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Round 1 tickets


First Grade
So if we gave the Sharks supporter group 500 $65 tickets, you would be ok with that?

What's the bloody difference.

Unless you care about actual member numbers (the money taken is more important than clubs playing games with their numbers)
I smell an aussie rules supporter. Maybe down there they become members of other clubs just for one game
Where's the infraction committee when you need them


It will be a very ordinary atmosphere at the ground with only 1 sides supporters. Very arrogant move by West Tigers.

Special K

I am with Newman personally I couldn't give a shit about the cost it is the fact they are trying to make me become a member of their shitty club. I don't want to be spammed/sent pointless shit for a club I do not care about. I am going to be in sydney for the weekend for the UFC and want to see Carney vs Benji, Gallen vs Ellis - the sharks vs the tigers.

I like the tigers but this is geniused for a professional club in 2012. It is very short sighted to try and milk an extra few dollars out of the loyal few and turn away droves of fans.


First Grade
I smell an aussie rules supporter. Maybe down there they become members of other clubs just for one game
Where's the infraction committee when you need them

They sell 3 game ones. Great idea. Locks peoPle into spending the cash whether they attend or not.

I'm supposed to not give credit to the club for bumping the price of what is essentially a GA ticket?

Most on here have stated the price isn't the issue, the fact it's deemed as a membership is the issue. Who cares? $65 tickets sold to the Sharks supporter group still = the revenue coming back to the Tigers.

You have the chance to attend.
They sell 3 game ones. Great idea. Locks peoPle into spending the cash whether they attend or not.

I'm supposed to not give credit to the club for bumping the price of what is essentially a GA ticket?

Most on here have stated the price isn't the issue, the fact it's deemed as a membership is the issue. Who cares? $65 tickets sold to the Sharks supporter group still = the revenue coming back to the Tigers.

You have the chance to attend.

Believe it or not, Rugby League is still a working class game. Let's put some perspective on an average family ticket, 2x adults, 2x children, $260 to stand on the Leichardt hill?

I personally would pay the $65 to watch, but I refuse to be scammed into becoming a member of another club.


Believe it or not, Rugby League is still a working class game. Let's put some perspective on an average family ticket, 2x adults, 2x children, $260 to stand on the Leichardt hill?

I personally would pay the $65 to watch, but I refuse to be scammed into becoming a member of another club.

Which these tigers nubs can't get through their skulls.


First Grade
Your choice not to attend then, not the club stopping you.

As for it being a working class game, yeah I'm sure all those people living in the million dollar properties in the shire are working class :)

Game and the clubs need to continue to increase their revenue base. This is good business from the Tigers. Simple as that guys.

Buy the pass.
Did I say it smelt before? Well it positively reeks now. Too much melbourne is never a good thing for ones soul.
Obviously no idea about the game and it's supporters.


First Grade
Believe it or not, Rugby League is still a working class game. Let's put some perspective on an average family ticket, 2x adults, 2x children, $260 to stand on the Leichardt hill?

I personally would pay the $65 to watch, but I refuse to be scammed into becoming a member of another club.

So would I, because its just me (and I wouldnt be real happy about paying that for the hill at Leichhardt). But if I had to take someone with me (wife, kid, girlfriend, whatever) there is no-way I would go. No way in the world. And I reckon many tigers supporters who are non members but wanted to attend the game would feel exactly the same way. This could blow up their faces.


Special K

I'm supposed to not give credit to the club for bumping the price of what is essentially a GA ticket?
Well when you put it like that :lol:

How about if they sell beers for $12 and hot dogs for $20. People like to drink and eat and you've locked them into the ground for 80 minutes



They should reserve 1000 general admission tickets for Sharks members for the game.
Those not sold by Thursday before the match go on sale to the general public


Your choice not to attend then, not the club stopping you.

As for it being a working class game, yeah I'm sure all those people living in the million dollar properties in the shire are working class :)

Game and the clubs need to continue to increase their revenue base. This is good business from the Tigers. Simple as that guys.

Buy the pass.

Put the shoe on the other foot.

Would you buy a 1 game membership pass just to ensure you could get a ticket at a sharks game? Irrespective of the cost?

I highly doubt you would....Nor would most supporters of competing clubs. It goes to the very root that is the tribalism in the NRL.

If i want a ticket to the game, why the hell would i want all the tigers merchandise that goes along with it? What use would i have for that.



First Grade
Your choice not to attend then, not the club stopping you. Um, it is actually. Not a tigers member? Cant go.

As for it being a working class game, yeah I'm sure all those people living in the million dollar properties in the shire are working class :). The median house price in Sydney is 600k. a million dollar house isnt far above average. ask coupe.

Game and the clubs need to continue to increase their revenue base. This is good business from the Tigers. Simple as that guys. Not at the expense of average, hard working supporters. Charging $65 to stand on the hill with Leichhardts basic facilities is cynical and plenty of tigers supporters arent happy about it. They could increase their revenue by sticking up banks too or engaging in email scams, why dont they do that?

Buy the pass. Go f**k yourself, I WILL NOT BECOME A MEMBER OF YOUR CLUB.


First Grade

Thanks newms, I was trying to be polite but your effort is more in line to how this person should be spoken to.
And yes, The GBH is on!