I feel like going out to watch it (tap beer is so much better), I'll just walk up to Wyong Leagues because I'm guaranteed they'll play the real game up there (and I have the added benefit of being able to stagger home).

The Preacher

First Grade
CycloneSteve said:
I have great respect for Rugby Union. It is not as good as league but is still a great game. You have no right to rubbish it the way you did.

Your a disgrace to " those of the cloth". YOU HEATHEN !!!:evil:
BigPond stream every NRL game as far as I'm aware. If you have ADSL/Cable that's a better (cheaper) alternative to Fox or rugby bias pubs.


I was at Wests Ashfield last year one saturday night. They refused to put on the AFL for a bloke that wanted to watch it. The dude behind the bar was going - "sorry mate, I've never heard of afl"!

That is a leagues club for ya!


I'm going to travel to the Uk at the end of this year for a year or two, will I be coming back to a country that puts Union as the pride of place Saturday pub sport? will they even be serving beers?!

You're going to a country that puts union well above league you idiot.


braz said:
I was at Wests Ashfield last year one saturday night. They refused to put on the AFL for a bloke that wanted to watch it. The dude behind the bar was going - "sorry mate, I've never heard of afl"!

That is a leagues club for ya!


As far as I understand, it is in the charter of leagues clubs that the screening of league takes precedence over all other sports - I was told this by staff at Wenty last year.

Good to know if you're ever struggling to find a venue to watch a game - head to your nearest venue and tell them, "It's the LAW!" :lol:



First Grade
well its quite common that City pubs will play union over league! its more popular with the crowd, as backpackers etc know the game
Thats why I love living in the St George area, residents would burn down any pub or club that puts Yawnion on before League.

Still though nothing beats mates around at someones place getting on the sauce with supersaturday.

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