Captain's Knock:
No victory can be considered a given, regardless of a 4 v 5 contest. I've seen a team of 2 defeat a team of 4 in the past, so I'm definitely pleased to claim the 3 points in this one.
To the Roosters, well done on such quality articles, and keep your chins up. The season is long, and there is plenty of time to make amends. :thumn
To the referee, thanks for fighting through illness to mark our articles. Last time it was too much chocolate, and this time it was health you were lacking. Talk about going the extra mile!
As for my piece...the earliest forms of football date back to
ancient Greece, (hence the use of the name Socrates), and Roberts was just an English surname that gave enabled me to be a bit less vague, so that I could say Soc-R (soccer). The other footballs covered were Gaelic football, rugby union (complete with the Japanese influence on our 13 man game), and Aussie rules. The street numbers were the years each code was established under official rules. There were also references to the NRL expansion, (the core of the piece), and the NRL being in bed with the ARL. Heh. (Can you tell that I was paranoid that it was too vague?

To the Warriors, that puts us at 3 from 3, and top of the table heading into the ANZAC test! Well done, and congrats to Bandido for his POTM! Jump into the ice bath and rest easy before the Panthers attempt to maul us in Round 4! :shock: