Mate if he could hit that pass 99% of the time he'd be an immortal of the game already. He was trying to hit the winger (35m away) not his nearest man. Regardless of the execution, to even think that's the play at that stage of the game, after 2 mins before you'd rolled a perfect kick into the in goal, is just mind boggling. To me, it looked like a player looking for the big individual highlight play (which he tries at least once or twice a game) rather than a player playing for the good of the team & i think he deserves a ton of criticism. He seems to be a protected species on here.
How the f**k would you know who he was trying to hit? Nobody knows
That pass could have easily been meant for CHN. The distance was right for it to hit CHN, it was just a couple metres infront of him.
It was either a terribly executed pass to CHN, or a terrible decision to try hitting Whare. No one knows what his intentions were other than Moylan. Or another possible option is he didn't think about our numbers on the right without DWZ being there, and he threw a pass to where he thought Whare would be without actually looking at the situation.
You can clearly see in replays that it slips as he is throwing it, not that it really strengthens the arguement for who he was aiming for either way. But I think it's far more likely he was aiming for CHN or thinking Whare was at centre then him trying to hit the winger on the full. If he wanted the winger to get the ball I think he would have gone for a kick. But again... nobody knows exactly what his intentions were unless he tells us.
He has copped as much shit as anyone, especially when he was at fullback. He is hardly a protected species... infact I don't think one player in our team has escaped being called out for his mistakes this year. Players makes mistakes, people bring it up. What the f**k more do you expect? You want everyone to call for him to be dropped because of a bad pass despite clearly being our best option at 6? If he does that shit every week people will call for him to be dropped. No way you put him to fullback though, it's 6 or not in the team. Edwards has proven he is a far better fullback than Moylan.
And claiming he is going for individual highlights is a load of shit too. He sees something that he thinks is on, he goes for the play and more often then not it works out. That's his job in this team. It's not often that he goes for a play that is never on, and when he does he cops it. Just like Bryce Cartwright does when he throws intercepts, and just like Mansour has for being outleapt so easily. No player is above criticism in our team, but when a player has 20 times as many good plays to his errors ofcourse he will cop less shit then a player who is the opposite of that.
Isaah Yeo has probably copped the least criticism on here, but he still had people calling him out on his errors last week. But one terrible game in a season isn't the end of the world.