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Round 12 v Bulldogs


Another inspiring half time speech by the super coach! We only conceded 38 unanswered points in a half, tell me again how we're not beating ourselves, Flanno?

Other sides in the competition are resilient enough to perform respectably even against poor refereeing and injuries, there is no excuse for this inept performance.

Flanagan has a lot to answer for and isn't the answer as our coach.
Where you been Hornby? Must have killed you having to sit through a win and a bye without a loss. I could feel you death riding us in the second half. Well, away you go, tell us another 40 million times how bad Flanno is. We play Panthers next, so you'll probably get to tell us again next week.


Flanno some how managed to make our side better but also way worse in defense. This team gives up at any adversity. We weren't getting smashed by 40 points in our losses last year and its a regular occurance this year. Some fingers needed to be pointed at Dean Young since he defensive coach. Cowboys defense was terrible under him as well.


Awful, disgusting and inept, we go 10 pts down and we shit ourselves, Sexton smoked Hunt, again, and why put Eisenhuth there , he was a turnstile. I dont think I can handle anymore of these floggings, FFS change is needed and needed now !!!
Eisunhuth is not to blame. Flanno should have put Lomax to centre, Liddle at wing and Brown to Hooker. Flanno got that wrong, Eisunhuth is a very good defender, but not in the centres against one of the quickest backline in the NRL. The Roosters are very quick and Eisunhuth isn't quick enough to defend well when he is getting burnt for speed.

Blood Shot Eyes

First Grade
Awful, disgusting and inept, we go 10 pts down and we shit ourselves, Sexton smoked Hunt, again, and why put Eisenhuth there , he was a turnstile. I dont think I can handle anymore of these floggings, FFS change is needed and needed now !!!
Tbh it's pretty piss weak with the structure of our team when a centre goes off injured and we end up with Eisenhuth and Flanno Jr defended that area..it was just a Bulldogs buffet...help yourself


the worst part is flanno will pick the same team next week and the week after that… time to shake up the roster tonight’s disgusting performance clearly shows there’s players in the team that are not first grade material
Flanno will have to make 2 changes surely? Bird hasn't broken his ankle fortunately, but it is a bad sprain and will probably be out for a few weeks. Sele is probably out for a while as well (again). Give T Couchman a go, but it will probably be BMM, and maybe Zac to centre and Tamale (or is that Finau) on the wing.

Gourley's Socks

I thought Sloan went alright actually. Made the percentage plays to defuse a couple of kicks - clearly showing he'd taken a lesson from the last round.

The officiating, on the other hand, was just atrocious. Countless, almost wilfully-bad calls. Between that and the injuries, the game was over.

We're not a gun team and should have been up by considerably more than six at HT. But the disappointing thing for me is that we're also not a scrappy, grind-it-out team either. There was a lot stacked against the boys tonight but we have all seen this so many times where they just go to water at any adversity.

But when the captain has a permanent Charlie Brown sad-sack look on his face (and a kicking game as equally effective as Charlie's), it should be little surprise. I won’t forget that this was the bloke who showed such tenacity and fortitude as to threaten to leave whilst away from the squad just because his hopelessly ineffectual mate rightfully got the boot.

So I'd happily take some losses being outclassed as we blood youngsters who might have a bit of grit about them. And the first to go should be that weak-as-piss captain.


Take the 4 dodgy tries off them they still win.
I thought the Roosters game was disappointing this is much worse.

Rava is playing like Sivo
Apart from JDB our forwards were smashed.

We have no resilience.
It's not about the 4 dodgy tries, itsythe momentum that those four dodgy calls gives them. I have rarely seen a game where one team had over 70% possession for a whole half

I'm Hornby

Where you been Hornby? Must have killed you having to sit through a win and a bye without a loss. I could feel you death riding us in the second half. Well, away you go, tell us another 40 million times how bad Flanno is. We play Panthers next, so you'll probably get to tell us again next week.
Thanks mate, glad you missed me.

Hopefully it won't be long until we chalk up that illusive sixth win which was your flag stick for a successful year for us.


Didn't Eisenhuth go to centre on Anzac day
Yep that worked well let's do it again and why did we only use 6 interchanges
its hard to cover a centre, despite having Lomax out there, but Eisenhuth sure isn’t a solution in a crisis like Prior used to be, we’ve been smashed in both games where we lost a centre in the first half. It’s not smart to not have something better up your sleeve after what Anzac Day exposed….
I'd like to make a few points about tonight.
May as well get the lousy reffing out of the way to start-i think we got 1 6 again,yet 1st half the Bulldogs got quite a few-they're as good as penalties. The forward passes and offside etc just unbelievable. But that didn't loose us the game, but it didnt help either.I'm so sick of us always getting the rough calls
I really think Flanno has it wrong playing Bird instead of benching him-we need an all-round player on the bench. This is twice now we've lost a center and got slammed. To me this is a bad coaching error.
Eisenhuth just cant tackle-we've seen it two weeks where he's been put to center spot. I don't blame him having to go there but both times his defensive record is appalling-all arm grabs and that's it. To me he's useless if he cant tackle.
Lomax doing a stupid thing at the end of the game when everyone is tired and getting sent to the bin is unforgivable.
DeBelin does great things and then bad things-his ball loss gave them another try. And then the strip to give away another penalty. We have to be better than this-its just unprofessional and embarrassing.
Ravalawa is just out of position way too many times-surely this has been noticed and worked on (to no avail). Again embarrassing
Sloan has really improved and deserves his spot.
Once again Hunt is out shone by the opposition. His kicking is rushed and definitely non threatening. God i hope we swap him at seasons end-week in week out he's outplayed.
I cant believe how it seems every week luck goers against us.The bounce of the ball went perfectly for the Bulldogs the same as it did for the Rorters on Anzac Day. Surely our luck has to change eventually.
Tonight was hard to watch as we went to another almighty loss again.Its so hard to watch us just fall apart every second match and im sure no-one knows how to fix it.
I'll watch some junior rugby league over the weekend and watch kids who all want to play for all the match.At least that cheers me up


It’s not really surprising when we are playing Lawrie and Luciano for long minutes, both very unfit and can’t tackle. Lawrie shouldn’t be playing first grade again. Luciano plays for short minutes at prop. We need a young energiser bunny second rower who can tackle all day.

Also our halves, another inept kicking display. When your forwards are blowing, you kick long and low into the corners. You look for touch to wrestle some momentum back from the opposition. Burton was doing it in the first half when we were dominating them, it kept the dogs in the game.