After last week's performance perfect opportunity for Young to make changes give the youth a go.But NO lets keep the Mary years going no changes no thought process at all.If the board can't see this is more of the same crap that we have had to watch for the last 6 years,then we are in for many more years of this.
It just beggars belief that at the third opportunity, the Young gun has not tried something different. Merrin is no loss and Fui keeps dropping balls at crucial times. Frizell and Aitken leaving and are not match winners and should not be in the team. Norman getting paid to let the others do the work and so on and so on.
What is Deano afraid of? Even if they lose but had several changes to the make up of the team, at least everyone would have first hand knowledge as to the new players' potential etc and we would be thinking that Deano is doing something dissimilar to Mary. Where is the use of juniors coming into the scheme of things or have they forgotten the criteria that they have promulgate?
It seems that every week we wait with bated breath to find out who will be in the team and when the list is published there is this feeling of utter anguish and disappointment - nigh on 8 years same-same. No need for it now Dean - just let all of the guys in the squad take turns in the remaining games like trial matches. YOU DON"T HAVE ANYTHING TO LOSE!!